Chapter 20

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         A week has passed when I was finely getting out if the hospital. I was walking out to the entrance straching my arms up high witha smile. Thats when Raphael was walking by me so I would not fall. " Raphael I'm fine... you don't have to walk by my side."
          He just ignored me while I signed while he then walked a little ahead of me as he went to his big red truck. I widened my eyes with how amazing it looked while I walked closer to it.
     I got to the passanger side and opened the door. I took a few breaths as I then got in and closed the door looking arpund then at raph as he got in and started the truck.
       We where silent throw the hole drive and as we got closer to his place he got from being here the week watching out for me.
      I looked out the window as I still could not believe that Raphael was going to watch me. I smiled as I then saw that the truck stopped as I then saw the basketball court. " What? I thought we where going to your place?" I asked confused as he then started to get out not waiting for me and closed his door. I then started to get my seat belt off as he then walked over to my side after closing his door. He opened mine as I blushing from him grabbing me and placing me down on the ground.
      Raph closed the door then walked with him with still the same face that looked like he did not care. " Just because I have to watch you does not mean that I am missing practice... I have to beat a rivle and no one is going to keep me from that..."
       He then started to the doors as I looked at him slightly blushing. " Uhh! Wh-What can I do?" I yelled as i ran over to the door as he then opened it and letting me in passed him.
        Raph went to the the desk and told them his name as he went in throw another set of door while I started behind him nervous at meeting his hole team for the first time.
        We got in and I widened my eyes seeing the hole team practicing. I ran down to the bottom of the steps watching them playing as their huge body's where dodging each other to trying to get throw the other half of the team.
        I just stood there as Raph walk over to them as if he had a mad face. " What the hell... where's Tigerclaw!"
       The one that looked like a monkey came up to him as he looked unhappy as well. " He quit the team... and I'm sure you know very well where he went..."
      I saw Raph slightly growled as he looked a little to his left. " slash... then we will have to defeat him too..."
" But know we are one mutant short... we can't play with one less of a team..."
       I looked down as I knew about some of the rules as I also always wanted to play so I then looked back up as I slightly released my hand with a low voice. " I can try..."
        Ever one was looking at me as I then blushed and they all laughed even Raph. He then looked at me with crossed arms and a smirk. " Sorry Kri... but no... you are a human, short and will you just got a out if a hospital... I hardly doubt Leo will let you play. Hehe not that I would let you in..."
         I gave him a mad face with my cheeks puffed out as I then told him with a slight yell. " First off! Last I checked there is no rule that a human girl can't join in a team! And second who cares if Leo dose not like it! I can do this! Just give me a chance!"
       Every one stopped laughing and looked at Raph as he looked at me as if I just pissed him off more.
      ' I'm so dead...' I thought to myself as he came up to me and then lost his mad face and turned it into as grin. " alright... if you think you can play with the big mutants then lets see. But if you get trampled that's not my problem..."
         I smiled so big and nod my head showing him my determined look. I then started to head to the basketball Cort as I looked at every one a little nervous at how short I really was to them all.
         " looking nervous already?" Said the white tiger mutant. But I just looked at raph as he told us all which team we all where in. I was not in the white tigers team witch made him look at me with a smirk as if he was going to try to scare me as Raph was with that mutants team.
         " Alright let's get this practice going!" Raph as I kept my eyes on the white tiger.
    But then I saw Raph grabbed the ball and started running to us. I took in a quick breath and ran to raph as a lizzerd man came to my side and we both tried to tackle raph down but he just dogged the lizzerd thinking I would not be that big of a threat.
    Bad mistake.
    I then quickly grabbed the ball from raph as he was bouncing it and also while I did a dive between his lags landed right behind him.
    I did not stop as i got quickly on my two feet and ran to the other side of the Cort bouncing the ball.
    Raph looked surprised at my actions while the monkey that was on raph side was then coming making me worried. But then I saw another team that was mine and I then quickly bounced the ball hard as it then passed the monkey fast and the mutant saw it and grabbed it but then went to the shoot and made a score.
     I looked at raph with a smile as I saw him grin at me while the white tiger looked at me with hate and no trust.
    " not bad Kri." Raph said coming over and placed a hand on my shoulder making me blush more. " You used your size as your advantage... Smart thinking."
    All I could do was nod and tried to keep my blush down but could not work as he kept his grin.

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