Chapter 26

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     I was in my room laying on the bed as i remembered what Leo did as he kissed me and told me that he thinks he loves me.
    This can't be... I did not notice Leo seeing me like that or even acted like he did like me. Once he let me go after he told he that I ran straight in my room and have not left as I then sat up and heard every one laughing and talking.
     I wanted to go out and hang out but at the same time I did not want to see Leo at the moment. I know Vaye is in love with Leo and if she finds out that he had feelings for me it would hurt her... and maybe even brake our friendship we are having.
     But I then got up and stood up taking a deep breath and then let it out as I walked to the door.
     As I grabbed the door handle and turned it to open the door I saw Raph there as his arm was up as if he was about to knock. " Hey... every one is worried that you have not come down... are you alright?"
    I looked at him and wanted to cry but just put up a fake smile and nod. " Yeah just a little tired still."
     Raph nod as he smiled and then started to the stairs. " Griz and Vaye made eggs, bacon and pancakes. So come on down soon while they are still hot."
    I nod and followed behind Raph as I looked up blushing wishing it was Raph that kissed me and not Leo.
    When I was in the kitchen I saw every one even Leo there as Vaye was talking to him. I looked down as I felt like I did the kissing when it was Leo but I then sucked it up and walked to every one smiling. " Morning every one."
   They all looked at me and smiled as I then looked at Leo witch was a bad idea. I looked quickly away as I then wanted to lead.
    " Morning Kri." Ever one said as I looked up and looked at the basketball field and went to the door. " I'm going to practice a little before I eat... Raph want to join me?"
    Raph looked a little confused but nod. " Yeah sure..."
    We both went to the field as i got the ball and bounced it as Raph came over and spoke with his arms crossed. " what's wrong with you?"
   " It's nothing." I said a little to fast as I then started running to the hoop and as it was a little over me I jumped and made the shot as it went in and out of the hoop.
   " I'm not as smart as Donnie but I can tell when you are not acting yourself... what's going on..." I kept my back at raph as I wanted to say it but what if raph over reacts... But then why would he it's not like I'm his girlfriend... or even likes me. " it's nothing raph... just let it go..." I said as I then was going to go get the ball.
      But as I was starting to walk away I heard what sounded like slight running then a big green hand grad my shoulder turning me around fast.
    I looked at raph surprised as he looked worried and consurned. " Kri you can tell me..."
    I blushed as I felt my chest as if butterflys where in there flying around making me feel more nervous. " it... i -"
    " Raph your team is on the phone!" Leo yelled as he came over and raph thanked him grabbing the phone talking while walking off as he left me alone with Leo.
     I kept my face down as Leo looked at me while I could hear him speak. " I'm sorry for being to forward yesterday... I just could not hold it in any more..."
    I looked up at him a little seeing Leo as his hand was on the back of his neck. " It's fine -"
    " No it's not... I scared you... that is why you are avoiding me... I feel bad..."
    I smiled a little as I spoke to try to comfort Leo a little. " it's okay leo."
   " We are on a game in two days!" Raph yelled happy as he came over to us. I looked at raph as he came to my side placing a hand on my shoulder.
    " But I think I'm not ready Raph..." He smiled at me making me blush. " You are more then ready. I'm going to tell the others so they know to get tickets for your first game!"
    Once raph ran off to the house Leo looked at me smiling with me looking nervous that I was not ready to play in the team of mutants.
     " you will do great." I looked at Leo as I could tell he was trying to comfort me making me smile and blushed a little. " Thanks Leo... I will have to practice more know!"
    As I said that I had my hands into fists and in front of me as I looked like I was pumped up.
    Then Leo chuckled as i looked back at him smiking. " What?"
   " Nothing. You are just cute when looking like you are ready for anything." Then as I was about to say somthing with a blush he quickly leaned his head down and pressed his lips to my cheek. I froze in place and blushed with my mouth slightly opened.
    As he pulled away I looked at him as he then winked then said while walking off. " I will be looking forward to watching."

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