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Elisa's POV

I sat on the floor inside one of the ancestors crypts, knowing my magic would be strong here. Drawing a circle on the floor with chalk, I stood outside of it and made sure all the objects I needed were in the right place.

I began chanting the spell, feeling all my power rush through me and head into the circle. I thought of my mother and how much I wanted to talk to her, how much she protected me, how she loved me and cared for me.

A candle on the floor lit up, signifying my magic had located her and was bringing her into the circle. Suddenly, I felt it rush back inside me, and I looked up to see my mother standing in front of me.

She looked relieved and her eyes were filling with tears. I smiled at her and wished I could hug her.

"Eliza?" Her cheeks were beginning to stain as she cried with joy. "I'm here, mother. I brought you back" I raised my hand and she did the same, trying to get them to touch. However, we were stopped by an invisible barrier, almost as if there was a glass wall surrounding her.

I took my hand away and looked down. "I need to know something, about the last night I saw you alive" I mumbled.

She sighed heavily. "You want to know how I died".

I stared at her and nodded my head. I knew it was Kol, but I needed to hear her say it. I needed closure so I was certain I was killing the right vampire.

"After killing you, which was the hardest thing ever, I mourned over your body, and I felt so upset that I lost you. I felt someone's eyes on me and I turned around and saw...." She paused, making sure I wanted her to continue. "It was Kol Mikaelson. He saw you, and in his grief, he killed me".

I stood in shock. I'd spent years observing Kol and his killings, but I kept denying that he killed my mother, or hoping it wasn't the truth. Now that I knew, all I could think about is how much I detested him.

"Look, I may be gone, but you're still here. You can still avenge me. You're brave, you're strong" she smiled at me and I saw a glint in her eyes.

"She's lying!" I turned to see Kol standing there almost snarling. His position was firm and he looked raged, meaning he'd heard everything that had been said.

I turned so I was blocking the path between him and my mother, protecting her. "Kol, you've got some nerve coming here" I growled, exposing my fangs.

"Elisa, your mother is a lying bitch! I didn't rip her throat out because I was grieving, I killed her because she was using you to gain more power!" I blocked out everything she was saying, unable to keep control anymore.

"STOP LYING!!!" I raised my hand and watched him fall to the floor in pain. However, to my surprise, he began standing again, almost as if he wasn't being affected. I put my hand down again, unable to understand how he was able to fight back.

"I asked my sister to put a little protection spell on my ring when I sensed what you may have been up to. Your magic won't do anything to me" he smirked, only fuelling my anger even more.

When he least expected it, I lunged at him, kicking him out of the crypt. I turned to my mother and gave her a look to say 'I'll be back in a sec' before storming out after him. When I got outside, he was gone, almost as if he was a ghost. Suddenly I was pushed into a wall by Kol, who had one hand round my neck and the other on my shoulder to stop my struggling.

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