Chapter 7

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In the next Morning I sat on the ground as I felt a little scared. When i then heard my front door got knocked I jumped but took in a breath and got up as I slowly unlocked and opened the door to a very little Crack as I then saw my white rabbit friend. " Usage!"
He looked a little worried so I opened the door as I get out of the way of the door. " Umm come in."
Usage nod and came in as he then turned to me as I closed and locked the door.
" I was told what happened. Are you okay?" He asked in a worried tone. I smiled at him and placed my left hand on my right arm. " Yes I'm fine... I'm just a little startled is all."
Usage came to me and placed a hand in my shoulder as I looked a little worried. " I was notified my a dear friend Leonardo. As soon as he knew that I was a mutant that you felt comfortable with he asked me if I wanted to be the one to watch you in the witness protection."
I looked surprised at what Usage said as I looked down. " Usage you don't have to... I am able to take care of my self."
He smiled and released my shoulder as he then placed his hand on his katana that was to his left side as he then bowed. " I am what you call a Asashin for Leonardo."
I looked at him a little confused as I said what he told me. " Asashin..." it then hut me as I looked at Usage. " Isn't that Japanese for assassin!"
He lighted as he them smiled again. " Yes Miss Sohma. But my boss is Leonardo so what ever he needs me to do I do it."
I felt a little surprised as he did not look a lot like... I guess know that he said it he does know.
Usage stopped smiling as he saw my face and spoke. " I am sorry if you are not wanting me to keep watch you."
" Oh no! No! I am just surprised. I mean it's not every day that I meet a assassin." I said as I looked embarrassed. " I would not mind of you watch over me Usage."
He smiled again as he then went to the door. " I will be leaving know. But if you need any help with anything then please do not hesitate to call. I will be keeping my eye on you Miss Sohma."
I felt my cheeks heat up fast at how he said that in a tone that made it sound like he was talking sexualy. He then unlocked the door and opened it while leaving as I stood there when he closed the door.
I just stood there as I tried to stop my blushing while going to my room to get some cloths to pick.
As I picked a long sleeve blue shirt with black boot pants and my boots as I kept my hair down this time. I grabbed my keys and my wallet with my phone as I then headed to the door.
I locked it and went to the elevator, as I was waiting I looked at Usages door as I thought if I should let him know I'm heading out but then the door opened as I then thought. ' this one time not asking him should be okay.'
I went in the elevator and pressed the first floor. Once going down I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and my headphones.
The door opened as I walked out seeing LH looking at some papers. " LH can you let Usage know I'm heading to the cafe? He will know what you mean."
He nod his head as I then went out of the building as I saw some gray clouds. But that did not stop me as I went down the stairs and on the sidewalk as I started going across the street really quick. I then plugged my head phones on and put them in my ears. I scrolled down my many lists of songs as I saw one that fit like a song for today ' Try Everything '.
I put my phone back in my pocket and started walking as I walked by a hippo and what looked like a chipmunk.
I stayed a little behind them as I was still the smaller thing in this town so I kept my self a little safe as I saw the cafe in the location I was heading even though it was still like ten minuets away.
But as I stopped at a light waiting for the walk sigh I saw Griz and the turtle walking hand to hand as it looked like they where heading to the cafe sense she was wearing the same cloth as yesterday.
Once the walking sign came up I quickly went to a run and unplugged my head phones as I slightly yelled out. " Griz!"
I saw she stopped and turned around as so did the turtle. I finely passed some of the mutants as she then saw me and smiled. As I got to her she talked. " Hey Kri come to cheek the application?"
" Yes." I said as I looked at her to a stop from the run.
" Oh Donnie this is the human i was talking about working for my cafe."
I looked surprised. " your cafe?"
She laughed as Donnie laughed a little too. " Yes I own the cafe and if you want to come in I can check it out because I am of need for more workers."
I smiled and nod my head as I fallowed Griz and Donnie. As we got to the door Donnie opened it up as he let her and me in. Griz and I said thanks to Donnie as he then closed the door and went to a table while Griz walked to the counter. " Wait here I will get your application."
I nod my head and looked around as I took the seat at the opposite side of where Donnie was sitting.
Griz came back as she then looked at me and came over sitting on the seat across from me and started looking at the application.
I felt nervous as she read carefully until she was done and looked at me while fixing her glasses. " Impressive application. You have worked in a cafe sense you where able to work?"
" Yes. I love drinking coffee and love making expressos." Griz nod her head as she pulled up the paper and asked another question. " what experiences do you have most of in a cafe?"
" All. At my old job I was mainly the one employee that where every they needed me most I would be there making it." Griz smiled and nod her head again as she then put the paper down. " when are you able to start?"
I smiled as i instantly answered her. " I can started tomorrow if you need me to!" I said with excitement. Griz chuckled and write on the paper.
"Okay how about 7 am tomorrow?"
" Perfect!" I said as Griz then got up as I then fallowed up standing. " See you tomorrow." She then walked off as I smiled and started for the door as Griz went to Donnie.
I opened the door and went out as I looked around happy that I got a job.
When I started down to the basketball fields again I then heard thunder as I stopped walking and looked up as it was more cloudy and gray.
But I just walked on and went to pass the park when I then felt the rain. It was only little drops as I then stopped at the park as it was empty. So I went in and sat on one of the seats and looked around as I was enjoying this new life of my.
Until I remembered about that lizard last night trying to attack me in the elevator. A feeling started to come down my spin, as I felt like some one was watching me. So I turned around seeing nothing as the rain got a little more harder at falling down.
So I turned back in front of me as I saw some mutant that looked like a black dog with a human figure. It was just staring at me as I kept my eyes on it hoping it was just some one looking at me and not wanting to harm me.

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