Chapter 34

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      I was in Raphs room as I was in his bed as I was asleep. I was cuddled in his blanket as I moaned his name low.
       Darell came in and saw me as he looked sad then looked around Raphs room as it did have some of the pictures of Darell and his team.
       Darell then looked back to me as he went over and tucked me in more better then i did myself. Once he was done he then walked out and closed the door walking down the stairs.
      I then opened my eyes and sat up looking around when somthing caught my eye. I got up and started for Raphs drawer that was opened a little.
      I opened the drawer and looked in as I saw some old looking cloths that looked like black shirts that would fight raph and what looked like a seat belt that was put together. " what is this...."
      I was about to close it when I then saw what looked like a shoulder plate. I picked it up and saw a symbol that was red and had three pointed tips. " What symbol is this?"
       So I closed the drawer and went to the door still holding the shoulder plate. I then looked around and ran to my room and placed the plate under my bed. " I will find out what symbol this is... and why it's in raphs room..."

~ ~ ~
       It was the next night and I was feeling more nervous at the match was tomorrow. I wanted to go see Raph to talk to him and get some confident words.
      But I could not see him sense i had to act like he raped me. I just wanted to see him or even hear his voice.
      I was at the basketball ball court that we where going to be using tomorrow. I looked up as I then felt my chest feel a little heavy.
       " Kri..." I turned to see Leo there as he had his phone out. " Here..."
      I looked confused as i then grabbed his phone and looked at Leo. " Why you giving me your phone?"
Leo pointed at the phone as I looked and saw it was on as the numbers was counting. So I brought the phone to my ears and spoke. " hello?"
" Hey Kri." I widened my eye and smiked while speaking back happy. " Raph! Oh my good! Who you doing!"
       I could hear him chuckled as that made me blush. " I knew you would be happy to hear from me. But not this bad."
        " Well what do you expect... I love you Raph..." I said looking nervous and blushed more while Leo was sitting in one of the crowds seats.
      " Hehe I love you too Kri. I wanted to call to see how you are feeling sense last time you looked nervous."
     " I am nervous... more then last time actually..." I said as I looked around the court. " Why?"
      " Because... you will not be here..." Raph did not speak for a few minutes as it then sounded like he cleared his throat as if he was blushing making me giggle.
     " Well our team will be there... so you are not alone..."
      "I know... but... it's not the same..." Raph did not say a thing after a little again while speaking. " I am sorry..."
      I just signed and spoke trying to hide my hurt voice. " It's okay... I will be fine like always..."
      " But-"
      " I need to go I have to practice some more bye Raphael..." I interrupted Raph and hanged up after I said that.
      I could not hold it and teared up as I then thru the phone back to Leo.
         He quickly got up and grabbed the phone as he looked at me as I ran out of the court. " Kri!"
        As I ran out and about to get out of the building but Leo caught my arm and had me look at him with tears falling down my face. " Kri what happened? Did Raph get mad or somthing!"
       " No... I ... I just need Raph here... I cant do this match with out him..." I cried out as Leo gave me a hurt look. " Kri..."
        " No!" I pulled his hand away from my arm as I then yelled out as I was not realizing what I was saying. " I'm tired of this Leo! You don't love me! And you should not love me... you should love the one that loves you back she cares so much for you!"
        " No one cares for me... why would some one care!" He yelled out as I had to say this. ' I'm sorry Vaye...'
       " She loves you the same way that I love Raph... Vaye may be your partner... but she sees you more then that... that is why she gave you that movie because that is how she sees you..."I yelled as i cried more holding my hands into fists.
     " you look like a turtle but you are somthing more to her from the inside!" Leo looked at me with shocked eyes as he the Said her name. " Vaye?"
      I widened my eyes and placed my hands over my mouth. " Vaye loves me..."
     I was about to say somthing until leo and I heard Vaye voice as we both turned to her. " Yes!... and I alway have... I understand if you don't feel that same because of the law but I can't help but see the protecting side of you that makes me love you more... you saved me more then i have saved you and.... and..."
       I saw leo walk over to her while she cried and ran in Leo's arms. Leo did not hesitate as he hugged her. " I'm sorry... I did not know..."
     " Please leo... please sill be my partner... I don't want my feelings for you to ruin our friendship!" Leo smiked and held her close. " of core it will not."
      Vaye looked up to leo. " If I knew you loved me... I would have probably reported you... but seeing Raph as he treated Kri... I would like to try for us two to see how our feeling could be stronger."
      I watched Vaye smile as I then turned and looked away as I then started for the exit of the building.
        As I got out I looked up and thought of one person that I wanted to be here right know. " Rapheal...."

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