Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Hold on.

Em's 'friend' mum was talking about are Louis' twin sisters? Well I should have seen this coming.

I knock on the door nervously. It wasn't long until the door opens and one of Louis sister's opened it. It's not Lottie... The other one... God I've already forgotten her name.

"Hey Meg. You came to pick up Emily?" She asked. I was too busy thinking about her name.

"Uh, yeah..." I said.

"Come in." She chuckles. She sounds just like Louis when she chuckles. I smile and went in. They're house is actually really clean.

"Emily! Your sister's here!" Louis' sister shouted. For a long time there's no answer.

"Where are they?" I ask her.

"Probably in the backyard... Come on." She takes me to their backyard. For some reason I feel uncomfortable beside her. Maybe because she makes me feel small considering she's almost as tall as I am for her age.

"Meg?" I turn around to see Louis limping behind me. His foot's now well bandaged unlike how I did it last night. It was crap

"Wow... You sure you can play tomorrow?" I ask him.

"Absolutely. I wouldn't really play. More of like shout instructions at the kiddos." He laughs light and I join him. All of the sudden I felt small arms wrap around my waist. I look down to see me with her face on my back. I tried prying her off me but she wouldn't budge.

"Em..." I growled as I push her off. "I don't wanna go yet." She says.

Louis chuckled as he leaned on the staircase. Obviously he finds this amusing because currently Emily's causing me misery.

"Of course you don't but come on, Em. It's almost dark out." I said.

The weather is pretty unpredictable. And I didn't bring my Oyster card so we can exactly ride the bus.

"You can stay here with us and you guys can make out!"

"What?" Louis and I both shouted at the same time. She looks at me all innocently.

"Do you even know what that means?!" I ask her. Well I really wish I didn't.

"Of course!" She beamed confidently. The twins came in looking curious as well.

"What's what?" One of them asked. I can't tell them apart.

"I told them to make out."

I cringe at her words. For a ten year old she says that without any hesitation. Maybe she does know what that means but fuck I don't even wanna know how she knew.

"Isn't that where you make love infront of everyone?" One them said innocently.

"No!" The two of us shouted at the same time again.

"Fizzy!" Louis yelled.

"Yeah?" Fizzy came in looking casual.

"Can you please stop watching those you tubers? These two are getting wrong ideas!" He said in a scolding way. Her cheeks flush as she take the three little girls out of the room.

"I don't even wanna know how Em knew about that..." I murmured.

"Actually if you think about it..." He said. I felt his arms drape over me but I push him off.

"Haha... No." I said frowning at him.

"Not yet?" He asked with a grin.

I shake my head and went to the direction were Em and the twins are.

"No! They just kiss but.... Longer and move a lot and it leads to-"

"EMILY!" I scold her. The three of them face me with shock. Em scurries off the stool and runs towards me. The twins laugh as Em says goodbye.

"We're gonna go..." I told Louis as we walked pass them. He waved at us as we walk out the door. "See ya tomorrow." He beamed.

Once we're out, I gave Em a thump on her forehead. "What?!"

"That was humiliating Em! How in world you know about those things?!" I ask her.

"Actually you left the book you were reading open on the table and well I saw the words, researched them and yeah..." She said casually.

"When was that?" I ask her.

"Last year." She said with a shrug and skipped towards house the whole time. I groaned as we enter the house. I flip the light switch on to find the place empty.

We arrived home at 6:30. By 7, I already had our dinner ready. It's nothing special. I made pizza and juice since it's the only food left in our fridge. I'm going to have to tell mum to go grocery shopping or I have to it myself.

We sit in living room watching the movie '2012'.

"Good we've passed 2012 without any of that actually happening." Em said as she finish her slices.

"Oh!" She beams and turns to me. "You didn't tell me about your date!" She said and bounced on the sofa.

"It's not a huge deal." I told her as I took another bite.

"Meg! Come on! I'm 10! I'm desperate and I'll be a teenager soon so you at least need to give me a heads up what a date is really like!" She started shaking me, making me choke.

"One, you've got 3 more years and two, are you telling me you want to go on a date as soon as you turn 13?" I ask her. She giggles and grabs my pizza from my hand.

"Its just like those typical 'dates' you see on TV, y'know?"

"No! I want your side of the story!" She begs. I raise my eyebrows at her. She's gotten even more desperate than she already was.

"Actually the twins asked Louis how it was and he said he had a really good time with you. I got curious so now I'm asking you! What was it like?" She asked leaning on her elbows.

He had a good time with me?
I smile at the thought. Em started squealing and jumping around the couch.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" I ask her unable to contain my laughter.

"You like him! You like him! Ahhhhhhhh!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. I had to grab her from behind the couch and cover her with a pillow but she won't stop giggling.

After a lot of attempts to keep her quiet, I gave up and threw the pillow at her face. I groaned and slumped on the couch.

"Did you make out last night?" She asked in a creepy tone making me jerk.

"No! God, Emily! What is it with you and making out?" I ask moving to the other sofa.

"Cause in movies most of the time when a guy stays in a room of the girl they make out then they...." She trailed off when I glared at her.

God she's ten! If she's thinking about all of these now, how much more when she gets to high school? Or college?!

"Sorry to burst your bubble but those things only happen in movies. Some people like to take it slow and step by step." I told her. Suddenly I regret it when she shouted at my face.

"WHY NOT?! You're perfect for each other! He likes football, no he LOVES it, you love it! He's good looking, you're good looking! He has little sisters and you have a little sister! You both live in Doncaster what else do you want?!"

