Chapter 8

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As time passed that mutant dog still has not moved as I started to feel more unease as it also kept looking at me.
So I got up and started down to the hill where the basketball courts where. While I walked for a little I turned behind me slightly seeing the mutant dog still on the other side of the street, but it was also walking down the hill.
I turned back to look in front of myself but once I saw the courts I instantly ran to them and ran up the steps to see no one around so I quickly turned to run back down, but to only see the mutant dog right at the stairs. I backed up a little as I felt scared while holding my bag with my shaken hands.
I then bumped my back to the wall as I looked at it quickly making sure it was not another mutant, then looked back to the dog as it then grabbed my arm. " No!"
As I yelled I saw it bring out a little poket knife as I felt some tears started to build up in my eyes, so I closed my eyes as the dog then lifted my arm up as my feet was not touching the ground.
" You should have not come here." I opened my eyes at the dog once he got done talking as I felt confused, as I then snapped put of my fear and grabbed the dogs arm holding my wrist and quick kicked it in its face.
It let's me go as I fallen to my side. I felt a lot of pain but ignored it and got up running down the steps. I ran more down the hill as I looked behind me again to see the dog fallowing.
I then turned back and ran right into some one and fell back on my butt.
" Watch it human!" I looked up seeing a sheep mutant as it walked off and I looked behind me out of breath as dog was almost to me. I got back up and ran again as I felt out of breath with my throat burning.
The rain got more hard as it hit my body making it feel like some one was throwing rocks at me. As i turned left really quickly I sipped and fell to my side as I yelled holding my ankle as it felt like I twisted it.
I looked up as I hear foot steps behind me. I then slowly turned behind me as the dog was there breathing pretty hard too. " You Sohmas are more of a pain then usual."
It then grabbed my arm and pulled me up as I stayed on the one foot that was not sprained.
I felt my eyes get in shock as I could not look away as the dog then brought the hand poket knife out again and was about to bring it to my body. But it then started yelling and let's me go as I falled back down on the ground and saw some one behind the dog.
Once the dog stopped yelling it fell in front of my as I looked back up to the one saving me.
It was Donnie! He had a stick as I saw that had electric tips on them witch was why the dog yelled.
Donnie saw me and extended his hand out as he shortened his stick and placed it behind himself. " Kri are you alright?"
I grabbed his hand as I lost balance and started to fall as I forgot about my sprain ankle. But Donnie caught me before I felt all the way down and helped me stand up. " T-Thanks Donnie."
He saw my foot and looked back to me. " come to our place. It's not far from here."
I fallowed him as best as I could as I then saw him walk up steps from a porch of a decent sized house.
In the outside of this house it was almost like it was made of wood almost like a cabin. There was some chairs and a table on the porch left corner and a grill to the right side.
Donnie unlocked the door and opened it as I hesitated to come in while Donnie placed the keys on the key hook on the wall by the door. " Come in Kri."
I slowly got in and as I did I saw the placed was beautiful. I was walking down a slight short white hall as it showed some pictures on the wall of Griz and Donnie as them two where smiling.
I smiled and once I got out of the short hall my mouth dropped as I saw a light brown color living room with two couchs and big TV as a riling was up top sense it was a two storie house and to the other side if the lift of the hall was the kitchen as it was a little more of a purple color. The counters where light purple with the cabinets.
Donnie came back with a white box that looked like a first aid kit. " Like the place?"
He asked while I chuckled a little nervous at getting caught. " Yeah. It's beautiful how are you and Griz able to-"
" I'm a doctor and a inventor. Know come sit down so I can fix your ankle." I nod my head and went to the couch remembering that I was wet from the rain. " I can't sit on the couch I will get it wet..."
" it's okay Griz gets the couches wet all the time." Then Donnie showed me a not kidding look. " especially when she is in her favorite animal forum..."
I sat down as he grabbed my ankle as he then took my shoe. " What is her favorite animal?"
He kept his eyes on my ankle as he started spraying some stuff on it. " The grizzly bear."
I looked around as I tried to figure how she was able to walk around when in that forum.
Once Donnie then wrapped my ankle he put my shoe back on and cleaned the little area and went to put the aid kit away. I got up as I still felt the pain but not as bad.
As I was waiting for Donnie to come back I saw a picture that caught my eye. It was a picture of what looked like four turtles with a rat. As I got closer I recognized two of the turtles.
I got on my toes as I tried to look better. " Know way!"
" What?" Donnie alsed as I got back on both my feet. I looked to him as I looked surprised. " You know Leonardo and Raphael?"
He chuckled and went to my side grabbed the picture handing it to me. I grabbed it and liked closer. " Yeah they are my older brothers."
I looked at Donnie with such a speachless. " Raphael... if your... brother..."
Donnie smirked and nod his head as he moved his left hand on his side. " Yeah. I'm taking it your a basketball fan?"
I just nod my head as he then spoke again. " well raph is coming into town to visit us... what to meet him? All though I do have to warn you that he is not a man that likes meeting his fans."
I blushed and smiled so much as I said those words. " Yes! Yes! Please I always wanted to meet him!"
Donnie shook his head and chuckled. " Okay I'll make sure to give you a call when he is here. But first let's get you home. Where do you live?"
" I live in the apartment up the hill." I asked while I handed him the picture.
Once Donnie placed the picture back on the wall he looked at me surprised. " You mean LHs apartment?"
" Yeah... why you surprised at that?"
He looked back at the picture and fixed it as it would not tilt. " Your a Sohma... arnt you?"
" what is it with my last name! Is it a cures or something here!" Donnie turned to me as he showed a sad face. " The Sohmas helped me and my brothers... that is why only you and your unkle are the only ones left."
I looked confused as I looked at Donnie. " What do you mean?"

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