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Unknown's POV

I sat on Kol's chest and smiled as I heard his heartbeat. All my fears had been lifted off my shoulders and I finally felt complete.

"Are you okay, darling?" He whispered in my hair.

I looked up at his dark eyes and grinned. "I am now" I responded before kissing his lips.

Everything was perfect, and from now on nothing was going to stand in between us.


Unknown's POV

I watched as I passed the New Orleans sign. After Kol chose I realised that no matter what we would never be together.

I cried as I drove into the night and watched as I became surrounded by woods.

Feeling my whole body go limp, I realised there was nothing for me anymore.

Letting go of the wheel, I watched as the car turned off road and headed for a tree.

Letting one last tear fall down my face, I closed my eyes and suddenly felt the impact of the crash.

Darkness overcame me as I was swallowed up into a black hole.


(A/N- plot twist!!! Who do you think is with Kol and who do you think is in a car crash? Hope you're enjoying the story!!! :)

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