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Klaus' POV

I stood in the cemetery, watching Rosetta prepare for the spell. After stealing the objects she needed, we decided the perfect time to perform this spell, which was now, her using the power of the crescent moon to have full strength.

"We can start. Soon your other siblings will join us" she said before standing in the middle of the circle she had drawn and beginning chanting.

The circle lit up in fire, meaning the spell was working.

"Klaus!" I turned to see Kol approaching. "She's using you!! She's using Elisa's power to bring back the ancestors".

I smirked at him and stepped forward. "She wouldn't do that, brother. She's purely destroying Elisa's power". Before her could react, I picked him up and threw him into the circle, causing Rosetta to grab his hand quickly, connecting them both. He looked powerless, like a lost boy running down the street.

Suddenly, I looked into the darkness and saw my whole family there, surrounding the circle. Freya began chanting another spell, causing Rosetta to scream in pain. I went to help her, but was held back by Elijah, Rebekah and Hayley.

Freya stepped closer and closer, and I watched as Rosetta collapsed to the ground, eventually falling unconscious.

Everyone looked at each other patiently until Kol ran and pushed Freya out the way of a fire ball. There, outside of the circle, was Rosetta in her true form. "How dare you!! You are nothing compared to me. The ancestors shall rise, and you shall feel their wrath".

Kol's POV

Realising Elisa's body was left unattended, I began running towards her, only to be stopped by a boiling feeling in my brain. Rosetta held her hand out at me, and evil grin on her face. Rebekah tried to charge at her from behind, but was pushed away into a tree, a branch growing out through her chest. Hayley and Elijah charged at the same time, but were soon thrown to the side.

Her attention returned to me as she walked over to my crippled form. "Well, lover boy, looks like it's the end of the road. But don't worry, I will send my love to your precious Elisa".

She raised her hand slightly higher, and I could feel myself begin to desecrate.

Suddenly, the pain stopped, and Rosetta fell onto her knees. Looking over, I saw Klaus hovering over Elisa's body, a stake through her heart. Freya began chanting again, turning Rosetta into dust. I looked over at Klaus and saw he disappeared. Quickly, I ran over to Elisa and removed the dagger. Holding her up, I cupped her face and kissed her temple.

"Come on Elisa, wake up. I am not losing you again" I whispered. Freya approached and put a hand on her head, shutting her eyes trying to find any sense of life. After a while, she let go, shaking her head.

My heart dropped as I cradled her in my arms. A tear ran down my cheek and I kissed her lips. "No, please don't leave me, darling. I need you". I rocked backwards and forwards with her, feeling the tears running faster. My family joined me and comforted me, trying to help my aching heart.


I placed the body onto the bed and stroked her hair. Her body finished desecrating on the way home, meaning we had failed. I kissed her cheek and then her lips, realising how much it hurt to never feel her kiss back.

Letting her go, I left the room, only to bump into Klaus. "I'm sorry brother. I failed this family tonight, and I will spend an eternity making it up to you" he sympathetically hugged me, which I accepted. "If I knew I was supposed to remove the dagger, I would've" he whispered, before letting me go. We both continued down the hall, going into the courtyard.

Elisa's POV

Where am I? Why is it so dark? I felt such emptiness inside me as I tried to push through to find any light. Nothing. My senses were on fire and I felt a craving for.... Blood. But not just any blood....

Human blood.

I couldn't feel anything. It was like my emotions were gone, and there was nothing left in their place. Suddenly, a light appeared, and I tried to reach towards it, using all my strength to get out of this dark hell.

I opened my eyes and found myself on a bed. I sat up suddenly, unsure as to where I was. Hearing a crackling sound, I looked at my hand, which was undesecrating, causing me to feel.... Nothing.

My switch was flicked. I was a cold blooded killer again, and I didn't give a damn.

Checking the hall next to the room I was in, I ran towards the window, jumping out onto the streets. I grabbed a random person and ripped them to shreds in two seconds, the feeling of blood sending me out of control. I used to care about feeding on humans, but now, I felt no sympathy what so ever.

Throwing them to the side, I walked out, not bothering to clean my face. I was a vampire after all, I might as well embrace it.

Kol's POV

"KOL?" I rushed to Hayley's side, her voice urgent. "What's wrong, love?" I asked.

"I went to check on Elisa's body, and it's gone, vanished".

I rushed into the bedroom and realised she was right. There was nothing there. "There's something else wrong" she whispered, causing me to turn to her curiously. "Can you smell that?"

I breathed in and realised what she meant. "Blood".

Running into the streets, I followed the smell, conscious that I needed to keep my hunger under control. I couldn't see anything until I looked into an alley and saw a guy ripped to shreds. My worst fear came alive as I realised we had succeeded, but we'd also failed. Elisa was awake, and she definitely didn't have her humanity on.

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