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Kol's POV

I packed the last suitcase in a car I compelled from some guy driving round New Orleans. With Elisa gone and on the other side, there was nothing for me here but bad memories and I felt like the only way I could recover is if I left. I knew she could be brought back, but after my experience, I realised that could take years.

Closing the boot of the car, I turned and saw Klaus, Elijah and Freya facing me. I looked at them with sadness before looking down at the concrete pavement.

"You know I can't stay here anymore, don't try and talk me out of leaving" I told them, before looking at them.

"We're not here to stop you, Kol. We're here to say goodbye" Freya smiled, walking towards me. She pulled me into a hug, which I returned. It felt weird seeing my family react this way, seen as usually when I tried to leave them, they stuck a dagger in my heart or used persuasive methods to make me change my mind. However, this time I felt they finally respected my decision.

I pulled from Freya and smiled. "Thank you for everything you did for Elisa and me. I'll never be able to repay you, sister". She grinned and nodded her head. "She's watching over you, Kol, and always will. But there is a way you can repay me...." she drifted off, staring at me.

I looked at her, intrigued. "Promise me that if we need your help, you will return to us, no matter how painful it may be". I looked at her and nodded my head, remembering our family's promise to each other. "Always and forever" I said, watching her step back.

Elijah and Klaus approached me next, both standing either side of me. "New Orleans will be quiet with out you, little brother" Klaus joked, causing me to crack a a grin. "I'm sure you'll do a good job of replacing me". We all smiled at each other, until Elijah sighed. "Look after yourself, brother" he said, before he hugged me, which I returned.

"Don't worry, I'll behave this time" I muffled into his shoulder. "That's what you say every time" Klaus whispered, before I let Elijah go and hugged him.

We all laughed and I let Klaus go, looking at them one last time before getting into the car and driving off.

I watched as I drove out of the streets and headed out of New Orleans. This was my fresh start, and although it was without the love of my life, it gave me time to forget and move on, or at least try to.

"I love you, Elisa" I whispered under my breath, as I watched trees appear around me as I went into the night.

Elisa's POV

I sat next to Kol in the car, and watched as he headed to the 'leaving New Orleans' sign. I observed his features, and wished he could see me. With the ancestors realm gone, I was left in a place in between, dead and amongst the living, but invisible.

"I love you, Elisa" he whispered, making my stomach flutter and a smile form on my face. "I love you too, Kol Mikaelson".

We drove past the sign and I watched as we drove through the trees.

Suddenly, I flew out of the car and onto the hard road, rolling round until I came to a stop. I groaned as I slowly stood up in pain. I'm a ghost, how can I feel?

Walking towards where the sign was, I put my hand up, waiting for the impact. It touched something tough, almost like a glass dome, and I looked ahead of me confused.

Realisation hit me suddenly... I couldn't leave New Orleans because I had died and been consecrated in the Quarter, so I was trapped her.

Which mean I may never see Kol again. A tear fell down my cheek as I looked down the road, seeing a small flicker of car lights in the distance.

"Kol!!!!" I screamed, hoping he'd hear me.

But instead, my voice was carried away on the wind.

A/n- and that's the end of this story!!! Thank you so much for reading and there will be a sequel which I might link in with season 4. Hope you guys enjoyed this story and I can't wait to start the next part of Elisa and Kol's journey.

See you soon!!!!  :)))

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