Chapter 11 - Oh so I wasn't dreaming?

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***Amelia's POV***

I opened my eyes and saw the hospital ceiling, which as you may know, just screams "oh what a wonderful morning" (note the sarcasm). I heard voices beside me and looked to see Jack and Finn. Jack was asleep with his head in his hands and Finn smiled at me as I woke up, patting Jack on the shoulder to wake him up.  "Jack, Jack, wake up" Finn said trying to wake up his sleeping brother. Jack lifted his head.


A/N Pleassee don't kill mee, but I went straight out from school today, so didn't even have a chance to get home, and then by the time I did it was really late. I don't feel like I know where i'm going with this yet, so I might update tomorrow when I have more of an idea of what i'm going to write. I also want to start writing longer chapters and of better quality, so tomorrow I will be more awake and have more time to do that. Thanks for reading so far though! :)




"Amelia! Are you okay?" Jack said letting go of my hand to stroke my hair out of my face. Finn smiled at me.

"Yeah, i'm fine. I'm just tired"

"Well thats funny cause you've had a really long nap just now."

"Oh shut up. Leave me alone Finny!" 

We all laughed but Jack looked really preoccupied. I accidentally looked directly at the light and shut my eyes quickly. Ow that really hurt. I thought to myself.  I looked back at Jack and Finn to  tell them they should go home but I stopped when I saw Jack gulping and looking at the floor. "Jack - what's wrong?"    

  "Nothing Amelia. I just. I'm tired."

"Jack, Finn. Go home, i'll be fine don't worry. I just need some sleep, and so do you, go home and rest." 

"Okay, as long as you're sure. Come on Jack, let's go." 

"You go first Finn, i'm just going to talk to her a bit before I leave." Jack told Finn, with a serious look on his face, Finn nodded at both of us and waved, then walked towards the door just turning back to say "Bye Amelia, hope you feel better, call me if you need anything."

  "Bye Finn" I replied then turned to look at Jack.

"Amelia....what happened to you?" 

"Nothing...that bad, but I was walking down the alleyway and I saw a man following me.  I thought.  I hid behind a tree, that was when I called you. He put his hand in his pocket, and pulled out a.....knife. I thought he was walking to me, I don't know if he was but...I screamed. It was stupid of me I know but I didn't know what to do. Then he came over to me, and punched me, causing me to fall on the floor and cut my head. This sounds ridiculous but i'm not crazy. He held the knife up to me but then he took it back and left. I don't know why. Maybe it was a bad dream and i'm getting confused but I remember it quite clearly, well up until I blacked out." By then I was shaking slightly, I had forgotten all about it until Jack asked me, then  it all came back, and I remembered it much too well.

"He what?! What did he look like? How could he do that? If I find him...." 

"Jack, leave it. I'll try and remember but my brain really isn't working right now, that's all I remember, it could've been anyone." 

"Okay fine. But there's one more thing. When you weren't awake yet, I thought I heard you speaking. But you weren't speaking, and Finn said he didn't hear a thing. I'm really scared that i'm going crazy."

"You...that actually happened."

"What do you mean Amelia Rose?"

"Jack, I heard you, but I thought I was dreaming. You're not joking are you?"

"No, I promise i'm not" he grabbed a piece of paper from the side of my bed and ripped it in half, grabbing two pens and giving me one. "How about we both write down the things we said, and if they match then we know we're telling the truth"    I nodded then he started scribbling something down on his paper and so did I. After I had finished I looked at him and he nodded, then we handed each other the pieces of paper, and both were as shocked as each other.

"Jack, that's crazy, were you looking at my piece of paper?"

"No Amelia Rose! I promise, and you're right that definitely is crazy, so what does this mean, i'm really confused right now."  

"I don't know what it means Jack, and i'm confused too. "

You can go now Jack, I just need some rest I thought. 

"Amelia Rose! It's real! I heard that!" I smiled. That was crazy. And a real plot twist. Who else can say they can communicate telepathically? Not many people.  

"Seriously Jack though, go home. I'll be fine once I get some sleep. " 

Jack leaned over and kissed my forehead. "As long as you're okay Amelia Rose. Call me if you need me. Your family told me they should be here anytime soon. Oh and my mum came and brought you these" He said pointing to the beautiful flowers beside my bed. 

"Tell her I said thankyou so much, they're beautiful. Tell them all I said hi. Bye Jack, thankyou so much for staying here, and Finn."

"It's okay Amelia Rose anything for you" He smiled one last time at me and then walked out of the door.

About five minutes later, my parents rushed into the room. "Amelia! I'm so sorry we couldn't come earlier! Your siblings want to know if they should come and visit you." 

"Don't worry mum, i'm fine and they don't have to come to see me, i'll probably be out by tonight, I didn't get badly hurt, they just wanted to keep me here because it was my head that got hit." 

"Well as long as you're sure, and we saw Jack on the way in. As much as he didn't want to we made him tell us what happened to you. He wanted to let you tell us though, it's just that we were so worried about you. I'm sorry honey. I hope you're feeling better, Jack's reported the situation to the police so if they hear anything else they can try their best to do something about it." 

"Okay, although I doubt they'll be able to do anything since they have no idea what he looks like."

"Well, we never know, we should always give them a chance."

"Yeah...sorry i'm really tired"

My mum and dad told me not to worry, as I drifted off to sleep. "Don't worry you sleep as long as you like." 

Goodnight Amelia Rose 

Goodnight Jack.

Three words, Two hearts, One promise -A Jacksgap fan fiction (Jacksgap fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now