Chapter 16 - We have visitors

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Why did they have to be here now, how did Finn even think that he could come here after that? 

He said we were just friends...what was he thinking. I heard my sister's footsteps run up the stairs and quickly hid in the covers and pretended to sleep. A few seconds later my door opened slowly and my sister peeked her head round the corner. 

"Hey Amelia, Jack and Finn are here"

I didn't answer and she walked further into the room.

"I'm not stupid, and you're not asleep, why don't you want to see them? Is it because of Finn?" - I nodded - "well, i'll tell them that you're tired and only want to see one person."  I sat up and shook my head.

"No, don't worry. Tell them to see me seperately, but I can't just see Jack and not Finn, I have to talk to him anyway."    I told my sister, I had only told her that Finn was being rude to me, and hadn't told her about the real conversation.   My sister nodded in agreement and then walked out to tell them.


***Clara's POV***

I walked down the stairs and smiled at Jack and Finn.  "Erm...sorry guys, Amelia's not feeling too great. She'd prefer to see you each individually if you don't mind."   

"She's okay though isn't she?" Jack asked quickly

"Of course she is, you can go see her now"   

Jack nodded at both me and Finn then went up the stairs in the direction that I pointed him to.  After Jack had left I smiled at Finn, he looked tired, really tired. His eyes were red as if he'd been crying.  "Are you okay Finn? You look tired." 

"I am." He said abruptly and looked at his feet.

"Do you want tea? coffee?" 

"No thanks. Has Amelia talked to you recently?"


"I phoned her yesterday"

"oh. w-what happened?"   

"I told her. I told her about everything. Recently i've realised that everytime I see Jack look at her it makes me makes me jealous everytime they look at each other, and everytime she looks at him I wish it was me." 

I was confused, the first time I met Finn he made it seem as if he liked me. Now he was telling me that he liked my sister? I wasn't distraught, since I liked him but not that much, but I felt extremly sorry for Amelia, what was she meant to do. Jack loves her and she loves him yet his brother phoned her up and told her that he loves him. That is confusing.  

"what did she say Finn?"

"she told me I was stupid." 

Although this wasn't a humourous situation, I couldn't help but find that funny. It was so Amelia.  "Well, I think i'm gonna go check on her, and you can understand if she doesn't want to see you right? it might be slightly awkward." 

"of course." 

I walked up the stairs and knocked on Amelia's door. 

"Come in" said Jack's voice.

I walked in to see Amelia crying and Jack with his arm around her shoulders. 

"Sorry Jack, do you want me to leave and let you two talk?" 

"No, don't worry. But tell Finn that he better leave. If I see him i'll kill him."

what a good situation.

I walked downstairs and told Finn that Jack found out and wasn't too happy, so he decided to go home.


***Amelia's POV***

I told Jack everything. I don't know why and I felt bad after because I didn't want to ruin their sibling relationship but he could tell something was wrong. Clara told Finn that Jack was angry and so he went home but Jack stayed.

We went into the living room and were watching a film. 

"Finn didn't tell me"

"He probably knew you'd get angry" 

"The thing is Amelia, what if you'd have told him that you loved him, would he have just been happy with that and let us break up for him?"

"I don't know Jack. But that's not important. The important thing is that I don't love him, I wouldn't say I love you if I love him." 

"Good, because I wouldn't be able to live if that happened. I love you." 

"I love you too." 


Sorry it's a short and rubbish chapter but I didn't really know what to write, it's just that I hadn't updated in two weeks, I will try and update soon but it's christmas and I want to spend time with family. Which means I have to SOCIALISE. (yuck).  I haven't done that in a while. Haha! 

In all seriousness though, it will be a while till I update part 2 of this chapter, so while i'm gone I hope you all have a delightful christmas, or just a break if you don't celebrate it! :) 

Thanks for reading, 

Amelia <3 xx

Three words, Two hearts, One promise -A Jacksgap fan fiction (Jacksgap fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now