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Elisa's POV

I knocked on the door of Marcel's apartment, waiting for him to open it. Honestly, I was terrified right now, but someone had to do something.

Josh opened the door and looked at me smiling. "Hey Elisa. Didn't expect you to be here today. Come in".

I smiled back and walked inside. "Thanks, Josh, but I didn't plan to be here today. I'm here to speak with Marcel" I said, sitting down on the sofa and making myself at home.

Footsteps approached from behind me, causing me to turn and face the doorway they came from.

"Let me guess. You're here for Lucien's blood and Klaus sent you because he thinks you've got a better chance of getting it" Marcel walked in, approaching me smugly.

I stood up and faced him, sensing the blood was nearby. "Something like that. But honestly, I came as your friend, and friends stick together. But they also tell you when you're wrong" I stepped forward until I was in front of him.

"Now I don't know what was going on before I arrived, I don't know all the Davina details, all the fight and conflict information, or even all of this Lucien drama, but what I do know is that that blood is dangerous and will make you become something you're not".

I grabbed his hand and looked at him pleadingly. "Please, Marcel. Give me the blood". He looked down and sighed.
"I can't. I'm sorry".

He began walking away but I stopped him by raising my hand and casting a spell. "I don't want to hurt you, but I'm not leaving without that blood". Suddenly, he rushed over to me and threw me into a wall.

Pain ran all down my spine, but it quickly stopped. I ran over to him and punched him in the face before kicking him in the stomach. Marcel recovered quickly and grabbed my wrist, twisting it round before biting into it. I screamed out in pain as I felt my arm go numb. Falling to the floor, I looked at my wrist, seeing it was bleeding and wasn't healing at all.

"You already took it?" I asked in fear. He bent down and looked at my sympathetically. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to do that to you. But I wanna defeat the Mikaelson's and the only way to do that is to hurt the ones they love". He lifted me up and made me look at him, my eyes full of hate for him. "You're a monster, Marcel. And your strange obsession with power will be your downfall. Davina would be ashamed".

Before I could continue, Marcel slapped me, causing me to stumble slightly. I put my hand on my cheek, and glared at him, shocked at what he'd become.

"If you tell the Mikaelson's I took the blood, I will kill you in a more painful way than you're already going to die. Now you have two options, you either tell them everything and you're the first person I kill torturously, or you keep your mouth shut and leave town". I considered my options and gave him one last look.

"I hate you" I growled before rushing out of his apartment into the city. Kol was right. Marcel couldn't be trusted.

I rushed to the cemetery and laid beneath Davina's grave in pain. Tears fell down my face as I examined the wound. I was going to die, this time for good. The blood had stopped coming out of my wrist but the bite was still visible. How was I going to tell Kol?

I rolled down the sleeve of my jacket and sat there in thought. Should I warn the Mikaelson's of Marcel and risk my life? Or should I leave town and die without worrying about Kol mourning over my death and becoming reckless again?

I wanted them to know, but at the same time I didn't want to hurt Kol. I wanted him to remember me as I am. He needed his family now more than me. They stuck together through everything, whereas I was used to being alone.

After a while, I made my decision. I looked up at Davina's headstone and sighed. "Does it hurt? Dying?" I asked it, knowing I wouldn't get a response. I stood up and headed back to the Mikaelson's mansion.

Kol was sat in the courtyard, impatiently waiting for my return. As I walked in, he looked over in worry, before standing and rushing over to me. He smashed his lips into mine in relief, before looking me up and down. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

I laughed a little at how scared he was, but I knew I couldn't tell him the truth. It would crush him. "I'm fine. I did my best but he's still got the blood. It's up to your brothers now to get it".

Kol wrapped his arms around me, breathing in my scent. "I was so worried I lost you" he whispered. I snuggled into his shoulder, feeling a tear run down my cheek in sadness. I knew this was the last time we'd ever be like this seen as I was about to do something that would hurt him yet save him from a far worser pain.

"Well you didn't. I'm right here with you" I whispered back before letting him go and walking with him to our room.

God, how was I gonna be able to let him go?

A/N- who else is excited for the next season of The Originals or The Vampire Diaries? I can't wait for them!! Thanks for reading so far!! :)

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