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Kelsey/Elisa's POV

It had been 2 days since Hope found out about me. She had kept quiet so far, and hung out with me quite a bit, allowing me to bond with her again. Although Kol, Klaus and Hayley weren't my biggest fans, Rebekah had grown to be my friend as well as Elijah and Freya. They were incredibly grateful that I attacked Marcel when I did, or else they could be in the same place they were 5 years ago.

I was playing with Hope when Hayley stormed in, and I could tell she was mad at me. "Sweetie, can I speak to Kelsey quickly?" She asked, trying to hide her anger.

Hope got up and left the room, going to see Klaus. "Look, I'm grateful that you're looking after Hope, but I think you need to back off a bit. She's my daughter and every time I try to be there for her she wants to be with you".

I shook my head and smiled. "Perhaps she has a connection with me no one else has. I've told that little girl things no one else can know, and she's kept my secrets. She is my best friend and now I put her before anyone. You should be thanking me. After all, of it wasn't for me you'd be dead by now". I went to walk past her but she grabbed my arm, glaring at me.

"Don't test me, Kelsey". I smirked at her before walking into a different room.


My phone rang in my pocket and I looked to see Marcel's name pop up. Rolling my eyes, I answered.

"Yes Marcel?"

"Hello Kelsey. I got paid a visit the other day by a certain family" he said, causing me to freeze.

"The Mikaelson's?" I spoke quieter, scared about them hearing me. "Yep, and just when I was about to finish them off, a certain witch snapped my neck" I could hear he anger in his voice, making me tremble with fear.

"Oh. Who was it?" I asked, trying to act like there was nothing wrong. "I think you know" he replied before hanging up. Shit. He knew it was me.

I quickly put my phone away and rushed to my room, packing a bag. I felt my hands shake as I did so, knowing if I didn't get out soon, Marcel's men would take me.

"What are you doing?" I heard behind me, causing me to turn to see Kol standing in the doorway. I closed my bag and headed for the door. "I have to leave. Now".

"What's going on? Not that I really care but still I like gossip" he grabbed my arms and made me look at him. My eyes met his and I tried so hard not to fall in love with them, like I had done so years before.

"Kol, please. This is the only way to save your family. You need each other more than you need me" I said before opening the front door and stepping out. I turned to face him and sighed.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed me from behind and I felt a hand over my mouth. I tried to scream, but all that could be heard was a muffled sound.

Something was stuck into my neck and I watched as my vision blurred and everything went dark.

Kol's POV

I watched as a vampire grabbed Kelsey and stuck a needle in her neck before disappearing. I couldn't react in time, meaning she was now gone without a trace.

"What the hell happened?" Klaus came over to the door, obviously hearing a commotion. Soon all the family was there.

"Some vamp took Kelsey when she stepped out the door" I explained. "She was packing a bag in a hurry, saying she needed to leave".

They all seemed very confused, sharing odd glances. I noticed her bag was left behind, so I grabbed it and opened it. "What are you doing?" Rebekah asked.

"Looking for any clues as to what was going on with her" I replied. I found her phone and thanked God when I saw it didn't have a password.

Going into her contacts, I looked at who she recently spoke to. My breathing stopped when I saw the recent caller. "She's been speaking to Marcel" I said through gritted teeth.

Hayley, who stood next to Hope, growled slightly. "If I get my hands on her, I will rip out her heart for hanging out with Hope".

"But this doesn't make sense. Why help us when she was on Marcel's side? And why was she desperate to leave in a rush?" Freya questioned, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Well Marcel has her now, and I'm in favour for leaving him to rip her to shreds" I said smirking evilly. Hayley agreed as well as Klaus. Suddenly, Hope ripped her hand away from her mothers.

"No! We have to help her!" She shouted. Hayley bent down and looked at the little girl.

"Listen, sweetie. Kelsey was a bad person. We shouldn't have trusted her. You don't understand...."

"No you don't understand" Hope cut her off, causing her to gasp slightly. "We need to save her because..." She hesitated, a look of fear and regret on her face.

"What, Hope?" Rebekah bent beside Hayley, wanting to know what she was going to say.

"Because it's Elisa" she answered, a look of guilt on her face as she realised she broke her promise. My breathing hitched as I realised what was she said. Elisa?

"Elisa body jumped before she died into Kelsey's body. Kelsey originally worked for Marcel so she had to pretend to be on his side to find out what his weaknesses were. When she found us that day, she was relieved, and it took everything in her to stop her spelling the truth. I found out about her when we went to the park that day" Hope confessed.

I turned my back and realised what she was saying added up and could be true. "We need to go and get her" I whispered.

"Kol, we don't know if it's her" Klaus walked towards me, uncertain of this. "It is her. I could see the love and affection on her eyes before she was taken. She told me she had something to tell me and now I understand what she meant. Now, I don't care if I'm going to get her alone, but I'm getting her back here safely".

Before anyone could argue, I sped off into the streets.

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