Chapter 19 - It's not just us

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I woke up to see Jack's eyes on me. I pulled the cover over my head and giggled.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned him, immediately thinking of Hazel Grace as I did. 

"Because you're beautiful. I enjoy loooking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence"

My jaw dropped and I looked at him dumbfounded. I pulled the blanket down so just my eyes were uncovered and looked at him, my eyebrows raised.

"Jackson Frayn Harries, did you just quote The Fault In Our Stars? Did you actually just quote John Green - one of the most superlative authors of all time?"

"I may have" he replied, smirking at me. 

"Jack I think I love you ten times more than I already did..." 

Jack leaned over and kissed my forehead and I smiled up at me as he leaned his forehead against my own. 

Suddenly we heard a knock at the door and Jack sat up quickly. He threw the pillow onto the mattress that he had put on the floor the night before.

He rolled off the bed, onto the mattress, and shouted "Come in!" as I tried to repress my laughter.

Finn walked in and looked at me, then at Jack, and returned his gaze back to his feet. "Er, mum just told me to wake you guys up now, so that Amelia can go back to her house to get ready." 

"Sure, thanks Finny" 

"Yeah, thank you Finn" I said, agreeing with Jack.

Finn walked out murmuring something under his breath and shutting the door behind him. Jack threw a cushion at me and jumped up himself. 

"Amelia-Rose get up, or I will be forced to get the saucepan and a wooden spoon, you wouldn't like that now would you?" 

I laughed at his reference to the morning before and threw the cushion back at him as I got up myself. 

"Well, I better get going" 

"It's so early...I'm tired" 

"Go back to bed Jack, I'm just going to go have a shower and get ready for school, then I'll be right back."

"It's fine, come on, let's go have breakfast"

I rubbed my eyes and followed Jack down to the dining room where his mother had set out breakfast already for us. There were cups of warm milk, croissants, cereal - it was kind of perfect.  I wondered if it was like this everyday for Jack, Finn and Emmy. 

"Yeah, why?"

I looked up at Jack, confused. 


"You asked if it was like this everyday, I said yes." 

"Jack, I didn't say that out loud. Bloody hell, this is weird."

Jack laughed - "We're going to have to get used to this aren't we. It's becoming sort of a common occurence."

I agreed and continued to eat my breakfast in silence, trying not to think personal thoughts while Jack was sitting opposite me.  I explained to Jack that h

Every now and then Finn would walk past and I would try to ignore the way he would look awkwardly at Jack and I. Sometimes Jack would check on him, asking him "You alright Finny?" Finn would just mumble an answer, somewhat assuring Jack that he was okay, but I knew that he wasn't really. Both him and I knew that he was looking for something, the difference was that he thought he had found it - being me, but I knew that he was still looking - he just didn't know it.

After I had said goodbye to Jack, Finn and Emmy, and thanked Jack's mum, I started walking down the road on the way to my house. I had changed into my uniform from the day before but needed to go home to have a shower, and get clean uniform and my bag. I arived at my house and ran upstairs to get in the shower. After getting ready for school I grabbed my phone from the counter, popped it into my pocket and walked out of the door. I texted Jack telling him I was on my way. 

When I got to Jack's house he was walking out of the door followed by Finn. We walked in silence, my fingers intertwined with Jack's. Finn was walking in front of us - he still had bags under his eyes from the night before. The short walk to school seemed like forever, so I thought about my timetable for the day, to distract myself from the awkward silence. First of all we had drama, then we had other boring subjects until the last lesson when I had art. 

"Err...Finn, we don't have any art homework do we?"

Finn turned around and after a few seconds of thinking answered me "No, I don't think so"  before turning around and continuing to walk.

After registration, Jack, Finn and I, all made our way to drama. When we got there almost all of the class was there already. Jacob (one of Finn's friends) walked up to him and started asking him about science homework, so me and Jack made our way over to sit beside Jasmine. 

"Hi guys" she said beaming 

"Hey Jazz" Jack said sitting down. 

Jasmine looked distracted, staring at something in the room. We followed her gaze to find Finn, standing a few metres away, looking at her,  mesmerized. 

                                                    /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / FINN'S POV \   \   \   \   \   \   \   \ 

 Jasmine was sitting there. Her long blonde hair that cascaded down her back, her light porcelain skin and beautiful bright blue eyes. She looked back at me, and even as I felt the teacher enter the room and knew I had to break eye contact I just couldn't bring myself to do so, there was something so captivating about her eyes. I don't know how Jack and Amelia were so calm around her, she was perfect, and I'd never even noticed that before, even though I'd known her for so long. I sat where I was standing when I realised that the teacher was staring right at me and the class was completely silent. I noticed that Jasmine was blushing now, her cheeks were tinted with a gentle pinky colour and Amelia was giggling at her. Jack looked at me and raised his eyebrows - did I make it that obvious. 

After the teacher talked for five minutea about the project we were about to start we all stood up. Amelia and Jack made their way over to me, followed by Jasmine, who much to my dismay, was almost hiding behind the other two. 

Amelia started talking first "Why don't we go into a group of four?" Jasmine nodded and stood in between Amelia and me. We both looked at the floor awkwardly. After 10 seconds of us standing there in silence Jack decided to say something which at first I wasn't too grateful for.

"Actually Amelia Rose...How about we go in a two instead, we can do a duologue... I'm sure that these two will prefer it too, won't you?"  Jack said smiling at me and Jasmine, innocently.

I returned the smile sarcastically "I don't mind"

I looked at Jasmine for a brief second and a look flashed across her face for only a moment, almost offended. Jack and Amelia decided to just walk off and leave us to it so I was going to have to talk to her sooner or later. 

"Erm...Hey Jasmine, how are you" I asked awkwardly. 

She looked at me blankly for a second before suddenly throwing her arms around my neck and leaning on her tiptoes. Her neck was rested on my shoulder and I could feel her warm breath against my neck. 

"I missed you Finny" 

Three words, Two hearts, One promise -A Jacksgap fan fiction (Jacksgap fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now