Chapter 4

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I was walking down the side walk as I looked around seeing all kinds of restaurants and cloth stores.
As I walked past a lot of mutants I was like small compared to them while they looked at me with a another-human face. I try my best to ignore them while I walked past them all until I saw a pizza place.
So I quickly walk in as I see almost nothing but humans sense this pizza place was a little small from the others. But from the looks of it there was only like 3 humans sitting down in witch they were boys. One had lost her hair in witch was blond as he had really buffed arms as it show a dragon tattoo on his arm, the second man was like a young teenager as he had short blue hair with glasses as the last man was keeping his face away from my view.
But as I walked passed them I saw a human lady working as another teenage boy in his mid teens working.
I took in a breath and walked to he counter as it showed the teenage boy with black poffy hair and the other was a guess that she is the boys mother. " Hello welcome to pizza Hut what can I get for you?"
I smiled at the woman from her smiling at me. " I'll just have one box of pepperoni and cheese please."
She smiled nodding her head and typed it in then looked at me. " That will be 8 dollars."
I get my wallet and pulled out a ten handing it to her. She grabbed it lightly and put it in her cashier and pulled out the two dollars handing it to her. " Thanks."
As I went to a seat I waited for the pizza to get done but as I waited I saw a human girl that was in a cop outfit run to the counter and the lady behind the counter seemed like she already made the three boxs of pizza as the cop then grabbed it ran back out. I looked out the window as the cop pined the pizzas on the back of her police motorcycle.
Once she left I looked back to the counter as I started to smell new baked pizza. I breathed it in then exhaled out imagining how it would taste.
Once I saw that the lady called my name I went to grab it and walk out as I saw the time '3:26pm'.
I then started to walk as I though of what to do. " Okay so first go home eat, then started getting my clothes with hangers on into my bedroom closet... then..." I looked up as I saw the apartments as I then smiled. " Then I relax on the balcony."
I smiled walking home as I saw a magazine stand, so I went over to it as I saw Slash again in the same pose as my magazine but this one was different. It had another mutant turtle making me look confused sense I knew what he looked like but I could just not remember his name... as I talked to the mutant working at the night stand of the magazines I then buyed the magazine and put it on top of my pizza box.
As I continued walking again I saw more different mutants sense I never really seen any mutants before. Once I was at the front of the apartment doors I was about to open it, but then a white mutant furry hand grabbed the handle opening it.
I turned to see it was the rabbit. " Usagi!"
He smiled and nod his head as he had his free hand on out to the door letting me know that he was letting me go in first. " Thank you Usagi."
" It's my pleasure Miss Sohma." As I walked in I looked at the pizza then to the elevator getting on as Usagi stood by me. I was about to press the third button when he already hit it for me. " Your on the third floor too?"
He looked at me then gave me a slightly smile. " Yes and if I am correct you moved in 306?"
I nod my head as I smiled at how I was doing in my first day in my new home. " Yep. Hehe if I ever have a house party you should come."
He kept his smile as he nod and said to me. " I will be waiting for that invite then." He then saw my magazine. " A basketball fan I see."
I looked at it then to him with a little blush with one hand on the back if my neck. " Hehe yeah... I just wish some one could beat this Turtle Slashs team... he seems so..."
" he seams like he is more greater then us."
I looked at him as i slightly yelled. " Exactly!"
He then chuckled with a hand to his mouth. " Actually I might have some good news for you then."
Usagi pointed to the other turtle as he was wearing a red head band with no stress on himself. " This is my friends younger brother. He is pretty good and is hoping to beat Slash next month."
I looked at the other turtle as he did look like he had a determined face with his arms crossed over his plastron. " Does this turtle have a name?"
" Raphael Hamato."
I looked shocked as I then remembered. " Wait! Raphael! You you mean thie Raphael!" I asked as he again chuckled and nod his head. " The only."
Once the elevators door opened we both walked out to the same way as I then stopped at my door as I got exited that thie Raphael was going to try to beat Slash. I looked at Usagi seeing he stopped right by my door. He's my neighbor!
He then turned to me as he got his door opened and bowed his head again as i did to so I would not be rude.
As he walked in his apartment so did I, as i closed my door i placed my pizza box on the kitchen counter as I then grabbed the magazine seeing that it said on the covor on the bottom right in a small words. " Slash vs Raphael page 43' while I walked to the balcony.
So as I had my elbows on the railing I then went through the pages till I got to 43. ' As the victories Slash wins another games will Raphael and his team be the new Champions? or will they just be another team that the Slash easily defeats?' I shook my head as I got mad at that.
So I was about to close the magazine until a saw at the bottom of the page as it showed what Slash and Raphael said. ' Slash please tell us what you think of Raphael?'
' He is just going to be a wast of time sense there is no one here that can beat me. If he wants to make a fool of himself then left him.' As I continued reading about Slash talking about how his is great, I then skipped till it was Raphaels turn to speak. ' Raphael as you can see that Slash is determined to have you fail. What would you say to him if you could see him right know?'
' I can see he is trying to scare me. But all he is doing it just making me want to kick his ass even more! Slash once we are on the basketball field you better watch your shell! Cuz I'm going to crush is with you inside!'
" Wow..." I looked up as I then closed the magazine then looked to the sky getting a little lighter to almost an orange color while I went to the balcony door and closed it while walking back to the kitchen to eat my pizza.

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