Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

His voice was low and husky. It made me shudder in a good way. In a nervous way. No one has ever said that to me or felt that away about me. He was already leaning and I can feel his breathing against my face.

My heartbeat was going so fast I can hear it in my ears like drums!
I like Louis, I can admit that. Really like him, actually. He's one of the two people who make me smile and laugh.

But do I really want him to kiss me?
I've been curious of how his lips would feel on mine. A part of me is saying 'go for it' and another part is saying no. This is the first time in a long time I've been this close to a boy.

I felt the tip of his nose brushing mine making me gasp. Luckily he didnt hear me. It seems like all I can look at are his eyes. They're staring directly at my mouth.
I look at his lips and they're almost touching. His hand brushed mind making me jump.

His eyes connected with mine. Everything in his eyes are telling me how he feels. Confused.

I closed my eyes tight and mentally slapped myself.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to-"

I cut him off. "No, no, no... Don't apologize." I said while shaking my head. I sighed frustratedly and covered my face in embarrassment. "It's just... I'm not used to this... I'm sorry." I said. Anxiety was taking over me again. I look at the grass and took a deep breath.

"Hey, it's alright... I'm sorry... I might've.. Rushed things." He said uneasily. This time he was sitting a little farther.

I sighed frustratedly and mentally punched myself in the gut.
"Can we just... Be friends?" I ask him. He looks at me warily. Oh no he might've find that offensive.

"Friends?" He said as if the word is new to him.

"For now?" I said a little unsure of my choice of words. Right now I feel so pathetic.

He chuckled, looking down and ran a hand through his hair. I bit my lip nervously and tilted my head to look at his face.

"Alright... But you said 'for now'... I'm taking your word for it" He said sternly but there's a hint of playfulness on his face.
I smiled. At least he's not mad. The next thing I need is a guy mad at me.


"Thank you... I had a lot of fun today, Lou." I said with a smile.
He pushed the car door close. He leaned in making me wide eyed. My back against his car.

"Yeah me too..." He said.

I smile again. I was lost in his eyes again. For some reason I want to stay here forever, paralyzed under his gaze.
Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. I peek behind him to see my mother leaning against the door with her arms crossed.

I looked down and moved away from him. "I'll see you later, Louis." I said before walking away.
I walk pass my mum and in the living room to see Emily on the sofa watching TV. I turn towards the window to see Rick's daughters arguing for the best view.

I roll my eyes and went in the kitchen. Rick was standing by the stove looking at the pot. I didn't say anything. I opened the closet door and then the washing machine. I threw my jacket inside and bag. I hit the 'rinse' button and went out.

"A little thing called respect, Megan." Mum hissed as I walk pass her in the hall.

I opened my door to see a bag on my desk. Not my bag but a backpack. I look at my bed and my eyes widen to see Holly.

"What are you doing in my room?" I ask her.

"Your mum told me to stay here for the night. Got a problem?"

I raise my eyebrows at her in disbelief. "Excuse me?" I said.


And my mother calls me rude and stubborn.

"As I've recalled this is MY room." I said.

"Should I care?" She said boastfully.

I blinked at her in disbelief. "Listen to me, you two-faced spoiled teenager, either you get out on your own or I will get you out myself." I hissed

She stood up and walked towards me like she owned the place. She's getting on my nerves.

"Your mother told me to stay here. Unless you wanna sleep in the kitchen, you better back off because soon, whether you like it or not, we will be living together... Meeegan." She said, slurring my name.

"Wow, you teenagers these days really know how to make an impression." I said nodding my head at her.

"Tell me about it..." She said turning her back on me. She's even bitchy than I thought.

"And you also need a lesson." I said, making her turn back to me.

"Excuse me?"

I roll my eyes at the irony. I walk over to her things and picked her backpack up.

"Before you plan on 'dominating' someone else's room, please make sure you've asked permission first. Or else you don't want this to happen." I said walking towards the window. She looked at me confused and crossed her arms.

"What's what to happen?"

I frowned at her and tossed her bag outside. Her jaw dropped and she stomped towards me. She is a spoiled little brat!

"You're a real BITCH." She said, shouting the word bitch.

"Ditto." I said before turning my back on her, shutting the window.
When I looked back her,she's frowning and looking constipated.

"Y'know what, I'm out... I'd rather sleep on the couch." She said walking out.

"That would be amazing." I said sarcastically. She turned around glaring at me but I just winked at her.

A few hours after locking myself in my room, Em knocked on my door telling it was dinner time. I sighed and got off my bed. I went out to see me smirking at me. "Tell me about your date!" She beamed. I chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Later." I said as we went to the dining area.

