Chapter 1

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Night was almost here when I was getting off work while I had one of the other employe named Max he had a long black hair as he always had it in a hair tie he was a little taller then me as he always wear the color black sense that was his favorite color. But as he then started talking to me, I was getting off the apron. " I still can't believe you are leaving to that nasty town! Why can't you just move in with me?"
I chuckled sense Max always had a crush on me sense i worked at this coffee shop for four years, but I needed to get away and start a new life with out my only family member Unkle Kevin.
He has been a drunk for as long as I known him and every time I tried to ask about my family before they died but all he would always say is ' They where nothing but scums!' Then he would eather walk off and get more alcohol or just to him room.
But I am about to turn 20 and I needed to leave this place, So I looked in the news papers and the Internet to find a place. After almost 3 months of searching I finely found a apartment that I could afford with what ever job I would find there.
" Hello earth to Kri!" I blinked as I turned to Max as he had his hands on his sides. " Sorry Max what did you say?"
He signed as he looked away then back to me. " I said I am going to have to come visit once in a while to make sure your going to be alright..."
I smiled from how cute he was acting with his little blushed face as he then heard another costume walk in. So I walked to him and kissed his cheek as he then blushed. " I'll be fine Max it's a nice town."
" Yeah a town full of mutants... "
" Hehe and that's why it's called mutant Town. But hey Max why don't you go get that costumer before the manager sees you slacking off again."
Max grunted as he then walked off to the desk as the costumer ordered.
I grabbed my green jaket and walked around the desk as I put my jacket on, I walked past a few people. As I got to the door to leave I then heard max yell making every one look at him then me. " I mean it Kri! I'm coming to visit!"
I shock my head and waved as I then walked out, I looked out to the sky as it looked as clear as I could get. The side walk lights where starting to turn in and I turned to my right to walk home to my unkle. As I walked I grabbed my phone out of my right side front poket from my blue pants with my headphones.
As I got to a four way street I pressed the walking bottun while I waited I plugged my headphones in my ear and then plugged it to my phone as I then swiped on my screen and tapped on my music app.
Once the symbol to walk was showed I started walking looking both ways to make sure no stupid drivers where coming around. As I was walking across I tapped my screen again and then played ' Lips are moving'.
Once I got my phone back to my front right poket I got back on the sidewalk and put my hands in my green jacket. I smiled and walked passed some other coffee and small restaurants as I also saw some people coming past her chatting and laughing while they looked like they where having a great time.
I was feeling my heart pounding fast as I was getting exited about moving to my own place. But as I saw my unkles place into view I then remembered that he does not know yet, I knew that he was not going to take this well but I have to start packing right when I get home so I sucked in a breath and walked up to the door and opened it instantly smelling the alcohol.
I flinched my nose but walked in and closed the door behind me. I pulled my headphones off as I then heard a loud TV playing. I turned off my phone sense I did not want to talk to any one sense I was more then likely going to argue with my unkle.
Once I was standing at the hallway seeing the living room with empty beers and Jack Daniels all around. I walked past them as I got to my passed out unkle, he had his had on his hands that where on the table. I got by him and shake him awake. " Unkle Kevin! I need to talk to you!"
He wakes up and he grunted at me as he was waving his body around a little from being so off balanced. " Hey Cry how was work?"
" It's Kri unkle and it was okay but I have to tell you somthing." He gets his upper body off the table and looked at me as he then grabbed another beer that was next to his hand unopened. " So what's up?"
I took two steps back and took in a breath. " I'm moving."
He widened his eyes as he qas about to take a drink. He drops his beer and got up even though he was still unbalanced. " What do you mean moving! Your not leaving any where!"
I felt myself get scared but I did not stop talking as I was trying to keep calm. " I am unkle! I found a apartment and I'm moving next week into Mutant Town."
" Mutant Town! Are you stupid I told you mutants are what killed our family!"
I was starting to get mad know, I was getting tired of every human talking bad about mutants... yeah there was a few that are bad but it does not mean that they all were bad. I had my hands into fists as I then looked are my unkle. " I have got over that of mutants killing them and so should you!"
Unkle surprised me as I then was pinned to the wall with his hand grabbing my green jacket. " You go there you are going to die just like the rest of them!"
I could not hold it any more as I slapped his arm off my jacket and yelled while crying. " I would rather be there having the risk of dieing then being here with you drunk!"
Before my unkle could say anything else I started up stairs to my room and slammed the door. I locked it so if he was goting to start something I would not have him walk in the middle of the night.
I sat on my bed as I looked around see that almost everything was not going to come with me as I then saw the box's to my closet. I get up and grab one box and started Collecting my things as I started to tear up.
Once I was getting everything on my small desk I grabbed my phone and swiped again as I then went to my Contacts. Once scrolling down I saw the mutants number that was going to give me that apartment.
I hesitated and placed it on my know empty desk as I then turned and started grabbing some of my sport books as it had basketball on the covors.
I love basketball as it always was fun to watch the games. But as I was grabbing the last magezine it showed one mutant with his arms crossed over his plastron as it showed him as a turtle with spikes on himself as it showed his name on top ' Slash'.
I placed it in the box and looked at my know empty shelf. I knew I was going to get done packing some time tomorrow and I wanted to leave as soon as I could.
So I turned and grabbed my phone seeing the contact number and pressed the call button. As it started to ring I bright it up to my ear waiting for the mutant to answer.
After a few seconds passed I heard some one andswer. " Hello?"
" Hi it's me Kri. I called on having That apartment on the 3rd floor."
It took a while till the mutant then remembered and talking in a exiting tone. " Oh its you hehe. I have the room in the 3rd floor ready for next week."
I giggled as I could not stop hearing it's exitment. " Thank... I umm actually have a favorite."
The mutant waited for me to speak so I just said it hoping the mutant would not mind me moving in six days early. " I will be done packing tomorrow and was hoping if you could have the person that was going to get me next week to get me tomorrow instead?"
" Sure thats no problem! What time will you say you will be ready to get picked up?" I thinked as I put my free hand on my chin. " How would 10am sound?"
He laughed and told me that was fine as I was about to say good by but then I remembered I forgot his name so I asked. " Before I go I hate that I forget names but what was yours again?"
" It's quiet alright. It's Leatherhead."
I smiled and said my goodbyes to Leatherhead. As I got done talking I looked around seeing that I got half of it done feom talking so I got my phone in the charger and pushed my now full box to the closet and want to my drawers. I grabbed my shorts and a sleeves shirt, I placed them on my bed and started pulled my shirt off over my head as I grabbed the back of my dark navy blue bra unhooking it.
Once I got it undone I pulled my bra off and then my pants and panties as I know placed my dirty clothes in a basket and turned to grab my shorts pulling them up to my hips. I grabbed the shirt and put it on as I felt more tired.
I calmed in my bed and pulled the blanket down. I laid down and grabbed the blanket pulling over my shoulder as I cuddled my self in the blanket.
As I felt my eyes get heavy I hear the TV on as well laugher from my unkle. I smiled because tomorrow I am going to get out of here and have a nice silent life.

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