Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


Em has really improved in a short amount of time. Louis did say shes one of the fast learners.
Now they're having a match, guys vs girls. Em's fast and strong.
For such skinny legs, they're fast.

Louis ran to the corner and watch them very intently. His eyebrows creased with concentration. He yells commands at each of them. Every time there's a flaw, he'd blow his whistles, stops the game and teach them. He's stood in the corner with his feet parted and his arms across his chest.

"Come on guys! Twenty seconds left!" He shouts.

Em has the ball. She passes it to another kid and runs near the net. When the ball was with her again there's a mere 5 seconds. She kicked the ball. It went flying towards the net. The goalie almost got it but it slipped making the girls win. Not bad.

Em ran around screaming with all excitement.


"You did good, Em." I said as I handed her a towel.

"Good? That was amazing! Winning goal baby!" She shouted like a retarded drunk.

I chuckled and took her water bottle out. "You do know that wasn't a real game?" I said a matter of factly.

"So? Girls beat the guys! That proves girls are awesome!" She said.

"I say you're bluffing."

She spun around to the voice. I peeked from behind her only to realize Louis was there smirking.
"Good job, champ." He said holding his hand out for a high five. "Keep it up you might just be captain." He said.

I raised my eyebrow at him. He chuckled and looked back at Em.
"Have you ever been captain, Coach?" She asked.

Louis shrugged and chuckled. "Not important. So I'll see you this evening, right?" He asked. Em smiled broadly and nodded.

"Thats my superstar." He said proudly. "Run along champ... You're soaking wet." He said. Em laughed and ran to the bathroom. I look at him with a smirk. He sniffs his shirt making me chuckle

"Was that hypocritical? ." He asks.

"Yep..." I said popping the 'P'. He sits beside me then chuckles.

"Hey, Listen... I had a really good time two days ago." He said more seriously.

"You mean at the park?" I ask him shakily. He's so close that I can smell his minty breath.

"And you know I love talking to you and occasionally saving you from a nervous break down," I smirked and punched his lightly on his shoulder. "I do, I'm serious. More than life." He chuckled. "But maybe you want to hang out this weekend without ball kicking dwarfs to interrupt?" He asked. It's almost he's nervous.

Last night, I'm not sure if I was thinking straight, but the only person on my mind as of that night was him. He's very distracting. At the same time he's still a stranger. I mean he looks so sweet and innocent, yeah I doubt the innocent part, but its been a while since someone asked me out. Try 4 and a half years. Besides I don't have a lot of friends in town and he's probably the first person I've talked to whos as old as I am in years.
And I'm still pretty awkward about it?

"That's lovely but I'm not exactly sure?" I said nervously.

When I looked at him, he almost looks disappointed! "N-no! I didnt mean it that way. What I'm saying is...." I trailed off.

"You don't go on dates with your little sister's football coach?" He asks a little seriously.

"I, uh,--" I can't even find the right words! Alright Meg, you've done it. You're officially the most anti social person ever.

"Meg, I don't just ask out any girl... You're one of the few..."

"You trying to impress you're not sort of player?" I ask him with a smirk. He shrugged and chuckled.

"Is it working?" He asks.

I chuckle and slap his arm. "But I'm serious though. Think about it, alright?" He said. He squeezed my hand and stood up. I felt my stomach twist in a really weird way.

I shake the thought away. Em came running back and pulling me out the stadium. Time to get ready, I guess.


What do you wear at a football match? Should you wear sports shorts and a jersey or jeans and a jersey?

I don't even know who's playing tonight, I've lost track ever since. I sighed and pulled out my white tank top with an ocean print and the sunset. I slipped on my faded jeans and a denim jacket. I tied my hair in a messy side braid.

I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I went outside to see Emily waiting with her jacket on and her backpack, as usual. Mum's in the living room with Rick watching a movie. She doesn't even know we're leaving so why bother.

Em and I went out the door and shut it behind us.

When we arrived at the stop a bus was already waiting there. It's not really a problem since most buses that pass here pass the stadium. We hopped in. I lost track of time that soon we were at the stadium.

My heart dropped to my stomach making me nauseous. Outside the stadium, Louis' stood there with the other kids. Emily runs off with them, leaving me with the other guardians. Louis walks up to me and gives me a ticket.

Three Horseshoes versus Aston Villa

When everyone was already walking in, I was stood outside the stadium. The lights are beaming from inside. I could hear the muffled screams of football fans inside. The last time I watched a real match was the one where I played in it.

