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Kol's POV

I ran to Marcel's apartment, only to find him passed out. Elisa was no where to be seen, which would be unlike her in a situation like this. I grabbed Marcel's glass and sniffed inside. The stench of poison reached my nose and caused me to quickly bite my wrist and feed my blood to him.

His eyes fluttered and then he got up extremely fast, fangs bare. However, once he saw me, he calmed down.

"God I thought you were Elisa" he said relieved. I looked at him confused.

"What did she do to you?" I stepped forwards so I was in front of him. He shook his head in rage.

"That bitch first snaps my neck, and now she poisons me, telling me I 'Shouldn't be looking out for her'".

I looked down in thought, realising the situation we're in. "That's because we shouldn't be". He looked at me like I was crazy. "It's not Elisa, Marcel".

He looked confused but then understood what had happened. "Her mother body jumped into her when they were fighting" I confirmed his thoughts.

"So now her mother knows all about New Orleans, and can probably access all of Elisa's memories" he began pacing. "Do you think Freya can help?"

"She's already working on a spell, but until then we need to find Elisa".


Klaus' POV

I reached an abandoned warehouse outside the city. Earlier in the day I was sent a message to come here, saying it would be worth my while.

I stepped inside and looked around, sensing another presence nearby. Suddenly a thud from above one of the crates caused me to look up, seeing the person I have been hunting.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Elisa" I smirked, thinking of all the possible ways I could kill her.

She scoffed and jumped down. "Please, Nicklaus, don't call me by my daughters name".

I stood there puzzled. Daughters name?? What was she talking about.

"Very funny, love. But right now is not the time for jokes" I felt my fangs extending and got ready to pounce.

"My name is Rosetta Jones" she growled causing me to freeze. I knew that name.

Rosetta Jones was a famous witch who was known to steal other witches power for herself and for the ancestors. They were strongly connected to her.

"You're lying" I shouted before grabbing her by her neck and pinning her against a wall. She choked and seemed slightly stunned.

"Elisa was my daughter. I body jumped into her when she brought me back as a spirit. I need her magic so I can kill her".

Processing what she said, I let her go, causing her to almost collapse. "Look you don't have to believe me, but I want my daughter dead just as much as you. Her magic needs to be cut off. That's why I'm here".

I turned around, unsure whether to trust this witch. I knew that Elisa wanted me dead and had lots of power for a witch. However, I still saw her as a threat, and even her mother seemed to understand how much of an abomination she was.

Turning back, I walked towards her mother smiling. "In that case, what do you need me to get you so you can destroy her magic?"

She smirked at me. "I'll need your brother to complete the spell, Kol. Him and Elisa have an incredibly strong bond. I need a connection with him in the spell to allow her magic to weaken. Once she is a full vampire, you can do with her as you please. However, I need you to promise me something".

I smiled, thinking of how to get Kol to agree to this. "What is that then?"

"I've looked into Elisa's mind, I've seen her past and one part thrills me. She became a heartless killer, turning off her humanity and destroying a whole town. I plan to make her return to that state, therefore giving you more of a reason to tear her apart" she grinned and began walking out of the warehouse, me following close behind.

"As much as I hate making deals, yours seems fair, meaning it's time you properly met my family" I offered my arm to her, which she gladly linked hers through.

I entered into the courtyard to find Hayley, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah and Freya all in discussion. "So basically we need to find her and get her mother out of her before she does anything rational" I overheard Rebekah confirm, meaning they were after Elisa. Well if they wanted her, they could have her.

As I walked in, they quietened, unsure how to approach me. "Well isn't this a treat, all my family trying to protect a single supernatural being. Well, speaking of supernatural, there's someone I would like you to meet".

I pointed towards the door and Rosetta walked through, causing everyone to have a shocked expression.

"Elisa?" Kol sounded like he didn't want to believe there was someone else in her body.

Rosetta smirked and laughed. "Nice try, lover boy. I'm her mother, Rosetta". Rage filled Kol's face as he began charging towards her, fangs bare, until Elijah stopped him. "Kol, control yourself. If you kill her, you kill Elisa" Elijah calmly said, causing Kol to relax slightly.

"Look, all I want is some dark objects and I'll be on my way" Rosetta explained, looking at me as if she needed help to persuade my siblings to hand them over.

"Freya, be a dear and get us some ingredients" I looked at her with a smirk, but she just stood her ground. How dare she defy me, when she's always done what I ask. I began glaring at her slightly. "Freya don't test me".

"I will not help you brother" her voice was full of venom, as she stood with the rest of the family. I began stomping towards her until Rosetta stopped me.

"It's ok Klaus, I've got this" she whispered.

Suddenly she dashed into the streets and returned with a human boy. Without hesitation, she bit into they're neck, almost ripping them to shreds. After he was drained dry, she dropped him and smiled.

"And how is that supposed to make us side with you?" Rebekah asked curiously.

"Because Elisa at one point turned off her humanity and became a cold blooded killer. This "she pointed at the body "is how she did it. So the longer you don't agree with me, the more people I kill and the more chance you have of losing Elisa when I leave her body".

Without another word, Rosetta left the courtyard, causing tension to rise between me and my siblings. I just grinned and walked up the steps, leaving them to question what to do.

(A/N- thank you for reading so far!! Please comment and vote on my story. Also I will be going back through and adding songs to listen to with some of the chapters. Hope you have a great day :))

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