My smile faded when I saw Holly in my seat. It won't bother me so much but all the other seats are taken. I sighed and went to the table. I grab one plate and put some roast beef, mashed potatoes, salad and mayonnaise.

I made my way to my room until my mum called for me.

"Megan, where do you think you're going?" She yelled.

"Away from misery." I said before closing the door.

The moments when my mum's acting like a total bitch are the times where I just want to disappear. Sometimes I don't think she sees me as her daughter at all.

I opened my laptop to watch a movie while I ate. The first movie I saw on my desktop was Cinderella story with Lucy Hale in it. I sat on the floor with my laptop on my bed. I pressed the space bar, starting the movie.
Most of the time I was really paying attention to the movie. My mind was lingering somewhere else.

At around 9PM my phone buzzed.

From: Louis T.
Havin' fun there?

I smirked and typed in a reply.

'The best.'

I hit send but not long enough he already had a reply.

From: Louis T.
;) look out your window.

I frowned at the message but I did get up from my spot and looked out the window. I gasped with a smile when I saw Louis out there waving at me. He made a sad face and pretended to cry when I just stood there for like 5 minutes. Then he pressed his face against the glass making me laugh. I walk over to the window and opened it. He easily climbed in but tripped on the covers.

I chuckled as I close the window. I help him up then he sat on my bed.
"What are you doing here? Do you have any idea how much trouble I'm going to get in when they find out you're here?!"

He chuckled then smirked. Why does he keep doing that?

"You're not impressed I snuck out to see you?"

His words made my cheeks heat up. I wish he didn't say that. Luckily the lights in my room are crap.

"Not really... Cause
when my mother finds out that-"

"That what? Your sister's coach is going out with you?"

He's already so close looking down at me with a smirk.
I scoffed and pushed him away.

"We're not going out." I said in a harsh whisper.

"But don't you want to?" He asked.

It shocked me not because it's true! I'm just shocked he said it so forwardly. Does that mean he likes me back? Of course all girls want to go out with guys they like just not this quickly.

"Not yet?" He asked unsurely. I chuckled and shook my head. He just chuckled and smiled. "I knew you'd say that but okay." He said.

"Ask me again in a few weeks, alright?" I tell him. It's meant to be a joke but i don't know what happened. I obeyed my impulse. I tiptoed to kiss him on the cheek making him blush. He's so adorable when.... Well he's adorable doing everything.

I push him against his chest towards the window. "Now go before my mum finds out you're here!" I said already opening he window.

His hands moved to the window lock and pulled the handle down to lock it.

"I'll go... If you come with me. Right now." He said.

"No! It's going end worse now go!" I said pushing the handle up and pushing the window open. He wasn't prepared that he fell backwards, landing with a thud. Luckily my bedroom window isn't so high or he'll be seriously damaged.

"Meg! Meg! My ankle! Oh god!" He shouted sounding badly hurt.

Panic started to rise in me. I didn't know it would hurt him that much. Shit. I climb down the window and knelt beside him.

"Oh no, is it that bad?" I ask him uneasily. Uneasily because I could have a panic attack any moment and I don't know what to do!
I pull his shoes off making him grunt. It could be worse... I thought to myself. Who am I kidding?! It could be broken! Is it?

"Do you think it's broken?" I ask him. My voice was smaller than I thought. I don't want to go in there and ask for my mum's assistance!

"No probably just a sprain.."

I sigh in relief. For a second I thought it's broken.

"Can you walk?" I ask him.

"I'll try... Could you help me up?" He asks. I stood up and stretched both my arms out to him. He grabbed onto my arms as I pull him up. He groans as I did. I try to let him go so he can walk on his own but no good.

"Should I call your mum or-"

"No, it's fine it's just a sprain no big deal."

"No big deal?! You could lose your foot for crying out loud! You won't be able to play anym-"

He covered my mouth and gestured me to keep quiet. I didn't realize my voice was so loud. I wrench his hand from my mouth, making him fall backwards. Luckily he got the wall for support.

"I've had 2 leg injuries this year and my mum said if I reach 3, I can't play anymore so it's best if it's just between us, alright?" He says in a whisper. I sigh and nodded.

Then I remembered my first injury when playing football. I was 13. It was in PE class. I was about to kick the ball in when another player put her leg infront of me. Of course I tripped and nearly broke my leg. I wasn't able to play for 6 weeks.

