Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


I frowned and pulled my blanket over my head. What's the fucking time now?!

"Megaaaaaaaaan!" This time there was pounding on my door.

I groaned pulled my cover tighter.


I threw my blanket on the floor and rubbed my eyes. I pulled my phone under my pillow to check the time. My eyes widen and I groan in frustration.


"I'm up! Goddamnit!" I shouted.

I look around to see Louis still asleep. At least my mother's daily routine of waking me up didnt bother him. Then I realized he had his arm wrapped around my shoulder. His head is nuzzled in my hair. He looks so peaceful.
I smile. And took the risk to brush the hair out of his angelic face. His hair is surprisingly soft. There's no sign of gel or any hair products.
The weird thing is Im not too bothered anymore as I was last night of sleeping beside Louis.

Once again there was pounding on the door.i groaned and got up hoping I didnt wake him up. He did stir but now he was facing the wall.

I opened the door and peeked out.

"Rick and the girls are leaving. Don't you want to say goodbye?" She asked without looking at me.

"And where are you going? You promised we'd go visit dad today." I said leaning on the doorframe.

"Something came up and I'm dropping off Emily at her friend's house. Pick her up at 4." She said flatly. I thought Em would tell on me but she didnt. Thank god for that.

"K..." Was all I said and closed the door. I locked it behind me. I was relieved when I heard the front door close. I went back to my bed only to find him still asleep. I smile and went to my closet. I pull out a white shirt and my dark jeans. I went in my bathroom.

I took a quick shower and changed into my cleaner clothes. I pull out my blue sneakers from underneath my bed and slipped them on. I heard Louis groan on the bed. I look up to see him rub his eyes and then running both of his hands through his hair.

He turns to my direction and smiles. "You're an early riser, aren't you?" He asks with his eyes close.

"Doesn't really make me a morning person." I said as I finished tying my shoelace.

"You're not going to leave me here aren't you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Won't your mum get worried you didnt went home?" I ask him as I sat on the bed.

"She's probably left by now. Do you want to go out today?" He asks.

"Sorry but I have to go somewhere." I said as I dry my hair with the towel.

"I'll go with you..."

"It's okay. It's not exactly the best place for.." I trail off. Best place for what? Date?

"I can drive you there." He says as he sits up.

"Are you joking?" I say as I remember his sprained ankle.

"Do I look like it?" He asks with a smirk.

"It's fine, really. I'll take the bus. It's not far. And you really need to stay in bed today..." I said making him laugh. "Don't laugh at me. I'm serious!"

"Didn't realize you care about me so much."

My eyes widen and I feel my cheeks turn bright red. Of course I care about him. This is a rare feeling for me. The only person I care about before him is Em. I'm not even sure if I care about myself that much as I do for my little sister.

I look away and hang the towel on my window. I grab a hairbrush at my desk and comb my hair backwards. I fix my hair line and grab the blue hoodie I have on my chair. I put it on and zipping it up.

I didn't realize how hungry I was until my stomach made the loudest rumble. I turn to face him again only to have him staring at me with a smirk.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him.

He shrugs then sits up. "It's just... You don't try so hard to look beautiful."

I look down and feel my whole body tingle. "I'm... I'm going to make breakfast." I said in a hurry, running out the room.

Good thing everyone has left already. I went in the kitchen with a sigh and smirk on my face. I lean on the counter with my arms wrapped around myself.

He just called you beautiful.

My subconscious tells me repeatedly and smile at the though even more. I feel like a silly 16 year old who has had her crush flirt with her for the first time. I shake my head from the thought and opened the cupboards. I took out 2 bowls and spoons. I grab the cereal box and poured the cereal in. I opened the fridge and grab the milk. I twisted the cap and tilted it over to fill the bowl. I also pop some bread in the toaster. I look at the picture frame on top of the fridge. It's the one of me, Emily, mum, Lisa when she was a baby and dad before he left for duty. That's our last family picture.

Regardless of the pain I feel as I look at the picture, I can't help but smile. The thought of us having that moment as a family is something I will never forget. I hold the picture frame in my hands and smile at the thought of still having my dad that moment. Ever since he passed, mum has become distant like now.

"I'll visit you today, dad" I whispered to myself. I just wish he could hear me. I felt wetness running down my cheek. I sighed and wiped the tears away furiously. The toaster went ding, I walk over to it and took the toast out. I put it on the plate with jam and butter.

