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Kol's POV

"You're certain it was her?" Elijah asked me.

We were walking along the street, discussing what I saw last night. "I'm positive, Elijah. I don't know how she's alive. I thought she died when Mikael burnt the village to the ground. I returned and tried to save her, but I was too late".

Elijah stopped walking, causing me to do the same. He faced me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"I promise that I won't harm Elisa, Kol, no matter how much Klaus tries to persuade me. But you need to find her and talk to her before Nick rips her heart out or before she does something rational".

I smiled at my noble brother. I knew that Elisa was never someone to give up, meaning she wouldn't stop until I was dead.

"Kol I can do this!" Elisa said to me as she reached for the next branch of the tree. I laughed at her determination but kept my eyes on her, making sure she didn't fall.

"I know you can, darling. But I'm making sure you don't have a bad accident and fall to your death" I giggled.

She looked down at me and continued climbing the tree. Suddenly, her footing went, causing her to begin to fall. A sense of panic rushed through me as I put my arm round her body and caught her before she fell any further.

Her breathing was heavy as she realised she was safe in my arms. Elisa smiled and put her arms round my neck. "You caught me".

I looked into her eyes and saw them glowing with care and happiness. I felt like I was being pulled into her, like we were one person.

"I'll always catch you" I whispered, thinking she wouldn't hear me. However she clearly did as she caressed my cheek. I began leaning in, looking at her lips.

Suddenly she jumped out of my arms and landed on the ground. "Race you back to my house" she laughed before running off. I watched her go into the distance before jumping out the tree and using vamp speed to get to hers before her.

"You cheated!!" She pouted at me before strutting into her house, pretending to be mad at me.

"Sorry, love. That's just a perk of being a vampire".

*end of flashback*

"Come, brother, let's go get a drink" I said to Elijah, entering a bar. He soon followed me. We sat at the bar and ordered our drinks.

Suddenly, Marcel burst through the doors dramatically, almost looking relieved when he found us.

"Thank god you guys are here. We need to get to your mansion, now".

We both looked at him confused. What could be so urgent that it ruins our drinking time together?

"Marcel, can you explain to me why you are intruding on our time away from our home?" Elijah politely asked, but I could hear the irritation in this voice. The perks of being a Mikaelson is that you never get a day off.

"It's Elisa" I stood up after hearing that name, worry overflowing in my brain. "She... She snapped my neck then took off in my car. She said she wanted to do a spell and needed some objects. I told her Freya and Vincent had the majority of them, so my bet is that she's going to grab them" I looked at Marcel's neck and realised he was telling the truth. Although vampires heal quickly, you can tell when they've been hurt.

"Wait, why did you tell her this?" I questioned, wondering how he even knew about her.

"She stayed at my apartment last night because she needed somewhere to crash. I found her in the streets last night feeding. She almost killed two innocent people and almost killed me. I felt sorry for the girl and was kinda shocked by how powerful she was" he admitted.

Without hesitation, we hurried back to our house, only to find a bleeding Freya on the floor. She coughed and struggled to move as blood poured out of a wound in her stomach. Elijah rushed to her aid, giving her some of his blood. Marcel helped lift her up so she was sitting up straight.

"Freya, what happened?" Marcel asked her. "Well I..." She closed her eyes tightly, almost as if she was thinking. She looked at Elijah in fear. "I can't remember".

His eyes drifted to meet mine, both of us knowing what happened. Compulsion.

I stormed out the house, realising what I had to do. I either had to get Elisa to calm down, or I had to kill her.

Thinking of all the places where witchcraft was at its strongest, I began looking around the city for her.

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