Chapter 32

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          Leo had me and raph in different cells. I was sitting on the cement seat as I was having my head on my knees as my lags where agent my chest.
    I looked over to the cellar across from me as I saw Raph there. He was sitting on the floor as he had his eyes closed as if sleeping like he was not worried.
    I then looked back down while I closed my eyes. But my eye then opened as I looked up seeing Leo walking to our two cells and turned to me with his arms crossed. " You where aware of this law... why did you do it..."
    I gave him a serious face as I then spoke as I got up with one hand shaking but did not caring. " Because... I love raph..."
    I then walked to him at the cellars gate door seeing his hurt yet mad face. " And what about you Leo... you kissed me as well as telling me that you might love me..."
    Leo growled as he then lossened his arms. " I did do that but I would have waited for the law to change..."
     " that law is nothing compared to love Leo..." I said as we two where whispering while we two where not noticing raph as he opened his eyes and looked at me then Leo.
    Leo got so mad as he then grabbed my shirt and lift me up as I got my front body pinned to the bars.
    While Leo did that I heard Raph get up and yelled trying to reach for leo. " Leo let her down!"
     Leo looked at Raph as he looked more mad at Raph then me. I struggled to get Leo off my shirt as Raph then continued to speak. " If your mad then get mad at me! Kri has nothing to do with what happened!"
    Leo and I looked at Rpah confused as leo then spoke. " What do you mean Raph?"
    Raph closed his eyes as he took a breath and looked at us two. Then what he said next made my eyes widened huge as Leo looked shocked. " Because I forced myself on her Leo... I raped her!"
     Leo let's me go and growled more mad as he theb ran at Raph and pulled him to the bars and punched Raph in the face. " Leo stop it's not true!"
    " Shut up Kri! It would explain why you looked scared from the beginning!" Leo shouted as I saw Raph on the ground sitting up as his cheek got a little swollen from Leo's hit.
    Leo walked out as he yelled make me worry more for raph." Get the darn room ready already!"
     I went to the bars as i held them looking at raph. " Y-You idiot... why would you say that!"
    As I yelled raph smirked and got back on the his bed looking at me as I then blushed as I felt nervous again. " I said that so you will be free."
   " Free?" I asked as i looked confused looking at Raph.
   " Yes... if you are raped by a mutant then that mutant will get killed and not the victim." He had his eyes closed while he said that as I gripped the bars shaking.
    I closed my eyes and got on my knees making him look at me seeing me shake. " Kri it's okay... you will be fine-"
   " But not you!" He looked at me with wide eyes as I then looked up to him with tears in my eyes. " you think I will be happy that you die because of me... I... I don't want to lose you Raph..."
    Raph looked at me as he looked hurt but smiked and stood up.
    I looked up at him as he came to the bars and went on one knee in front of the bar as he was eye level with me while he then spoke calm and kind. " I'm sorry Kri. But I don't want you to get hurt because of me."
    " But..." I wanted him to tell the others that it was a lie but I could not think. I could only watch him while tears fell down my face.
    So I closed my eyes and looked down. " I love you Kri... and I will do anything to keep you safe... even if that means I must die."
~    ~    ~
   As five hours passed I was back sitting in my spot as raph was laying in the bed while it sounded like he was slightly snoring.
    Leo came back in with the same mad face but he came to my cellar and opened the door. " you are free to go Kri."
    I looked at leo and said in my spot. " No."
   Leo walked in and grabbed my arm getting me on my feet. " Kri you are free to go so get out of here!"
   " No! Raph did not rape me! He is kind, caring and never would hurt me!" I yelled trying to get Leo's hands off me but I got thru the bar door as i looked at Rpah. He looked like he was still sleeping as I struggled more to get out of Leo's hand.
    I then yelled waking him up. " No! RAPHAEL!"
    I got to the ground of the front of the police station as I quickly got up and ran at the door.
     Leo see me and went back over blocking me away from the doors. " Kri go!"
   " No not without raph!"
   " Will you shut up!" I looked up at Leo as he said that to me. " I know Raph would never rape any one!"
  " Then... then why are you letting him go down as a raper!" I asked as I grabbed his shirt trying to shake him.
    " Because I will not let you get hurt!" I looked at leo as Raph said the same think in the cellers. I closed my eyes and spoke low. " Stop telling me that... you know I don't like you the same Leo..."
    Leo grabbed my arm as he pulled me to the side of the building getting my back to the wall. " what is it that Raph gots that I dont!"
    I looked at leo with hurt as I could see him back up a little. " He is a man that is not afraid of anything and will do anything to keep what he wants in the most gentlest way... he cares, loves and treats me like some one hee
loves... I love Raph and no one will stop me from loving him Leo... not even you!"
    I then pushed him as hard as I could then ran back in the building as Leo chased after me.

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