My face is still tear stained and I couldn't stop it. I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand and took a deep breath. I put the bowlsq on top of each other with the plate. I went back to my room to see Louis standing up.

"You're limping..." I said as I put the food on my desk.

"At least I can walk." He says.

"Will you be able to play tomorrow?" I ask him.

"Yeah, of course." He said with a smile. He looks up at me and his smile soon vanished. "Your eyes are red, are you okay?" He asked as he cups my face in his hand. I pulled my head away and gave him a bowl.

Good thing he didn't try to get it out of me otherwise I'd bawl right away.
After we ate breakfast, I helped him to his house. Lottie opened door. She looked confused but Louis made her leave it by saying he just got it from playing football last night.

"D'you want to come in?" Lottie asked and shake my head slowly.

"It's fine. I've got to go somewhere." I say with a smile.

"Alright... Bye Meg." She said waving at me. Louis turned around and winked at me before going inside. I chuckled and shake my head. I started walking towards the cemetery. It's not a very long walk but it's far. I passed by a small convenience shop and bought a candle and a match box.

My hands began to feel sweaty in my pocket as I entered the cemetery. There's a pain in my chest and a lump in my throat. This is the only I can actually talk to my dad even if he isn't here anymore. I find his epitaph and already a tear ran down my cheek.

'Edward Gastrell'

It read. Then his birthday and the day he died. Below it are the words that make my heart shatter most.

'Honorable soldier and loving father'

I knelt down infront and lit the candle. The smoke burns my eyes but not as much as the burning feeling in my chest.

"Hi dad..." I murmur but my voice cracked.

"I haven't been here for a while. I'm sorry I'm just a little caught up with university these past few years. You always wanted me to graduate university and I'm halfway there. You used to tell me when I was a kid that you really want to be in school to finish even if it was difficult. I'm not going to waste the opportunity I have now"

I paused as if I was really talking to him. My heart shatters when I didn't hear an answer. Only because I just miss talking to the only person who ever listens to me.

"I don't know if mum or Em has come here while I was in London but, um.." I wipe my tears with the back of my hand. "Y'know Em's playing football now. She's really good, actually. I just wish you could see her play, y'know? You'd be proud of her. Who would have thought right? Em... Football... They never did clash..." I said, chuckling to myself.

I look down at the burning candle at my feet. The wax is starting to melt and they started to look like tears rolling down the body of the candle.

"And I met this guy..." I said in a low voice. "He's really sweet, dad. And he doesn't really look awful. In fact he's actually really... Handsome." I blush at my own words.

"He's Emily's coach. No he's not old like coach Kit. But he's really young, actually. And I really like him" I smile to myself.

I just admitted my feelings for Louis. To myself, to my dad even if he's not here.

"You would really like him. He loves football just as much as you do. You'd get along really well, dad. But mum... I don't know. She began dating again but... No.. The new guy will never be you, dad. I know I should give him a chance but I don't think I can. I know I should so Em would at least think differently of him but I can't find a reason for me to look at him like my father. Well technically he is. She has two daughters and one of them... Is a bitch." I murmur.

"Things are just really different in the house now. It's getting worse every time I come back from university for the summer. Em did tell me that she's lonely. I don't want to leave her this September. Mum doesn't usually stay in the house anymore, she's always out. I'm just worried about Em when I go back to school. If you were here, things would be less complicated..." I said.

There was rumbling and the sky was turning really dark. I sighed. I don't want to leave. Even if dad's not here anymore, every time I talk to him I feel almost comforted.
I look up and a raindrop falls to my face.

I sighed and stood up. "I guess I should really get going. I'll visit you some other time... Next time I'll take Emily with me..."

I look up and see the dark clouds above me. A tear trailed down my face. If things are so complicated in the house, mum and Rick and his bitch of a daughter going to be there, I honestly just want to kill myself. Or at least someone I can really talk to because right now the emotions I feel towards my mother, towards rick, Holly... I'm not even sure what they are but they are going to drive me crazy.

"I wish you were here right now... I miss you so much, daddy."


I'm working on chapter 24 right now and yes I know thats a long shot. And very far from now but I might be updating more next week since it'll be Christmas break! Yay!

And I think you'll like chapter 24 :)

Adios for now :)

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