I took a deep breath and went inside. My breathing became shallow when I went in. My heart was pounding so hard. It dropped to my stomach making me gulp.

I found my way to my seat near the other guardians of the kids. Most of them were mums and dads.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen..." The voice of the commentator boomed making me shudder.
My hands got soaking wet and shaking. I tried to calm my breathing but it didn't work.

Not too soon the game began. I can't help but feel uneasy and shudder at the players pushing each other. It's already been worse when I had to watch my little kick the ball but now it's gone to the worst. Watching an actual game with actual players in actual jerseys makes me feel faint.

The whole time in the game, when everyone was up on their feet cheering for their team, I just sat down and tried not to scream. Occasionally, Em or Louis would look up at me with questioning looks but I brush them off.
Why did I even thought I could take being in a football game? Why do I have to torture myself with all of this?

There's a point in the game where I went to the bathroom. I looked up at myself in the mirror and I looked absolutely horrendous. I looked so worried and sick that I almost threw up there. Luckily I made through the whole game.

Now everyone was standing up to leave. The parents beside me walked away to get their children but I just sat there and rejoiced silently that it's over. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. None of this makes sense to me anymore. I used to love this sport with all my heart. I used to worship every player of every team known in the world but one incident changed everything. That incident changed who I am...

Sometimes I wished I could go back to being who I was. Who am I kidding? Every time I try I crumble. I can't even step on the freaking field let alone playing in an actual match.

I shake the thought away before I try anything else.


"Thanks for taking us back..." I said quietly. Louis gave me a soft smile and nodded.

Emily was already out and ran to the front door. I stepped out only to have him follow my move. "Hey, Meg." I turned around to face him.

"You really are not a fan of football are you?" He asks with a smirk. His smirk makes him even hotter and more appealing to look at. It's impossible to turn away from him.
His face alone is perfect; with his perfect blue-green eyes, his perfectly curve lips, perfect nose, perfect masculine jaw line, his perfectly perfect hair falling infront of his eyes... He's just perfect!


I heard my mum's shout. I groaned and turned around. Sure she was there... With Rick right behind her.
I turn back to Louis but this time I was smirking.

"Do you wanna come inside for a while? It's chilly out here..." I said a little too cheery.

"Uh..." He tilts his head staring at me mum at the door. "Now's not really the best timing-"

I cut him off. "No, I insist, come on." I said motioning him to follow me. Before he can protest, I already grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside.

"What-" mum started but I already walked passed her. Rick stared at me in shock but I walked passed him too. I pull Louis into the kitchen and made him sit on the counter.

"Do you want coffee... Or tea...?" I ask him. He seems uncomfortable. Well I wouldn't expect any less. After all I just dragged him in here.

"I'm fine, really..." He said shaking his head.

"Meg, who's this?" Mum asked, crossing her arms.

"This is Emily's football coach, have you met him?" I ask her in a fast way.

"No, I haven't." She snaps. "I have to admit no coach around here looks as good as him."

I frowned and closed my eyes in disgust. That's a little awkward coming from my own mother.
"I'll leave you two here but no funny business, Megan." She said before walking to her room. Rick follows behind her. Who knows what they're up to but I couldn't care more. The thought makes me want to throw up. I walked to our couch and threw my whole body there.

"Your mum seems..... Nice." Louis said awkwardly as he sat on the arm of the chair.

"Your the first to say that." I murmured. He chuckled and shake his head.
He stood up and walked towards the shelf with the picture frames. I stood up and followed behind him. He lifts up a picture of me when I was 12 holding new born Emily.

"You look just like Em here, you know?" He said and put it back down. I looked up at him and smiled.
He moved to the next photo. It made my smile drop since it was one of me and my dad at the airport when he's about to leave for duty.
I was 14. That was the last year I actually spent actual time with him.

"Your dad?" He asks. I nod slowly and sighed.
"Where's he now?" He asks.

I rub my forehead and took a deep silent breath. Or so I think it was silent. He looks down at me.

"He, um, he died in a plane crash 5 years ago." I said silently. He stiffened beside me and put the photo down.

"So, um, that man..." He trailed off.

"That was my mum's boyfriend. Look..." I want to cut the subject before I officially crumble. "Let's stop there, okay?" I said.

"Of course and I should be heading home right now."

I look down and nod. I watch him leave but he stopped at the door.

"Meg, don't forget about this weekend." He said with a smirk. He turns around and that's when he leaves.

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