Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Nothing much has happened over the month. September was pretty fast. All I ever did was study in my dorm, go to a bunch of parties Perrie took me to with Milly.

Perrie loves to take us out to dinner every Saturday. We'd be the loudest group in every restaurant we go to. It feels good to have people around you again but It still frightens me.
The person I've grown really close to is Rachel from the girls and Niall from the boys. Niall loves to remind me the time we met in the coffee shop. He gets annoyed when I call him stool tripper.

As I got to know Rachel, I realized her past is pretty dark. Especially when she was in high school and she decided to change once she's in Uni. Since she's all the way in Leeds, she only visits during Saturdays.

I've grown very fond of Milly too. She's a huge ball of sunshine and never fails to make me burst into hysterical laughter.

Like I said, September was a fast month. Even for Louis and I. Since we go to different universities, we see each other rarely but we definitely make the most of it. He even surprised me one afternoon when we walked through the door of my Aunt's mini mart in full uniform. He's done a lot of things to get close to me. Working at my aunt's store, visiting the studio I work at, showing up outside the building after class hours taking my bag before I can protest. No guy has ever been so... me before and I really appreciate it.

It makes me feel at least worth something. That someone's willing to spend their time for me with me.


"Would he ever stop... Talking..." Milly complains and drops her head on the desk. I chuckle and continue to take down notes.

"Meg, talk to me." She complains again. Right now, Milly and I are in Literature. The professor's talking about old cartoon shows and characters like Popeye and the Original Mickey Mouse.

"I swear I could just throw a pen in in his mouth..." She says. When I look at her shes already aiming the pencil at the professor's mouth.

Just in time as she turned to us.

I put Milly's hand down, resulting to a loud thud. I shut my eyes tight and mentally cursed myself.

"Megan Gastrell and Amelia Roberts... Care to share what you're discussing there?"

I shake my head immediately. The professor shot me a warning look and went on with the discussion.
The class ended 20 minutes after. I gathered my things and put them in my bag.

"That reminds me... I need to go shopping today. Even for just a while." She says.

"Umm, okay? Have fun." I say and walk out the building. Her hand was heavy on my shoulder that I nearly slipped on the staircase.

"Have fun? No, Meg. I don't shop alone. You're coming with me!"

And just like that, I was dragged to Milly's posh Mini Cooper.

"Let me guess. A party tonight?" I ask her nonchalantly. Milly doesn't really care all she did was nod.

I have a feeling I will be dragged tonight... Again.

Milly takes all her time to shop.
I sat in the middle of the shop watching Milly go through the clearance rack. I don't get why she has to. She has enough clothes in her closet to have a boutique.

"What are you wearing tonight?"

Knew it.

"I don't think I'm going." I tell her as she pays for the black dress that doesn't cover much of your back.

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