Chapter 3

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I looked out the window with exitment while we just got into the town. While we passed some places I was seeing all kinds of mutants. Lizards, pigs, fish and even worms.
As I was busy looking around noticing it was not a hug town but big enough for good size mutants as I saw a big warthog walking across the street.
" Exited?" I looked to Casey as he was smiling like he was trying to hide himself from laughing. " Yes very!"
I smiled and watch more places pass, until we turned to a right and stopped at a good size building. He parked the car right in front of the building and undid his seatbelt. " Go on in and get the key I'll grab the boxes."
I nod and grabbed my two bags as i then opened the passanger door running to the front door. As I got up the little steps I had my hand out to grab the door nob, but to get hit with the door as it opened making me back up as the edge of my feet was not on the steps making me about to fall.
I had my hand out hoping someone would grab it, some one did while pulling me back as i then looked up to see a white rabbit in what looked like a... samurai outfit!
" Are you alright Miss?" I blinked then shook my head as I then looked up at the rabbit and smiled. " It's okay it's my fault for not being aware of some one coming out."
He smiled as he put his hand on his chest where his heart was and slowed his head to me. " my name is Usagi Miyamoto. It is a pleasure to meet you Miss?"
" Oh I'm sorry I'm Kri... Kri Sohma."
" Sohma? I thought all the Sohmas died." I looked confused as he then saw my face. " Oh I'm sorry. But I use to know a couple of Sohmas a few years back. But I must leave it was a pleasure to meet you Miss Sohma."
Before I could ask anything he walked down the stairs and out into the town. So I went in and walked to the desk lightly taping the bell on the desk.
As I waited I then started thinking that this Usagi might know about my family... what if he nows why they all died...
" Hello?" I looked up seeing a big alligator as it greeted me. " Hello you must be Kri!"
I smiled and remembered that voice. " Leatherhead!"
He smiled as I did. " It's a pleasure to finely Meet you and hope you enjoy living here."
I nod my head as I turned to see Casey having one box on each of his shoulders. Leatherhead handed me the key as I waved my good bye while me and Casey went to the elevator.
We stand there as I pressed the 3rd butten making use go up, I turned to Casey as I had my two hands out. " I can take one."
" I got them no need to worry." He smiled making me blush a little so i looked at the door as I then heard the bell saying we are on the third floor. Once it opened I looked at the number if my room 306.
So I started walking as I saw the numbers start at 300. I kept walking till I finely saw my door as it was white like all the others.
I ran to it and put my key in the lock unlocking the door. I opened it and quickly ran around as I was already liking the place.
Casey was placing the two box's by the kitchen sense that was what I first saw coming in. As I got to the small hall there was a door on the right side so i opened it as it showered a nice bedroom. I thwn closed the door and twnt to the left wall a little closer to the exit of the hall way that was thw bathroom but i then went to the living room as the walls were white big windows.
I then noticed a door to a balcony so I ran to the door opening it as I then went to the railing as I looked out in the open as the wind was blowing lightly in my face. I closed my eyes and listened that the silents and clean air. " Kri."
I turned to see Casey there as he put the last box down with the other four. " That's the last of it."
I went to him and pulled my wallet out as i was about to grab two 20 dollar bills. " Oh no no. No need for that."
I looked at him with the money in my hand. " Please take it for the gas and of taking me here."
Casey has then put his hands up as I could see him looking like he really did not want to take the money so I spoke again getting him to take it. " One thing about me is that I never take no for an answer."
He chuckled and grabbed the money placing it in his back poket. " Alright you win. But if you need help getting anything let me know then that time you might meet my friend."
I giggled and nod my head as he then waved goodbye and walked out of the door leaving it opened. I turn to the living room and walk in the middle then I went down laying on the ground with my arms and lags out while I told myself. " Welcome home."
I closed my eyes as I then just laid there as I felt like taking that same nap in Casey's car.
A nock came to my door as I opened my eyes and looked at the hall even though I could not see who was there. So I got up and walked over to my door confused at who it would be.
As I got to the door I saw Leatherhead there with a smile. " How is it?"
" I love it! Even the balcony! Why did you not tell me about it?"
He chuckled as he put a hand on his neck. " I guess I wanted it to be a surprise sense you told me you liked balconys on the phone and sense this is the first time on your own I thought you would like it."
I smiled and nod my head as he then turned to the left then back to me. " I need to head out. Would you want me to get you anything to eat while I'm out?"
" Thanks for the offer but I'll be okay." He nod his head to me then went off as I then remembered I needed to message my unkle so I grabbed my phone out and swiped it clicking the contacts looking for my unkles number.
I clicked on the envelope as it was the sign for messages. ' Hey unkle I'm home and loving it here so far. Message me tomorrow when you wake up love you!'
I put my phone down on the kitchen counter as I then walked to the box's and started dragging them to my room sense they all where bedroom stuff.
As I got them all in my room I opened the plastic container ed one as it had my clothes in it. I started eperatijg the dirty clothes and the clean ones while I let the dirty cloths stay on the floor.
I looked around as I did not have anything here to put stuff in or on, so I went to my back poket and grabbed my wallet seeing I still had 60 dollers left.
I got up and grabbed my Key and closed my door to lock up. Once it was locked I went to the elevator and pressed the first floor.
When I was going done I started to think on where I should eat sense I was getting hungry. Then it came to me in a unexpected way sense i do not eat much of it. ' Pizza'

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