Chapter 16

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      While Leo went to bed I sat on the couch with a cup of water that was on the table that was right in front if me. I had my fingers in twined together while I looked at them.
     I felt week... useless...
     When a little time went by I jumped and looked up fast as it sounded like the house phone went off. I then heard Leo get up and walked out of his room.
    I laid down pretending to be asleep as he walked over looking at me. He then grabbed the phone and answered it. " Hello... Oh hey Vaye... that's good. Know get home and sleep..."
    What ever Vaye said make Leo chuckled as he spoke to her with a smirk. " Hehe alright Vaye... good night to you too... by." He then hung up the phone and walked back to his room as the phone rang again.
     " Come on!" Said Leo as he was know fustraited. " Hello... raph? Hehe hey man how you doing?"
    I wanted to opened my eyes as soon as Leo said raph. But I kept them closed as I listened to Leo talk to his brother that I am guessing in a long time. " Yeah just been crazy this last week... hehe yeah I remember that day... your coming early?... ohh yeah splinter would love that... yeah when you getting here?"
    As it took a little for raph to answer I felt my cheeks heat up as I felt that I wanted to faint from knowing that Raphael was coming to town earlier then he said he was. " Wow a lot has gone on to you... you too raph... alright see you in 4 days."
      Leo placed the phone back down and signed then went back to his room closing his door. As I heard his door close I instantly sat up and placed my hands over my mouth as my eyes widened.
     ' I'll see him in 4 days! Raphael... the Raphael!' I thought as my cheeks grow red and my feet kicked a litter as my exitment got a little of the best of me mixed with my fan girling side.

~       ~       ~
      the morning came when i sat up as i looking around a little confused as I then remembered I was at Leo's place. I rubbed an eye and sat up while I then yawned and strached my arms in the air.
    I then got up and walked a little around and saw the bathroom. I walked in and used it while Leo was still sound asleep.
    Once done I flushed and washed my hands then opening the door. I went back to the living room and sat back down as I looked more around sense I really wasn't paying any attention last night.
    So I looked at the pictures around the wall. I stood up and walked closer to see the most of them where Leo in the police academy. Vaye was by him in most of the pictures.
    She must have been in his academy group. But I then went to the kitchen and went throw the cabinets to find a cup. As I found it I grabbed a plastic cup sense I'm not a fan of glasses.
    I got some water and went back to the living room sitting while I just sat there in silents not wanting to wake Leo up or make to much noise while I would just take little drinks from my water.
    I laid back down with the water on the table and placed a arm on my eyes while I then heard a door open.
    I sat up seeing Leo rub his necks back while going to the bathroom. After a little I heard what sounded like a shower running so I just sat there waiting for Leo to get out.
    After a while I heard the water stop and the door opened. I looked again as I saw Leo walking out with a large blue towel wrapped around his waist.
   I blushed and turned as he went to his room to get changed. I tensed up a little not knowing why I was.
     The door to Leo's room opened while he came out seeing me up. So I looked at him a little. " Good morning Leonardo..."
    As I said that nervous I waited for him to reply as he went to the kitchen. " Morning."
    He started making something to eat as he looked still tired. So I got up and went to his table leaning a little on it. " Did you sleep okay? You still look tired..."
    " I will he fine..." he said as he finished up. It looked like he made two omelets and placed them on two plates.
   He walked over to the table and handed me my place as I said looking a little surprised. " Oh thanks."
   He just nod his head and went to the table and sat down while he started to eat.
    I don't know why I was feeling unease and nervous.  But I ignored my question and sat down across from him. I eat a little slow while Leo was already done and got up to clean the dishes.
    Then out of the silents a ring tone went off coming from Leo's pockets ' Danza Kuduro from the ending of Fast and Furious 7.
   Leo grabbed his phone and answered it looking still tired. " What is it... What!"
   Once Leo yelled that out I looked at him as he turned away from me. " Keep searching!... fine I will be down in a little!"
    Leo hanged up the phone and looked at me. " I need to go to the station."
   He then went to the door sense he had everything he needed on and was about to grab the door. I got up and was about to join him but he looked at me. " You are staying here and leave this door locked. Do not answer the door to no one."
    He then left with out me asking any questions. I then heard him lock the door while I just signed and looked around not knowing what to do. " well this sucks..."

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