Chapter 15 - Obviously I was wrong.

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I sat up and stared at my phone. 

I didn't want to annoy Finn but I really wanted to find out what he was going to say. I reached over and picked up my phone, clicking on facebook instead of messages. I scrolled through my news feed and saw a 5 seconds of summer link. I scrolled back up to the link to see who had posted it and it was Finn. 

I clicked on the link anyway and listened to it as I kept on reading. 

You call me up,

It's like a broken record

Saying that your heart hurts

That you never get over him getting over you,

And you end up crying

And I end up lying,

'Cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do,

And when the phone call finally ends,

You say, "Thanks for being a friend,"

And we're going in circles again and again

'Finn Harries:

"5 seconds of Summer - Heartbreak Girl"

This couldn't be more relevant right now.   Feeling - unloved and depressed'

What the hell was that about. Maybe he meant the girl that he was talking about the day we talked and he said that there was "this girl".  I decided to phone him and ask him if he was okay, and then try to hint about the story he was going to tell me. I clicked onto my contacts and then "Finn Harries". 

"Hey Amelia, whats up?"

"Hey! I was just looking through facebook and I saw your post. You're feeling unloved and depressed? That doesn't sound can talk to me you know." 

"Oh it's just. I dunno, only recently i've really started to like her."

"Oh, poor Finny, I knew it was about a girl. Could you tell me who it is by any chance?"

"Sorry, it's just that she's your friend, you know her well and I wouldn't want to make it awkward."

"What are you talking about. You know that you and Jack are my only proper friends."

"Yeah. I know."

"Com'on plleeeassee tell me who it is." 

"She has a boyfriend, well they're not serious, but I see it in her eyes that she really loves him, and he loves her.....But i'm head over heels for her."

"If she has a boyfriend then....I don't know if you should go there Finn." 

"I know but...I don't know what to do."

"I'm sorry Finn I can't help you."

"But you can. Just tell me it's impossible, break my heart now and get it over and done with."

"I think you'll have to find that out from her."

"Exactly. Tell me you don't love me."

"Finn what. I-I don't understand."

"Yes you do. I love you Amelia."

"Stop being stupid Finn." I know I sounded horrible but I had no idea what was happening. Finn was Jack's brother. He couldn't 'love' me. 

"I do." 

At this point I was seriously angry. I don't know why but how could Finn do this to me. He knew I was with Jack and he was telling me that he loved me. 

"FINN YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT."   I screamed, stopping the phone call and throwing my phone at the wall. 


I woke up to the sound of my sister knocking on my door.  "Amelia,"

"Hey Clara, what time is it?"

"It's 7:15...hey have you been crying?" She said sitting on the edge of my bed. I quickly wiped my eyes then looked back at her.

"No. Erm not at all, i'm just tired, and I really have to get ready for school or i'm going to be late."

"No way, you look pale and after yesterday you are definitely not going back to school, sorry honey" 

"But I don't want to miss..." I thought about how much school I was going to miss, but then I thought of how I would have to see Finn and how awkward it would be. 

"Good, you've realised you need a rest...and do you know Finn's number by any chance." Oh no. She wanted his number. She still liked Finn, and last night he phoned me up and said that he loved me, how could I tell her that. I had to lie. But it was for her own good.

"Sorry Clara, I don't have his number. But I don't think he's nice anyway, I know we're friends but lately he's started to be really rude and I don't want you to be with anyone like that. You deserve so much better." I saw the light disappear from her eyes as I said it but she leaned in for a hug anyway.

"Aww, Amelia you're such a sweetheart. But if he is rude to you again you tell me because seriously I will be extremely angry and you know I will." 

"Don't worry Clara. It's cool." 

"As long as you're sure, i'll see you in a bit, i'll be downstairs." 

I was in serious trouble. Finn was out of order, he had acted as if he liked my sister, so much so that she had begun to like him too. Then he doesn't even pretend to care about her and then phones his brothers girlfriend up and pretends he just wants a talk and then tells me he loves me. What an absolute idiot. 

The worst thing was I honestly didn't like him, and I was completely shocked. I thought he liked Clara, it seemed so genuine, and when we were talking a while ago he had said we were just friends. I thought I had made that pretty clear. Maybe he was playing a prank on me. As difficult as it was I texted him. "Were you being serious about what you said yesterday?"   

He replied in a matter of seconds. "Of course."

Oh crap. 

I had to make a decision. I was going to pretend it didn't happen, and have to deal with thhe awkwardness between us. Or I had to completely cut him out, that sounds pointless but if I continued to be in a relationship with Jack I would see Finn all the time and it would be horrible. If I didn't want that I had to COMPLETELY forget about him. That means not talking to him, never going to stupid family business meetings of my father, and breaking any contact with Jack. But was that fair on Jack? How can I make that decision when I don't even know what's going on.


It was about 4 o'clock, the school day was over, not that it mattered. I heard a knock on the door and my sister's footsteps as she ran up to open it. I was too far away to hear what they were saying and then my sister called out from downstairs.

"Amelia! Jack and Finn are here to see you!" 


Hey guys, i've been really bad at updating recently, so how about monday being my new updating day?

Also, please leave feedback on the new chapter, I thought it was quite dramatic myself but you know.  

One more thing, I have been reading some of my old chapters and I have made some really STUPID mistakes, so sorry if I do, I should eventually read over it and correct them, but if I haven't, let me know, and I'll try to do so as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading gorgeous! :*


Three words, Two hearts, One promise -A Jacksgap fan fiction (Jacksgap fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now