Chapter 2

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I slowly wolk up as I saw the sun was up. I grunted as I did not want to wake up from my unkle staying up all night trying to keep me awake.
But I just got up and sat on my bed as I scratched my head whole looking around as I looked like I was asleep for years. So I sit in the edge of my bed and strach my arms out and my back started to feel great.
I then get on the floor and walk to my door unlocking it, but as I opened it i saw my unkle on the floor asleep as he snores silently as he could. I tiptoed over him and slowly walked to the bathroom closing the door and locking it.
As I got the shower started I quickly took off my shirt and my shorts getting in the shower.
Once the hot water hit my body I felt at heaven and started washing my body's while humming. I grabbed the last of my shampoo and conditioner 2 in 1 bottle sense my hair needs an even amount of each two. I started scrubbing my hair as I felt that it was getting clean.
I got my hair under the shower head as I then felt the dirty stuff run off my body and down to the drain. I went to turn off the water and got out as I grabbed my dark green towel and dried as best I could, I then put my hair in the towel wraping it as I then flipped it on my head putting my shirt and shorts back on.
I unlocked the door slowly opening seeing my unkle not on the ground and no where to be seen so I quickly got in my room locking it back up.
I took off my shirt and shorts yet again as I walked around my room naked. I walked my dresser and grabbed a orange bra and panties as I then walked to my closet and grabbed a shirt as it had really dark blue and orange strips, I put my bra on and then the shirt as my back was showing. I then opened a plastic container sense that's where I was putting all my clothes. I grabbed a blue navy shorts closing the container as I then walked to my bed and sat down as I pulled up my panties.
As I grabbed my shorts a nock came to my door making me jump, but I soon spoke as I calmed down. " Yeah?"
" Kri I'm sorry for how I acted... I just don't think you'll be safe out there alone." I signed and quickly put my shorts on walked in to the door, taking off the towel making my slight wet hair hit my back reminding me it was a little cold.
I opened my door and looked at him as he showed a sad face. " I need to be on my own unkle... I know how to take care of myself."
I watched my unkle look to the ground as he did not know what to say. " Okay but please massage me when ever your in danger..."
I not my head and smiled as I then gave my unkle a hug. " I will miss you unkle."
After that he want to his room while I then finished up packing my clothes and my stuff in the bathroom.
As I was done packing I wiped my forehead as I felt like I just worked out. I stood in front all the stuff I was taking with me even though it was only five box's. I has my hands on my hips smiling as I felt that I was accomplishing something.
I pulled my phone out seeing the time as it showed 9:44am. So I got to my unkles door and saw him sitting in his bed, but I slightly spoke to him getting his attention. " Hey you think you can help me get the box's outside?"
He looked at me then gets up wiping his face as I saw he had no beer in his hand for once. " Yeah. I can do that."
I watched him as he for once was not unbalanced and looking like he was crying but I just watched him as he had one box over his shoulder while he walked out side down the four step.
I grabbed a box and went outside placing it by the box unkle placed. As I looked up I saw a car come come right in front of me. A man came out as he had long blue hair as he was all muscular, I could not help but blush a little as he came to me with as smile. " Are you Kri?"
I could not speak as I just nod making his chuckle. " Alright sorry I'm early but is this all yours?"
I looked down see the two box's as my unkle then placed a third one down making me jump a little. " Yeah these are hers and she has two more in the house."
The man nod his head as he then started putting the box's in the back of the car. I just watched sense he would not let me do it.
My unkle and the man talked for a little as I grabbed my two bags and placed them on the floor of the passenger seat I was going to sit on.
The man gave my unkle his hand as they shaked as if they were best buddies now. " Thanks for helping Kri...Casey was it?"
" Yes sir and it's not a problem at all." I watched then two separate as I then went to my unkle hugging him. " I'll massage you once I'm in my apartment."
I then gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran to the car getting on the passanger seat.
Casey started the car and placed it on drive as we drove off. I looked at the review mirror seeing my unkle walking back in his house. I looked back and had my head lean on the seat as I closed my eyes.
" This town will be different from where you did live." Casey said as he keeps his eyes on the road. I looked at him then to the side window as I replyed. " That's what I need... Different."
I kept my eyes out to the side window as Casey turned to the left as it showed a sign. ' 200 km to Mutant Town'.
I looked to the sky as I then rolled the window down as my hair was now slightly flying behind myself.
" So what made you want to move to Mutant Town?" I looked at Casey as I then looked back out to the window seeing everything I will never see again. " I want to start a new life."
I looked back to see Casey's reaction in witch he just nod his head, I looked back to the window until he spoke again making me turn back to him. " I was going to have a friend of mine help get these box's in the apartment but I think he forgotten... so it's going to be just us two."
I smiled. " It's okay I need to do a little work out any ways." I then had my arms out as I tried to show off my very small arms as they nearlyhad any muscular on them.
Casey laughed as he looked at my arms really quick then back to the road as he made a right turn. " Of you hang out with me and my friend long enough you will have muscular arms like mine."
Casey let's go of the wheel with one arm as he showed his muscular arm to me. I blushed a little as I never seen so much on a man before.
But I then stopped as he chuckled and put his hand back on the wheel as he had his left arms eldow out the window.
I kept my eyes at my window as we drove closer to the town while the minuets turned to hours.
Once it was 12:26am I felt a little tired, I was about to close my eyes for some rest but as I looked up one last time I saw a green sign coming up as it said. ' Welcome to Mutant Town'

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