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Elisa's POV

It had been a few days since I turned my humanity back on, and it the worst time ever. I was full of guilt, felling sick about what I'd done. I cried often, feeling my victims pain, how they took their last breath at my hands. If I didn't have Kol to support me, I'd be lost.

I sat staring at the wall of my bedroom. Klaus had allowed me to use a room in their home, saying I could stay for as long as I wanted. I heard a knock at the door, causing me to jump slightly. "Come in" I mumbled, adjusting myself so I had my legs crossed at the end of the bed. I wiped my face and fixed my hair quickly, watching as Kol walked in. In his hand was a blood bag. "Brought you some breakfast" he smiled, handing it to me.

I opened it and drank half of it before laying it down beside me, worried about my control. "You're not gonna turn it off again Elisa. You don't need to worry" he sat beside me and held my hand in his reassuringly.

I looked down and sighed. "I'm just scared. I don't want to hurt anyone else".

He grabbed my face with his hand so I was looking at him. "You're going to be okay". His eyes drifted from my eyes to my lips and he leaned in slightly. However, before he could move further, I looked away. Yes, I felt the same way as him. Yes I loved Kol Mikaelson. But I was terrified I'd lose him or hurt him like I did before. Also, I was worried how he'd react when I told him how I felt.

He stood up and offered his hand to me. "I believe there's a tradition we must continue" he said, confusing me. What tradition?

I accepted his offer and followed him out of the mansion and through the city.


"Are you serious right now?" I laughed, looking up at the tree in front of me. He walked over to it and leaned against it. "We did this all the time. I think it's time we did it again and relived some memories. Besides, this is the biggest tree in New Orleans" he patted it, waiting for me to walk over.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the tree, beginning to climb. "Let's see if you can reach the top this time without falling, Jones" Kol joked. I looked down at him and glared. "I accept that challenge, Mikaelson".

We continued to climb, Kol beneath me, obviously making sure I wouldn't fall. I got closer and closer to the top, feeling the cool breeze hit me. After a while, I made it, looking out over the city. The view was perfect. A sense of victory overcame me as I looked down at Kol, helping him up. We both stood on the same branch, using each other as balance.

I giggled as he lost his balance slightly at times, helping him readjust. He grinned and looked out over New Orleans. However, my eyes had gone from looking at the view to looking at the person I cared about most. The person who never let me down.

"You know how you showed me the day you knew you loved me?" I asked, causing him to look at me directly. He nodded, his eyes full of care. "That wasn't the day I knew I loved you".

His face dropped slightly, unsure of where I was going with this conversation. "It was before that. The day I knew I loved you was the day you saved me from falling from a tree. And you wrapped your arms around me and told me you'd always catch me. That was the day I began feeling anything for you. But I was scared to act, so I ran. Brushed it off like it was nothing, because I was terrified I'd ruin our friendship".

Kol listened intensely, remembering every word I said. "I know you've looked into my mind, Elisa. Seen me and Davina, seen my pain, my guilt, everything. But you were my first love. The first person I could see myself with. And it tore me apart that day when I saw you dead. And I never want to see that again. I know over the past couple of weeks we've had our ups and downs, been the worst enemies and the best friends, but now, I want us. Only when I lost you again did I realise how much I loved you".

I blushed at his words, a smile breaking onto my face. I leaned in slightly, letting Kol know it was okay. He did the same, and continued to until our lips met. I felt sparks all over my body as he wrapped his arms round my waist, mine moving to his neck. The kiss was slow and full of love and passion, and made me feel like I was weightless. Suddenly, my balance went and I felt myself falling, opening my eyes to see that I'd fallen from the tree. I waited for the impact of the ground to hit me, but it never came. Instead, I was engulfed into a persons arms.

Looking up, I saw Kol smiling at me, causing me to do the same back. "I'll always catch you, darling" he said before putting me down and kissing me once more. We began walking back to the mansion, hand in hand.

Rebekah and Klaus were in the courtyard talking, but stopped when they saw us. Klaus looked at our hands and smirked.

"Took you long enough, brother".

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