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Kol's POV

I laid Elisa's body down on Marcel's sofa. After seeing her body begin to fall earlier, I rushed to her side, catching her in my arms safely. I guess I'm still keeping the promise I made to her years ago.

"Will she be alright?" He asked me, obviously worried about her. I finally got to look at all her features. Her soft skin that shone in the light, her pink lips that looked kissable, her cheeks which had a slight tint to them. I suddenly realised how beautiful she was, and began to feel my feelings from years ago rush back.

"She'll be fine, she just needs to rest and recuperate her magic. She used a lot of it tonight when she battled her mother". Marcel gave me a look of shock, and I realised I hadn't explained what had happened.

After I revealed our history and what her mother did, his look of shock disappeared and was replaced with a look of understanding.

"Look, Elijah no longer wishes her any harm, but I have a feeling Klaus is still out for her and now, Freya probably hates her as well now that she's beginning to remember things" Marcel said. "I'll keep her here and protect her, I don't think she'd be safe with anyone else".

His last comment stung, but I knew he was right. I knew with me and my out of control habits, she'd go off the rails eventually, and I didn't want that for her.

"Thank you Marcel. Can I just, can I have a moment alone with her?" Understanding I needed to speak to her, he nodded, leaving the room. I knelt beside Elisa and grabbed her hand, caressing it with my own.

"You were so brave today, darling. I can't believe how powerful you are. I've spent so many years believing you were dead, and now, to have you back in my arms, it's a feeling words cannot describe. But I'm not safe to be with right now. I'm dangerous, and I'm scared I'll hurt you. It's my fault you are what you are, and it's my fault I didn't catch you that day. I know you can hear me, so hear this. I care about you and the only way I can protect you is for me to leave you. Please try to forget about me and move on, leave New Orleans, and live a normal life". I leant down and kissed her forehead, realising that having her back in my life had made it bright again. But I knew that if I cared for her, I needed to let her go.

Taking one last look at her, I turned around and walked out of the apartment.


I found Elijah and Freya sat in the courtyard when I returned. She was shaking viciously, obviously a reaction from breaking the compulsion.

"If I ever see her again, I will kill her before Klaus can even realise" she spat, venom in her voice. Elijah saw my arrival and signalled for me to come over.

"Brother, please tell me you have news" he politely said whilst having a hand rubbing Freya's back.

I explained everything that had happened today and they both listened contently. However, I refused to tell them Elisa's current location.

"Wait, so you're saying that she sent her mother back and destroyed her?" Freya asked confused. I nodded. "Yes, we will never have to deal with her again" I confirmed.

Freya suddenly stood up and stopped shaking, looking almost fearful. "Okay, being a witch I can sense when something isn't right, and there is definitely something wrong" she quickly walked towards her map of the city, performing another spell. Me and Elijah closely followed her, curious as to what she was doing.

"Freya, what's wrong?" I questioned her. She looked at me worried. "I'm checking to see if Elisa's mother body jumped. Earlier I felt a surge of power rush through the quarter, as if someone had pushed through from the other side".

A pit formed in my stomach. This can't happen. Elisa needed my help if her mother came back. It almost killed her battling her today.

Looking at the map, I saw a dot appear. "This will tell us whether any body jumps have occurred in the city" Freya explained.

We both looked at the dots position and my heart almost stopped. The cemetery was marked.

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