Chapter 6

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I got done with the application while I then got up. The teenagers left like 30 minuets ago so I then started down the stairs when the night was going to be here soon. I then started to slightly run as I felt a little unsafe with the town as it showed a lot more shaded places.
So I walked a little more faster as I tired to get to my appointment as soon as I could. But as I made a quick turn I bumped into some one as it grabbed my hand as I looked at it and said quickly. " I'm so sorr- Usage!"
He looked at me surprised as I did to him. " Miss Sohma! What are you doing this late at nignt?"
I straightened up and looked around again. " I was heading home..."
Usage came to my side as he put his arm out. " Would you like me to escort you home? You looked uncomfortable."
I smiled as I took his arm. We walked up the street when I saw some mutants as they looked a little scary as I then clinged on to Usages arm. I looked up at him as he smiled at me. I smiled back nervous as he then Spoke making me jump a little. " It can look scarey at night some times. But some day soon you will see it not as scary."
I looked around as I then saw the building to our appointment. I let out a sign as I then remembered that I had the application in my hands. " Aw man!"
Usage looked at me cunserned as he saw me looking at the application. " what is wrong miss Sohma?"
I looked at him as I held onto the paper. " I forgot to drop off this application..."
Usage lightly grabbed it and smiled looking at me. " Once I get you home I can drop it off for you sense I have to come back out here."
I looked at Usage as I smiled. " Really! Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said as I have him a hug while he then chuckled.
" It's my pleasure. Now let's get you home." I looked up to him with a smile as we both then walked on to the building.
Once we got there I thanked him and he walked off as I watched him leave. I walked in and saw LH not there at the front desk. But I just went to the elevator pressing the third floor button.
I went up as I felt my stomach feel like something did not feel okay. Onne the elevator doors opened I looked around the hall as no one was there. So I quickly went to my door as I then grabbed my key about to unlock it, but once I put the key in the key hole I turned it. But as I turned it it was easy to turn unlike when you usually turn to unlock a door.
I looked at the door as I felt my heart race. I turned the nob and slowly opens it as I saw the little things I had was every where. I went in slowly as I looked around not seeing any one.
So I grabbed my phone and called LHS front desk as he answered. " Hello Kri what can i-"
" S-Some one Broke into my appointment." I said as I interrupted him. " Okay hang on Kri come to the front desk and I will call a friend of mine from the police station."
As he hanged up I quickly closed the door and grabbed my key running to the elevator. But sI got there I thought I saw something move as if like a camouflage, so I backed up as far in the elevator as I could when the doors where starting to close when all of a sudden who ever it was they where camouflaged and tied to keep the door opened as they tried to grabbed me. I was screaming and leaned as hard as I could to the elevators wall while I got tot he flopr kicking it away as best as i could.
" Get over here Sohma!" It yelled as i then kicked it's face as it withdraw it's self as the elevator doors closed. I looked shocked as I breathed hard and just sat there.
As the seconds passed while the numbers of the floors got to 1 the doors opened as LH stood there as he looked at me as if he saw what happened. I got up and ran to him as he then got one arm around me while he got us to the front desk. " I called and they will be here any minute."
I nod my head as I clinched at LHs big shirt as I get scared. But as the seconds turned to minuets the front door opened as I looked seeing another turtle as he was shirtless with blue pants and shoes as well as a blue mask, I then also saw the same human cop girl that ran in and out of the pizza place today.
The turtle that wear a blue mask like the purple one I saw today can up to me. " What is happening?"
LH spoke before I could as I then looked at him. " Kri went out almost the hole day and when she came back she called me telling me that her door was unlocked."
The turtle nod his head as the girl was writing this information down. Then the turtle looked at me. " Are you sure you didnt forget to lock it?"
I shook my head as I then spoke. " No I always lock my door... and even if I did I did not throw all my things all over the place."
The turtle looked at me for a little then back to LH as the gator spoke. " I also caught on camera of Kri getting attacked as she was about to head down here."
" Show me." He said as him and LH walked to the front if his desk. As they where watching I looked at the girl as she finished writing and looked to me. " Can you give me your name miss?"
" It's Kri Sohma."
" Sohma?" I turned behind me as i saw the turtle looking at me while the girl looked at the confused turtle. " Your from the Sohma family?"
I felt nervous as I nod my head while then the turtle came back to me as he then spoke on the shoulder speaker that was on his chest belt. I was not really paying any attention as he spoke on there until he looked back to me. " Me and my partner Vaye are going to check your apartment. You stay her with LH." I nod my head as I waited to see if they where going to catch the mutant or not.
As I sat in the desk LH came back with a cup of coffee. " I didn't know if you like coffee or not."
I smiled and took the cup. " I drink coffee." Once I took my first sip the turtle and Vaye came out if the elevator as it looked like they got some one that looked like a lizard as its skin was shifting to different colors around him.
The turtle came to me as Vaye was tacking the mutant away more then likely in their police car. " Miss Sohma I am having you in a witness protection."
I looked at the turtles as I saw his about to talk on his shoulder speaker. " Why was that mutant after me? And how did it know my last name?"
The turtle looked at me then signed. " Do you know about the Sohma history here?" I shock my head.
" then it is best if you don't know. Also make sure you don't give any one your last name." I nod my head as he then handed me a card. "I'm Leonardo but just call me leo. That's my number if you are in trouble." I grabbed the card and he then walked off saying goodbye to LH. I looked at the card as I hoped me moving here was not a bad idea.

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