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Kol's POV

We headed downstairs and found everyone was smiling, obviously meaning everything was sorted out.

I had my hand intertwined with Elisa, both of us grinning. Marcel saw this and sent us questioning glances. "Anyone care to explain?" He asked, gesturing to us. Elisa smiled before stepping forward. "I'm Elisa, Marcel. Not Kelsey. I body jumped before I died in my true form and ended up in this body". Marcel stood up and walked over to her, towering over her. "So all this time I've been with you and not Kelsey?" His hands seemed clenched, almost as if he felt betrayed.

"I'm sorry, Marcel. For everything. But you tore me and the one person I care about apart. I didn't know I'd be in this body, but when I found out more I realised that I could be the thing that could allow my family to return safely".

He looked down and sighed. "I forgive you, and I'm sorry for everything". She smiled and hugged him tightly, him returning it.

"Freya, we need your help" I called to her. Elisa pulled away from Marcel and handed her a piece of paper. "I found this spell to help me return to my true form. Think you can do it?" Freya examined it and nodded. "It'll take a few ingredients and I'll need to channel something, but it's possible".

"I've already got the ingredients. I just needed a witch who I could trust".

"Wow, I'm hurt, Elisa". Looking past Freya, I saw Vincent enter the courtyard. "So the stories are true. The Mikaelson's are back. And by the looks of it so is Elisa".

Vincent took the spell from Freya's hands and examined it. "I'll help with the spell. We're gonna need more than one witch to help you through the transfer". Elisa thanked him before looking at me and smiling. "Ready to go and get my body?"

I nodded my head, following her out the courtyard.


I took the shovel and bashed it into the door for the thousandth time, trying to open the crypt the body was in. "Seriously, Kol? I thought you were supposed to be a strong vampire not a weak feeble mouse" Elisa giggled at me.

I stopped hitting the door. "Well maybe you should try" I handed her the shovel and stood back, waiting to see her fail.

However, to my surprise, she hit the door and it opened after one hit, before looking back at me and raising an eyebrow smirking. She threw the shovel on the floor and headed inside, me following behind her.

"So where did you put the body?" I asked. "On the floor. I knew Marcel would most likely not come into a place like this so there was no point in hiding it".

She walked in and I was faced with a sight that sent chills down my spine. There was Elisa's body, desecrated and lifeless. Although she was dead, she still looked beautiful. "Kol, are you okay with carrying me?" She asked. I nodded my head, picking up her dead body and carrying it out of the crypt.

We took her to the mansion and placed her on the bed. Elisa collected all the ingredients Freya needed and prepared herself. "You'll be okay, alright?" I told her. I was trying to reassure her, but also myself.

She giggled at my worrying, kissing me on the lips and smiling. "Kol, I'll be fine. I'll be back in my true form before you know it". I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead, scared to let go.

Eventually she pulled away, kissing my cheek before laying down beside her body on her bed and grabbing her hand. "I love you" I whispered.

"Kol, we don't know how long this spell will take and we'll need privacy. Can you lose the door and leave please?" Freya asked, ready to begin. I nodded my head and looked at Elisa one more time before going and letting them begin.

Elisa/Kelsey's POV

Once Kol left, I sighed and looked at Freya. "How low is this spell really going to take?" I asked. She bent over me and tried to smile. "To you it will seem like hours. To Kol, it could be days".

I nodded my head and felt my heart beat fast. I was terrified this wasn't going to work, but I had to trust Vincent and Freya. "You'll be fine, Elisa. Just relax and let us work" Vincent whispered.

I calmed myself and shut my eyes. Freya and Vincent began chanting, and I felt darkness take over. Soon, I was surrounded and alone in a pitch black space.

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