I went in my room and decided to help him recover. I help him up but he was struggling big time. His arm is on my shoulder but he's too heavy for me. When he's in I helped him on the bed. A shriek escaped my mouth he lost his balance and we both fell on the bed. He looked in my eyes and started inching closer. I looked away and stood up.

"I'll go get some bandages." I said as I went out my room.

I made sure to lock it and have the key with me so no one can get in. Lucky for me, my mother, Rick and the other witches, excluding Em, are watching a movie. They're so engrossed in it that they didnt see me walk in the kitchen. I rummage through the cupboards and grab the first aid kit. I opened the freezer to get the ice pack. When I went back to my room, I saw Emily at my door.

"Em! What are you doing here?! Get back out there!" I hissed.

"I heard screaming earlier. And your door's locked. That's suspicious." She said rubbing her chin like a villain. I roll my eyes and crossed my arms.

"And the first aid kit? You broke a hip?" She asks in a cocky way.

"Don't get sassy with me." I said in disbelief.

She groaned and stomped her foot. I told her to keep quiet because mum might hear her.

"You are keeping something! Spill!" She said enthusiastically.
Knowing em, she won't stop if shes really curious. We can go on here all night.

"Fine... Just..." I said as I dug out my key. I put it in and opened it. I pushed em in, hearing her gasp.

"What is Louis doing here?" She asked. Half surprised half amused. I knew she has a crush on him.

"He... Kinda... Sprained his ankle and its sort of my fault." I said awkwardly as i sat on the bed beside him. Em gaped at me.

"But... Then he will have to be replaced and the new coach might be old and stinky and ugly! Meg I don't want that!" She said. I had to cover her mouth cause she was too loud. I can see from the corner of my eye Louis' smirking at me.

"That's why he's here... If his mum finds out, he's out!" I said.

"Why? You're not a nurse."

Louis laughed but I smacked him on the stomach. I really wish I didn't. There's no sign of belly flab there.

"One more sassy remark and I'm throwing you out the window." I hissed. She shook her head and sat there quietly. Hopefully she'll stay like that forever.

"You're amazing with children, Meg." He said sarcastically as I put the ice pack under his foot. I looked up at him and moved his foot to the side making him wince.

"Not fair." He said sternly. I smirked and tended to his ankle. again.

I just realized it's not good to bring Emily and Louis together at all. They're both pretty brutal with words and they're attacking every time I open my mouth. I wouldn't be surprised with Louis but, Emily? She's 10 for cryin out loud!

"God, I'm done with you two. I've had enough." I said as I stood up shaking my head. I put the first aid Kit away. By away I meant under my bed.

"But come on Meg, you love me."

I looked at Emily who had her lips pouted. She looks like a chipmunk and really cute. It works all the time.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" I ask her as I cross my arms.

"I am in bed." She said going under the covers. I rolled my eyes and yanked her out.

"YOUR bed..." I said pushing her to the door.

"Wait!" She said, stopping me from closing it. "You will tell me about your date right?" She asked grinning at me.

I chuckled and pinched her nose. She winced and slap my hand. "Goodnight, Emily." I said before closing the door and locking it. I leaned against it only to find Louis smirking at me.

"She's fun." He said as he leans on the headboard.

"Of course causing me misery is always fun for Emily." I said looking at him with a sarcastic smile.

I sit beside him as I pull my phone from under the pillow and putting it beside my sidelight. "Your ankle going to be fine?" I ask him.

"It's doesnt look like it's about to explode so yeah, it should be alright by the morning." He said.

I chuckled and unexpectedly letting out a yawn. I cover my mouth and brought one leg on the bed.

"You going to be okay here?" I ask him. He frowns at me. "Where are you going?" He asks. I shrugged and raised my eyebrows at him.

"No where, just-"

"You look horrible." He said.

I roll my eyes. "Thanks." I said sarcastically. He chuckled and I felt the bed shift.

I look at him and he pats the space beside him.

"It's your bed, come on." He says. He looks at me exasperatedly and puts a pillow in between. I chuckle and shook my head. "Now lie down. I mean it that you look horrible."

"Well aren't you a ball of sunshine." I murmur. But I am tired and I'm lazy to go out and grab another mattress. I lie down facing the side away from him.

"Stay on your side." I said with my eyes closed. He laughed and I felt his fingers brushing my cheeks. I shiver slightly. I hope he didnt feel that.

"Goodnight, Meg." He said. I gasped silently when I felt his lips on top of my head.

I smile at the feeling but also a year slipped on the side of my face.

I didnt realize how much I miss having someone telling me goodnight...with a goodnight kiss.

From someone special... To me.

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