Chapter 18

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     As the morning came again I opened my eyes to see Leo already up and in the kitchen. I signed with a yawn and sat up to strach my arms up in the air.
    "Morning." Leo said as I opened my eyes looking at him while he came over with what looked like a glass of orange juice?
   He came over to me placing the cup in front of me while I then noticed him in his uniform again. " I'm heading to work again today... so I will have Vaye come over with something for you to eat again."
    I watched him talk as he avoided looking at me. But while he started to leave I thought about Vaye and looked at the movie case that was on the living room table so I chanced it.
    " What do you think of her?"
   Leo stopped at the door and turned to me with a confused face in witch I was expecting. " Think of who?"
    " Vaye... I... saw the writing in the cover of one of your movies." Leo turned all the way to me as he showed no emotions. " She is my partner that I try to keep alive every time she comes along with me on dangerous missions."
    I looked a little surprised myself at what he said. " I thought that you might have liked her from keeping that movie..."
    " What are you trying to get at Kri? I kept that movie because... because..."
    I watched Leo look to the ground as it seemed that he did not know why he was keeping it. So I asked one last question at him. " Have you ever watched the movie yet?"
     Leo looked at me with a worried face but then shook his head and yelled at me making my back up a little as I looked shocked and a little scared. " This has nothing to do with you! So think of your own safety!"
    He then left the house slamming the door shut as I had my eyes widened and my mouth opened.
     I stood like that for maybe a good couple of minutes. But as I then moved and looked around as I started hoping that I did not mess things up with Vaye.
    As I sat there with nothing to do and just looked at the clock slowly passing the seconds to minutes, then the minutes to hours. So as it was around 5 pm I got up and looked straight at the door.
   I need this to end... and I know that sitting here not seeing this man that wants me dead to talk to him and argange with something. So I took in a breath and started for the door.
   But as I got to the door nob a knock came to the door. I knew it was Vaye sense this was the time she came over yesterday.
    So I opened the door as I expected it to be Vaye. But instead it was that mutant dog from before.
    I felt my heart pound fast as I then slammed the door shut but before I could get it locked the dog bragged in knocking me to the ground on my side.
    I got up and ran to the kitchen as the dog grabbed my arm but I saw a dirty glass cup that Leo must have used. I grabbed it and slammed it on the dogs head hard as he then had a little of glass in his head.
    I ran passed him as I held onto my hand with the glass in it sense I smashed that cup to the dogs head.
    I got out of the house and got my neck rand into an arm as I then fell on my back as I grunnted. I opened my eyes seeing what looked like a mutated tiger that had on a black eye patch. He showed his teeth at me as I was trying to catch my breath as it felt that I had no air in me.
    I then felt small tears fall out of my eyes as I tried to get up fast but the dog grabbed my arms as the one with the glass cuts started to hurt bad making me yell in pain. The dog punched my face as i then fell to the ground as I felt a extremely bad headache. I looked back to the dog as he then punched my left eye hard then I screamed while I then could not control my body any more and shaked from the fear that I was going to die tonight.
    After a couple of more hits all I could do was lay on my stomach on the ground as I felt everything hurt in my body. I slowly placed my hands on the cement walk way as I tried to get up with my shaking arms.
    But the two mutants laughed at me as I laid my forehead on the walk way and silently cried as I then opened my only eye wide that did not get brushed as the dog grabbed the back colar of my shirt and had me on my knees as I liked up to the sky as stars where showing and the side walk lanterns turned on.
    " The boss will be pleased to have your head." I closed my eyes as I was accepting my death at this moment as all I wanted right know was to be pain free.
    " What the hell you doing!" A man yelled as I slowly opened my eyes and looked ahead of me as I saw a figure there but was to blurry to see who it was. It stood a few feet away from me as I felt blmy body shake from the pain I was in.
    " Get lost! This human is not your concern!" The figure walked closer as it cracking it's knuckles while speaking in a joyful tone. " I will say it once let the human go or you will have to mess with me."
    That man stopped at the light as they saw who it was and gasped. But I still couldn't properly see from my eyes getting beaten on.
   The dog let's me go as I fall back to the ground as I closed my eyes while I then heard running and fighting as I just laid there.
    After a little I heard the man yell. " yeah that's right! Get out of here!" He took in a couple of hard breaths as I felt him put me in one of his big hands as he turned me around. " You are going to be okay."
    I smiled with my eyes still closed and said only two words from my mouth before I passed out limped in the man arms. " Thank you..."

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