Chapter 14

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I felt my myself starting to wake up as I felt my hang over was almost over when all I have left was the headache. So I opened my eyes to see another movie playing that I did not know.
But as I sat up I then realized that I fallen asleep on Usages lap! I then looked at him as he too was sleeping.
I looked at him as he slept like there was nothing for him to worry about as if he was in peace. But I slowly got up and went to the bathroom getting some Tylenol for my head.
I placed the pill bottle back in my mirror cabinet when I then placed my hand on my forehead while my other hand was on the corner of the sink.
I signed and looked around my bathroom trying to clear my head as I heard little movement in the living room. So I stook my head out of the bathroom to see Usage laying on the couch while he was still sound asleep.
I then went out of the bathroom and walked over to Usage as I looked out of the balcony door.
I walked out to the balcony closing the door behind me as a little of wind caught me off guard. I got to the railing placing my hands on it while looking out to the view.
It was a breath taking place that I could not believe existed. As the wind blows I heard my little tree I got last weekend get blown a little.
I smiled and just stood there while I watched the sun slowly leave for the day so the night can take over and have its beautiful light shin down to show us how a night like this has its moments.
    When I looked down for a quick little bit I then saw some one running up the street. So I looked more to see a familiar red tail behind the person. " Shado?"
    I then saw her running passed my apartment and up a little more. I leaned a little out of the railing seeing her still going.
   So I leaned back on the balcony and looked inside seeing Usage still sleeping so I frowned as i wanted to fallow Shado. I looked out again then to him as I thought with as smile. ' There is no way some one would attack me this time.'
    So I went inside tip toed around the room and got my shoes. I opened my door looking at Usages as he turned a little on the couch as his hand then was hanging in the edge of the couch.
     I went out and slowly closed the door then ran to the elevator. Once I was in I quickly slipped my shoes on and waited for the doors to open.
    After a little the door opened and I quickly ran out as the front desk was empty. But I ignored it running out and jumped down the stairs.
    I started to run the way I saw Shado went while I could not see her. So while I continue to run for like 30 minutes I then saw Shado as she was standing over to what looked like a field of grass and a little if trees.
    She had what looked like a very expensive camera as it stood on one of those things that held the camera up so she would not have to hold it.
    I kept a little away so I would not disturb how focused Shado was when she kept looking to the view and then back in the camera. She took a couple of pictures as the sun was know gone under the mountains far in that distance.
    So I started to walk to her as her ears perked up and looked at me seeing that I was there. " Oh hi Kri!"
    She came over to me with the camera in her hands while she then stood there in front of me with her tail slightly wagging. " Hi Shado. What are you doing?"
    She smiled and came to my side with the camera in front of us two. " I'm working. Want to see?"
    I nod while she then showed me a few pictures that made my mouth open from how beautifully she took the pictures. It was showing the orange color in the sky while the trees had a more darker green to them while the grass looking like green ocean waves." Wow Shado... what are you? A photographer?"
    She giggled then brought the camera back to herself. " Yeah. I love how everything has its own way of showing beauty."
    I nod as I looked at where she took the picture. Then I remembered that it was getting dark sense all around us was nothing but darkness.
     Shado looked my way as she was getting her stuff put away. " Kri are you alright?"
   "Uh? Oh yeah... I just uh need to get back home..." I said while I looked at Shado. She looked confused as she then saw something really quick to our right side of the field.
     She got her stuff and backed up slowly to my side as she grabbed my arm taking me slowly with her. " Shado?"
    I then saw Shado looking extremely focused at something so I turned to see what she was looking at.
    While I turned I as something in the night as it was slowly walked up to us. I felt scared a little as I could not keep my eyes away from it.
    Shado narrowed her eyes then quickly ran as she took me with her. I almost tripped from the unexpected pull while she then turned to the right as we ran at the apartment.
      But as I thought we where going into the building we passed it as i looked at Shado. " I live in that apartment!"
     " It's too late know!"she yelled as we both saw the mutant quickly coming closer as we saw that this one was a black wolf.
    It was getting closer and closer fast as I felt that we where not going to make it. I saw it's teeth slightly shine in the nights light and I started to get more terrified.
    Once it was of reach for me I jumped and had its paw out as it was going to hit me.
    I shut my eyes and thought this was the end for me. But as we both fell I opened my eyes and looked up as Usage was there with his katana out of its sheath while he kicked the wolf away. But it got back on its four paws looking at him. " Usage!"
    " Run! Shado take to your place!" He yelled as he ran at the wolf and attacked it as it tried to get passed Usage. But he grabbed the wolf's tail and started spinning it to the opposite side of me while I saw Usages face as it had no emotion while attacking.
     Shado grabbed my arm and pulled me back up as we ran more. But I looked back to Usage as i saw the wolf scratch Usage a couple of times making him fall on his back. " Usage!"
     Shado made another right turn as she pulled out her phone and called some one as she placed the phone in her face.
    " Mikey Usage needs help!... a little up the hill from Griz cafe shop!... it's a black wolf! it's after me and Kri!"
    She then hanged up as she took us in an ally way that we could see the other side of the street.
     As we almost got to the other side another figure came down as I screamed and fell on the ground as Shado let's me go. She ran to it as she jumped to the mutant while it wrapped it's arms around her as she kissed it.
    ' Is this mikey?' I thought as I stayed on the ground while he and Shado came to me.
     " Sorry to scare you." He said as I saw he was also a turtle. " Your Leo and Donnies brother."
    He smiled and nod his head. He wore a orange head band as he looked at Shado grabbing her hand. " Go to my place. I will go help Usage."
    Before he left he gave Shado a kiss and ran off to Usage while we both ran to Mikeys place. Shado grabbed a key from under a rock and unlocked the door as I walked in.
     When in Shado locked the door. I looked around ad I caught my breath while it showed a lot of pictures... and I mean alot. All around the walls was frames as there was pictures of his family and of Mikey and Shado.
    Shado went to the kitchen and grabbed two glasses of water. When they both here full of water she came over to me handing me a glass. " Thanks... you think they will be okay?"
    She looked at me as she finished her water. " yeah. Mikey seams like a kid but when it comes to protecting he is like a grown adult."
     When she finished talking the door was getting slammed on as I jumped almost dropping my water.
    Shado ran to the door and quickly looked throw the peak hole. As she saw who it was she quickly opened the door.
    But as it got opened my eyes widened in shock as the water in my hand slid down to the floor as I saw Usage covered in blood and not moving while he looked unconscious. " U-Usage!"

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