Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

The rest of the time, the three of us are silent in the car. Emily would usually lean forward and grin at the two of us. I hated it when does that. Like now. I push her head back making her growl like a puppy and hitting the back of the car seat.

Louis glance at me with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes and look out the window. His car immediately stopped. The doors at the back opened and two girls came in. They squealed when they saw Emily. And apparently when they saw me too.

"Hi Meg!" The two of them beamed happily. I turned around and smiled at them. "Hi girls." I said warmly. Soon the three of them were lost in their own world.

I was looking straight ahead at the streets of Doncaster when a familiar place caught my eye. The town park. I haven't been there since I was 16. Ever since dad died I haven't step foot in the place.

That's the place where I have founded my love for football. Of course Emily doesn't know that. Mum doesn't either. Mum thinks I've put everything behind me but how? She doesn't have time for us anymore. The only reason I go home is because of Emily. If Emily wasn't here, or Lisa, I wouldn't come back. Only that Lisa is already adopted by our aunt whom she considers her mother now.

I gasped when the car stopped. Right in the place. I looked around, having only every area of this place bring back memories.

"Alright. Last one out is a soiled loser." Louis said, unbuckling his seatbelt. The three of them fought over who gets out. They pushed each other out the door. Before I know it they've already hit the ground.

He laughed as he got out and closed the door behind him. "Hey, Meg, come on..." He said, ushering me out the car. Shakily, I pressed the button to release my seatbelt. I went out nervously and looked around my. There's a huge lump in my throat, tears threatened to come out but I tried so hard to hold it in.

"It's nice to be back in the place you grew up." I didn't even realize he was standing beside me. Something trickled down my cheek, only to realize its a lone tear. I wiped it with the back if my hand quickly before anyone sees me cry.

"Y-you, uh, you grew up here too?" I ask him, leaning on the car.

He looked at me with a smirk and leaned on the car too, beside me. "No where else. I only get to see this place for two months before it's back to the real world..." He said, looking around. I look at him. I stuffed my hands in my pocket when he looked down at me.

"What?" He asked through a chuckle.

"I thought you teach kids football for a living."

He scoffed and chuckled. "Not really, no. I was only appointed to be coach because the previous coach broke his leg or a drastic accident like that..."

This time it was turn to scoff. "I hated that guy." I murmured.

"You said something?" He asked, grinning at me. "You know coach Kit?"

I chuckled and looked at him. "Who doesn't? He's practically caused misery to every child here. He's a schmuck. No wonder his wife left him." I scoffed. "How do you know him?" I ask him.

"Ah, he trained me when I was in Primary school."

"So, uh, you've been playing football since...." I trailed off, waiting for him to supply it.

He shrugged and looked down at me again. "Seven or eight. I didn't take it seriously until I was 15." He said.

I smirked and nodded. Now Emily and Louis' sisters are on the monkey bars. "How old are you now?" I ask him without looking.

"I'm 21. You?"

I look and smiled. "Coincidentally, we're Of the Same age." I said. He laughed and looked down shaking his head.

"What's so funny?" I ask him.

"I thought you'd be younger." He said, still chuckling.

"Hm, don't get me wrong but when Em said she'll have footballs training, I'd expect coach Kit on the field and not you..." I said.

"Why? Can't a coach be younger than 30?" He asked. I shrugged and walked towards a bench, hoping this'll end our conversation but it didn't.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but Coach Kit isn't the man for the job I'm doing now." He said, sitting beside me. "He's more for a, uh, professional football coach rather than for beginners."

"You're right... That's why you took his duty have 7 little girls adore you to death." I said.

"Of course. I'm adorable."

"Little girls don't like cocky, narcissistic 21 year olds." I said.

"They don't even know the meaning of the word narcissistic." He said while laughing.

"Believe me, Em does." I said.

"Okay, so little girls don't like 'narcissistic' 21 year olds. But do 21 year old girls like narcissistic 21 year olds?"

"I'm not going with you!" I snapped. He was taken back but ended up laughing. "What? Now I'm a laughing stock?" I ask him, trying to stifle a laugh.

"I didn't name any names. That, my friend, means you do." He said making circles beside his head.

I stifled a smirk and slapped his arm. A little too much.

"You're so mean!" I whined like a little girl.

He tried to grab my hands to stop them from slapping him and further but failed. Now he's laughing more! Bastard.
All of the sudden I heard screaming. Two girls tackle him to the ground, making him land on the pavement with a thud.

I still get the last laugh. "Not cool! I'm your brother!" He shouted while still laughing. The twins got up and gave each other a high five.

I turned around and saw Em just standing there.
I chuckled pulled Em close to me. She struggled out of my grip but it was no use. "Megan!" She grunted trying to get my arm that's hugging her head.

Someone tickled me from behind, making me squeal like a mice.
Then I realized it was Louis' sisters.
"I thought you were on my side" I whined in a joking way.

"Little sisters stick together." One of the twins said. I'm not exactly sure which is which.

"Well that's not fair. It's 2 against three, you guys are cheaters." Louis said as he got up.

