Chapter 37

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    Raph had to go back to jail as I was in the visiting room waiting for raph.
    It has been a week sense the match and we all where worried about raph sense the guverment was know debating on the relationship between us humans and the mutants.
    As raph was coming out I got up and smiked when he saw me. He smiked back and walked over as he sat across from me as I sat back down. " How you doing?"
   Raph looked at my then signed. " I'm living... but I will be better once I'm out of here."
   I nod and looked at his hands and grabbed it as it make him look at me as I blushed. " They are waiting for the votes... sense know there is alot of humans and mutants that are not scared to vote this time..."
    Raph placed a hand on mine as I looked nervous as he leaned in to whisper. " i can't wait. " He said with a smirk.
   I blushed more but held his hand tighter as he then leaned in more and captured my lips. I kissed him back as i closed my eyes favoring his lips sense I don't know when I would see him next time.
    Raph then pulled away and smirked at me placing his hand on my cheek as i closed my eyes and blushed. I leaned my head a little on it. " if I get free there is somthing I will need to tell you..."
    I looked at him as I saw his face as it looked like he was hurting as if struggling to hold it in. " What is it raph... you can tell me anything."
    He signed and closed his eyes as he then spoke again. " This will probably ether make our relationship stronger... or make us split up with you never wanting to see me again..."
    I stood up as i looked at him making him looked surprised. " I will not leave! There is nothing that will brake us up!"
     " Even if it involves your dead family?" He said as he looked down with his eyes closed. I looked shocked as I backed up. " Wh-What do you mean... you... you know what happened to my family?"
    He looked at me as he answered my question but I heard how cold his tone was. " I knew them... me and... my brothers use to work with them. I was very close to your parents... Kate and Mike." I was placing a hand on my head as I looked Confused.
    "Why would this make me want to brake up with you raph?"
   " Thats not what I want to tell you..." He said emotionless as he looked at me as if he was looking like a stranger that had no feelings for any one. " Raph your scaring me..."
    " You should be..." As he said that I could not help but run out of the visiting room with tears falling from my face.
   ' What is he hiding that he can not just tell me right know! He is just confusing me and making me scared on what this secret could be...' I thought as I was stopping at the exit of the jail.
      I just stood there as I then saw a car come over as it was Vaye. I went over and opened the car as she looked different for once. " Vaye?"
    She looked at me smiling big with a blush. " How was your visit with Raph?"
   " It's was good... why you smiling like that?" I asked as I saw her look at the road as she blushed more. " Don't tell any one... but... Leo stayed the night at my place with me last night..."
   Once she told me that I widened my eyes and smiled as I said happy. " You two had sex!"
    She giggled and blushed more happier as she then opened her eyes to look at the road. " Yep... and man he was more amazing then I thought he would be in bed."
    We both looked at each other as we then giggled and she then asked me. " So what did you and Raph talk about?"
   " Nothing much... just that he knew my family..." as I turned to Vaye she lost her smile and kept her eyes on the road. " did he tell you..."
    " tell me what? He said he wanted to tell me somthing that might brake us up... but I don't see what it could be."
    Vaye clinched her hands on the wheel as she then spoke in a unsettling tone. " What he will tell you will not just brake you up... but will probably make you reguet everything you did with him..."
    " See! You know it too just tell me what is this secret!" I then looked at the ground as I remembered what I found in his room. " Dose it have to do with that weird symbol he had in his room that I found?"
    " You have to wait till he tells you... but I hope you will not want to regret meeting all of us... and leave Mutant Town..." she looked sad as I thought I saw tears coming out wanting to fall.
    So I just leaned back and looked up to the sky as I did not answer her. ' What is it that you are hiding from me... and why me.... dose Leo know? Donnie? Mikey? Griz? Shado? Do they all know what you are hiding?'
     I then breathed out and saw the place I was still staying that was raphs home. I got out of the car and looked at Vaye. "Thanks for getting me..."
    Vaye just nod as I then closed the car door and she then drove off. I walked to the door and opened it as I looked around. " it's to empty here with out you Raph..."
    " Oh trust me once you hear what Raph did to your parents you will not say that any more." As I heard some one say that I quickly got up as i tuned to where the stairs was.
   " Slash?" I asked as he walked down the stairs. He then came to me as he had somthing in his hand. " This will tell you all. Just take a good look at it and it might unlock your memorys."
    I looked at what he put on my arms as I saw it was the thing Raph had in his room with that wird red symbol.
   " Rapheal... what are you hiding..."

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