With that, I whacked her with a pillow laughing. She grabbed the ketchup and squirted it in my face.
I thrash the ketchup off and tackled her to the ground. She laughed like crazy then I started tickling her until she was out of breath.

Emily might be this crazy, sassy ball of energy but she's also my annoying baby sister. No matter how many times she annoys me, I will always love her with all my heart because it feels like she's the only one I have left in the world. I know she will be there for me and I will be there for her.

I made a mental note to myself that once I get uni over with, I'm gonna get a job, get a flat in London and take my sister there. I don't want her to spend her teenage years in this old town like I have with my mother who's rarely even there for her. Just two more years to get this over with.

Once we cleaned up the living room, we decided to stay there for a while. Em lied down on the couch while I sit on the wooden table. She shoots me questions about relationships and boyfriends and the step by step process of the relationship, crushes, boys... I really have a feeling she likes someone.

"Em, do you have a crush on someone?" I ask her. She looks at me wide eyed. She sits up and scratch her head then started pacing.

"No! Why would you think that? I'm too young for boys, geez Meg what are you thinking?" She asked with a nervous laugh.

"Okay," I said in a sigh and pushed her down to sit beside me. "You are never too young for boys. But how would I know. Whatever, that's what it is. It's alright to like someone just don't go too far where you'll regret it."

"This is so cheesy."

"But it's true. I don't want to get back here next summer and find you having a boyfriend." I said sternly.

"Ew! No way! Boys are gross and disgusting and they smell weird! And they're really small." She said and made a disgusted face. I chuckled. I used to think about boys that was too. Haven't all of us did at that age?

"Whatever and you didn't answer my question. Do you like someone? You can always tell Meg." I said and winked at her

"I know I can and maybe... He's in a higher grade and he's super smart and well, he plays football too." I see the blush on her cheeks making her look so adorable. I hug her tightly only to have her push me away. She knew I was teasing her.

I laughed as she got off the table sat infront of me on the sofa. "Is that why you wanna play football? If you made the team next year he'll notice you? Awww, you must really like this guy." I said winking at her.

"Okay first of all he is not the reason I want to train for football. But secondly, yes I want him to notice me and by getting in the team we might practice together, if I fall he might help me up, then we might start talking and we become friends and..."

I snap my fingers infront of her. She snaps out of her daydream and frowns at me. "I've had it all planned out!" She defends.

"You're growing up pretty fast, Em." I said with a chuckle. "Although the 'I've had everything planned' thing speaks how much of a child you are"

"Whatever it's not like you've never done that when you were ten." She said rolling her eyes at me.

I laugh and she looks at me awkwardly. "How would you know? You weren't born till 2 years after." I said.

I love teasing her. It brings out the child in both of us.

"And about you and Louis..." She said wriggling her eyebrows at me. I groaned and mentally stab myself.

"Not this again." I said then rolling on the carpeted floor.

"What? I think its fair that you tell me since I told you about my liking for a guy."

I laugh at the though. "You didn't even say his name!" I said.

"His name is Robert but everyone calls him Robbie. Your turn."

"Umm okay? His name is Louis and everyone calls him Louis." I said awkwardly but we both end up laughing. She hits me with a pillow but I grabbed it and tossed it behind the couch.

"There's nothing much to say. He's a great guy. He's nothing but a ball of sunshine and string of sass." I joke. But he is, obviously. Him and Em have the same sass which makes me like him more. And because he gets along with my sister and my sister gets along with his sisters.

"And......?" she won't stop interrogating me!

"And I like spending time with him." I said simply.

"Because....?" She used the same playful inquisitive tone again!

"Because he's so carefree and full of life! Okay? He doesn't give a shit about what people think, he goes full on in life." I say.

"And then....?"

I sat up pulled her feet up. She squealed as I began tickling her again.

"God Em, you need to stop interrogating me!" I said while laughing. She kicks her feet in the air and I can tell she's almost out of breath so I stopped.

"This will sound cheesy but I think you guys will make a perfect couple."

I smile at the thought. I didn't realize I was blushing until Em pointed it out. I smack her finger away and got up, fixing the couch... Again.

"You really like him." She teased.

"I think you've watched too much chic flicks." I said and shut the TV off.

I'm actually quite thankful mum didn't come home early tonight. It gave me time to actually bond with my weirdo of a sister. But when she got home the atmosphere changed.

She had a bright smile on her face that scares me a bit. Her next words made me feel furious. I didn't what came over me but I went on telling her how pathetic and naïve she is at the moment, no, every time.

The next thing I didn't expect to happen is Rick walking through our front door and pulling mum away from me. I shake my head in frustration and went straight to my room and slammed the door shut.

I will not put up with this shit any longer.


Guys I'm so in love with Little Mix!

They're just simply amazing and god, did you see the Little Me Music Video?

Fuck man! They were so gorgeous and Jesy! Shit!

It's like when she sings, shes so effortless to make her voice so beautiful! Jesy and Jade are probably my girl crushes they're just so perfect!

And then there's Perrie fucking Edwards! Damn, her and Zayn will make such beautiful babies someday, sigh...

And I always see Leigh Anne like a freaking doll and an angel!
And the best part about loving LM is that they're not mainstream in our school so I feel somehow unique for being one of the few people who love them first.

Any comments on the Little Me MV? I think it's just perfect ! They're perfect ;)

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