I crossed my arms infront of my chest and chuckled. I turned to Louis, smirking. "It's pretty fair."
He looked at me, grinning. I think he knows where I'm going with this.

"Yeah, you're right." He took a step infront of me and put his hands on his hips.

"Don't underestimate us!" Emily shouted.

Louis turned around and ran after one of his sisters. The three of them shrieked as Louis threw one of them over his shoulder.

"THIS IS WAR!" The other twin shouted.

Wait, where did they get water gun?! Oh dear lord. I began to sprint and avoid them as much as possible. When I turned around, they were already squirting water at Louis. And they fell in the fountain. I turned around and saw Emily grinning at me devilishly. And she's holding a large water gun. Where did they get that?

"paybaacccckkk!" It sounded like a battle cry to me. Soon water was splashed on my face. Ew, it went in my nose. I sprinted towards the other side of the fountain, away from Emily. That is when I got tackled by another tiny person.

When I sat up, I saw the three girls laughing and high fiving each other. I smirked and shook my head. I pulled myself up.

Panic rushed through me when I stepped on a moss and slipped. I fell backwards but I didn't hit the cemented fountain ground. Instead a pair of arms pulled me up to my feet safely.


"Wooohooooo!" The three girls cried out for their win.

They win now... But they will get what they deserve. Not now but soon. My little revenge plot was disrupted when I heard someone shout

"Ahhh!" I turned around and saw Megan falling. I ran towards her and, thankfully, I caught her before her head could hit the cemented ground. That would've been messy.

She turned around slowly. I didn't realize how close we were until I met her eyes. They're unbelievably gorgeous. A beautiful shade of blue and green, more like teal. My eyes already started scanning her face. Her eyes form this cat-eye look. Her eyelashes are perfectly curved and long. Her lips are light pink. She smiled at me nervously causing a small dimple form on her right cheek. She's really beautiful, I might add.

Plus she's staring back at me.
It's like I'm being pulled to her because I can't go back. I have never been drawn to someone like this before...


Our heads snap to the direction of the girls. Emily looked stern but the twins were laughing.

When I looked back at Meg, she already stepped away from me. Always count on your sisters to ruin the moment.


I opened the trunk of my car and opened the duffel bag. I pulled out a towel and tossed it at Meg.

"Where did they get the water gun?" She asked sounding desperate as she dried her hair.

"Uhh..." I trailed off. I dumped the duffel bag on top of the water guns. I keep them in my car in case I feel like annoying people.

"Probably found it on some lone picnic basket." I said.


I turned back to him, smirking. He chuckled and turned around.

My polo was soaking wet. No, screw that, my whole body is soaking wet. I groaned and took it off, leaving only my white camisole. I spread my shirt over the hood of his car and dried my hair once more.

The girls came running towards us. Emily grinned at me with her hands behind her back. "What Emily?" I ask her.

"Can I get some ice cream?" She pleaded. Damnit she's using her puppy eyes again! I hate that look. I groaned and took my wallet out of my bag.

I pull out a £5 bill and smacked it on her palm. "Be thankful that I love you." I said before pushing her off with the twins.

"Did I just hear you right?" I turned around to face Louis.

"What? What did I say?" I ask him.

He chuckled and shrugged. "It's not that big a deal. Never mind." He said before walking back behind the trunk. There he goes again, walking around shirtless. For him it's no big deal. I sighed and stood beside him and folded the towel. I noticed the trunk of his car was a total dump. It had soda cans and McDonals cups on the side. And probably crumbs of crisps everywhere.

"Do you ever clean your car?" I ask, staring at the trunk. I leaned down and picked up a sock with a brown stain. "What is it with you boys and dirty laundries!" I groaned.

"Ah, you're a neat-freak... Not bad." He said as he yanked the duffel bag. Hold up! The girls got their water guns from him! I snatched one of the guns, sure enough they were fully loaded.

"Are you kidding me? You're 21 years old and you keep water guns in your trunk?"

He chuckled and shrugged. I shook my head while smirking and holding the water gun in position.

"Whoa, whoa, hey... Let's not go there." He said, holding his hands up and walking backwards. "Come on Meg! I just dried myself!"

Before he can even make a run for it, I already squirted water in his face. He spewed out the water that got in his mouth. I burst out laughing and falling to my knees.

"Oh so that's how you want to play it."

When I looked up he was already holding the gun and pointing it at me. "That's- that's not fair." I said, still laughing.

"Oh... Yeah it is."

"I don't have a shirt anymore!" I shouted. He cocked his head and smirked. "So do I."

He already pulled the trigger, squirting ice cold Water in my face.
"Goddamnit." I muttered. When I looked up he was already running towards me.

I let out a surprisingly high squeal and ran away from him. But I wasn't fast enough. By the time we were by the fountain, he already caught up to me. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me away. But he dropped me on the grass while he was hovering on top of me.

He sounds like he's already out of breAth. "You take my breath away." He said, breathing raggedly. I chuckled. "I mean it... Literally..."

"I'll take that as compliment, thanks." I said. He smiled and chuckled as he got up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up effortlessly..

"You're a lot of fun, you know that?" He said, smiling down at me.

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