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(A/n- the image above is supposed to be a gif by the way. Sorry if it's not working)

Elisa's POV

I walked through the cemetery, looking at all the covers over the graves that had been blown up.

Touching one, I harnessed my power that linked to the ancestors to see what happened.

A vision appeared in my head of the cemetery at night, where each of the graves were blowing up. Three figures ran through the darkness, escaping the danger.

I removed my hand from the grave, my breathing unsteady as I felt the ancestors pain run through my blood.

"It's horrible, isn't it?" A voice startled me, causing me to look up and jump slightly.

A man stood before me with brown eyes and black hair. "Feeling their pain as they were destroyed one by one" he continued.

I could sense power flowing through him, therefore I felt he would be a good ally to have.

"Yeah, it's awful how they died. Sorry, but who are you?" I asked curiously.

He smiled and stepped towards me. "The names Vincent. And by what I just saw, I'm guessing you're a new witch in the city".

"Something like that" I smiled, Deciding to keep my vampirism secret. "I'm Elisa" I offered my hand to him, which he gladly shook. What can I do for you?"

"I need somewhere to stay for a while, any places you can recommend?" I asked him.

"Well you can take shelter in the church if you want? There's a spare room there".

I nodded my head in acceptance, following him through the maze of graves.

My attention suddenly focused on one of the plaques that weren't blown up. Davina Claire.

"She's the one who destroyed the ancestors" Vincent noticed I stopped and walked beside me.

I sighed. "My mother was a witch and when she died, she joined the ancestors. I've grown up using their power. When they were killed, their magic moved into the ground. I've been getting my magic from there ever since".

Vincent looked at me sympathetically. "I'm sorry about her".

I looked at him with gratitude. "Thank you, but it doesn't matter now. They're all gone thanks to this witch" I rudely stated.

His expression changed so he looked offended.

"Davina happened to be my friend. She destroyed the other side to save herself and many others. You should be thanking her. Now I may not have known your mother but if she was like some of those witches then I'm glad she's gone. You have no idea what they put witches through. They ripped them to shreds and crushed them. Davina is the bravest person I have ever known because she stood for what was right".

Disbelief filled my head as what Vincent said hit me. I was raised believing the other side was a peaceful place and that witches were in harmony together. Now I don't know what to believe.

"You're lying to me" I shouted, tears beginning to fill my eyes.

"It's true, Elisa. I'm not lying to you" he began to approach me in a way of comfort.

Before my mind could react, I was running away, my vamp speed kicking in so I was out of the cemetery in a flash.

The last thing I heard was Vincent on the phone to someone, saying "We might have a problem".

I continued running until I was back in the city, stopping when I was hidden in an alleyway.

Everything I had ever known had been ruined and all I felt was fear and weakness. Throughout my lifetime, the one thing that has driven me is my mother and the vengeance for her death.

Now to think that she became something worse on the other side makes me feel sick.

Composing myself, I wiped the tears away and thought about my anger. For the last thing that I will ever do for her, I will get vengeance for her death.

I will kill Kol Mikaelson.

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