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I sat in the back of a run down taxi admiring the streets around me. After I did a locator spell a few days ago, it pointed me to New Orleans.

This is where I would find the creature that ruined my life, but also saved it.

My name is Elisa Jones, and I have been alive for 976 years. How you ask?

I'm part vampire, part witch.

My stomach began to growl, meaning I needed to hunt. I quickly grabbed my bag and opened it up, seeing I'd run out of blood bags. Shit.

My hearing focused and all I could hear was the blood pulsing through the taxi mans veins. I peered through the front and looked at him.

"Can we pull over quickly? I'm feeling a bit sick" I batted my eyelashes and smiled innocently. "Sure ma'am".

He pulled onto the side of the road and stopped the car. Then he turned to face me. "Feeling any better?"

"Hmm a little but I know something that will help me out even more" I leaned forward and looked into his eyes.

"Relax, don't panic, and don't scream" I said, compelling him like he was under a spell.

His body instantly relaxed and I heard his heart begin to slow slightly. I inhaled and looked at his neck, unable to control the hunger anymore. Feeling my fangs grow, I pulled his head towards me and pierced my teeth into his skin.

His blood tasted sour yet satisfying. A sense of euphoria washed over me as I drank, making me feel sated and happy. I withdrew from the man and bit my wrist, making him drink my blood. I looked him in the eyes again and watched my blood begin to heal his wound.

"Forget everything that just happened, turn around and start driving again". He did as I said, facing the wheel and starting the car. I sat back and looked out the window again.

I don't like drinking human blood. If I have too much I risk getting out of control and killing people. I don't want to be the person I used to be.

The car suddenly stopped, removing me from my thoughts. "New Orleans, ma'am" the driver said.

I leaned forward again and looked at him. "Forget about this car ride. You've never seen me before". He looked away confused, meaning the compulsion worked. I stepped out the taxi and looked around.

How am I supposed to find one vampire in a city full of them?

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