Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One

"What are you doing here, Carrie? You said you were moving back to Australia." I tell her.

"I tried but I couldn't stand the heat and I miss England. I miss you, Sunshine! What's going on in your life right now?" She asks.

"Umm..." Before I can answer, she cut me off.

"Do you have plans tonight? We should hang out! sunshine, look at you! You've grown up!" She says with a bright smile.

Carrie hasn't changed at all. She still has the same bright green eyes, her petite structure, her sweet angelic face, her chirpy personality, and she still dresses the way she does. The sophisticated girl she is but looks can be deceiving.

"Yeah, I guess I have." I said awkwardly but Carrie doesn't sense that.

"We should definitely hang out. How about Leicester Square at 8."

"That sounds great Carrie but I've got a class tomorrow... It starts at 8 so..."

"Is that how you treat an old friend, Meg?" She asks but there's no judgement in her voice. "Where do you go to school anyway?"

"I'm studying at university right now. TUA?"

"Well, things are lighting up for you. Couldn't you spare an hour for an old friend?"

Carrie is trouble. Everywhere she is, there's trouble. She causes them. That sweet Angelic innocent face is a cover up! I have to stay away from Carrie

"I'll consider." I say quietly.

"Perfect! So here's my phone number. If you wanna hang out, just ring me, alright?" She says with a grin. I nod absent mindedly.

"Ready to go?" Louis suddenly appears beside me. I nod and gave him a weak smile. He notices Carrie and he smiles. His million dollar smile.

"Meg?" He says my name like he was scolding me.

"Uh, Louis this is Carrie. Carrie this is Louis"

"Boyfriend?" Carrie asks him whilst pointing at me. I kept my head hung low. I just hope Carrie doesn't say anything.

"Yeah." Louis says. I notice his gaze moving to me.

"Ah... I'll see you tonight, Meg." She says before walking away.

The atmosphere was so tense and awkward that I just wanted to evaporate. Carrie knew me before uni. She knows the high school Meg not this Meg. Basically she doesn't know me at all.

Louis finally unlocks the car. I slide in the passenger seat. The whole ride back to the university, I can't stop fidgeting. I can't believe she's back! Carrie Shelsher is back!
After college, I thought she'd be gone forever but I guess some things are too good to be true.

"We're here." He says. I look up and saw the TUA main building infront of me. "You seem jumpy. Everything okay?" He asks.

"Fine. Everything's fine." I say as I got out.

The walk to my dorm was strangely uncomfortable. I'm going to see Carrie again tonight. Like I have a choice. Seeing Carrie is like having my whole life flash before my eyes.

I felt someone hold my hand. I froze, Louis gave me a confused look and sighed. "No everything's not fine. You look like you just stepped on a football field."

"No, I'm serious. I'm fine. I'm just shocked to see Carrie again. She said she was moving to Australia for good so I didn't know how to react when I saw her." I say.

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