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Davina's POV

I grabbed the flower which I placed under Kol's pillow and began chanting. His memories were fading slowly and I felt him becoming mine again.

"Stop!" A voice echoed, causing me to let the flower go. I turned and saw Rosetta stood there, anger on her face. "Your hex didn't work, little witch".

"That's impossible!! I can feel her dying" I shouted. She walked towards me until her face towered above mine.

"Make sure she dies and soon. The ancestors are growing impatient" suddenly she vanished. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and hid the flower again.

Suddenly I was engulfed in two strong arms, causing a smile to form on my face. "Everything okay?" Kol asked.

"It's better than okay" I replied before kissing him passionately.


Elisa's POV

I grabbed Freya's hands and gave her a look to show her I was ready. "Are you sure about this?" She looked concerned but I smiled.

"If I am to die, I'm not letting that witch have her way, nor my mother. This is going to be my last fight and I intend to win".

We began the spell and I felt my power flowing through me. I felt my body weaken but I tried to keep it as strong as possible. Suddenly I was flown back and so was Freya.

I slowly got up and looked at her. "Did it work?"

"I think it did" she said to me. I looked at the dagger on the ground that we had been enchanting and saw it glowing. "We can now kill the ancestors through Rosetta"


I walked into the courtyard and looked around. I knew this was a bad idea. I knew I was weaker than Davina, but I had to do this. I knew she wouldn't expect me to be as strong as this so I had the element of surprise.

"Davina?!" Come and face me you backstabbing heartless bitch!" I shouted. Suddenly, I was thrown to the ground by none other than my love, Kol.

His eyes were veined up and anger filled his face. I saw his hand aim for my heart and closed my eyes, preparing for death but instead he was interrupted by a voice.

"Enough Kol. She's mine" he growled and sped over to the voice. I looked and saw Davina, her face furious at my appearance. "You should be dead by now!"

I smirked at her. "Well obviously you don't realise how much fight I have in me, Davina Claire. You and my mother have underestimated me".

Davina shook her head and stepped forward. "Well, looks like I'm just going to have to kill you myself".

She raised her hands and I did the same, our magic clashing and battling each other. She was very strong, and I could tell my mother was on her side, but I knew I had to do this for Kol and the family.

Whilst I distracted Davina, I saw in the corner of my eye Hayley and Rebekah sneak past us and head towards Kol's room. I concentrated back on my magic, hoping I could buy them enough time to find the object that had clouded Kol's mind.

Rebekah's POV

We searched in all the draws of the room and turned the place upside down. "Where the hell did that bitch put the object?" I asked Hayley.

"It must be hidden or really well placed so it could affect Kol without him getting suspicious".

Suddenly, I was thrown into a wall and looked to see Kol stood, his face full of fury. "Now dear sister, don't make this any worse than it is".

"I'd rather die than see you under that witch's spell" I shouted before charging at my brother, forcing him into the door. My fangs extended and I hissed at him.

"Hayley!! I'll take care of Kol!! Find the object!!" I shouted at Hayley, who was unsure of what to do. I saw her nod her head and continue searching.

Kol threw me off of him and tried to punch me, but I managed to dodge it. I kicked Kol in the chest, sending him into the next room.

Hayley's POV

Where the hell was the object? Freya's waiting to do her part but I couldn't go to her empty handed. I knew I didn't have long before Elisa gave up and before Kol or Rebekah ended up daggered.

I closed my eyes and tried to think hard. Where would I put an object so it was near Kol but hidden. I opened my eyes and scanned the room, noticing a shadow on the bed. Heading towards it, I found a small flower under the pillow. This must be it.

Grabbing it, I rushed into the hall to find Rebekah being forced into the wall by Kol. Sneaking up on him, I snapped his neck and watched him fall to the ground.

"Took you long enough" Rebekah said before looking at the flower. "Lets go to Freya".

We rushed outside the courtyard where she was waiting with Elijah.

"Please get our stupid brother back, Freya" Rebekah said. Freya nodded her head before entering the courtyard. I hoped this worked.

Elisa's POV

I felt my body becoming weaker and realised I couldn't fight back much longer. I needed a boost. Suddenly a hand landed on my shoulder and I saw Freya stand beside me.

"Let's finish this!" She shouted before chanting the spell. I felt myself become stronger as I channeled her and saw Davina look in shock. Beside her, a figure appeared from the darkness, and I saw my mother look at me in pure hatred. She rushed to Davina's side and began chanting as well. Both of us were gaining power, but the question was....

Who's power was stronger?

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