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Kol's POV

We quickly rushed into the courtyard and looked around. Klaus had to be somewhere here.

Knocking on each of the walls, we listened for any sense of life. "This is ridiculous. He could be anywhere" I complained.

Suddenly, Freya casted a spell, and I watched as all the front of the walls broke. "Sorry, just thought I'd make the job easier" she said, brushing off what she did.

We looked into each of the pillars and soon found Klaus. Elijah grabbed him and lifted him out of the rubble, Hayley helping him. A thud came from behind and we quickly turned, ready to attack.

There stood Marcel, anger on his face. "Well, well well. Look at what we have here. The Mikaelson's all back together. "You've got some nerve coming here thinking you can get Klaus out alive".

Four vampires appeared from the shadows, their fangs bare.

"Marcelus, the smart move right now would be to let us go. There doesn't have to be any bloodshed here" Elijah nobly stated. However, Marcel refused to back down and nodded his head at one of his soldiers, causing him to rush at us.

He headed for Freya, but Rebekah grabbed him and ripped his heart out before her could hurt her. One, by one, they each ran at us,evacuated of us protecting Klaus and Freya from harm. I grabbed the last guy left and removed his heart, before we all faced Marcel in rage.

"You will never beat me, I am...." Suddenly his neck was snapped and he fell to the ground lifeless.

Behind him at the entrance of the courtyard stood a girl, her hand in the air until he was on the floor and not moving,

"Let's leave it there, shall we?" She said, entering and looking at each of us. "You must be the Mikaelson's".

We each stood in a fighting stance, unsure whether we should trust this girl. "Who's asking?" Freya asked curiously.

"The girl who just bought you some time to get out of here. My names Kelsey, and right now I'm your best bet of getting through the city without being spotted or getting attacked" she turned around and gestured for us to follow her. We stood still until Elijah began to move.

I stopped him by blocking his path. "How do we know we can trust her?"

He sighed and adjusted Klaus' arm around his shoulder. "We don't. But right now she's our best bet of finding a place to lay low and figure out what we're going to do. Also, I don't think she'd snap Marcel's neck for no reason".

He continued walking out with Hayley, Freya following behind. I shared a glance with Rebekah before we both also followed. We collected Hope from the lorry, where she was hiding until it was safe, and followed Kelsey through the streets.


Kelsey led us into an apartment and invited us inside. Elijah and Hayley laid Klaus' body down on a bed and Elijah began rolling up his sleeve.

"We gave to get the knife out of him that Marcel stabbed him with" he said before punching into Klaus' stomach. In the corner of my eye, I saw Hope watching, so I quickly grabbed her and led her into the kitchen. "Is my dad going to be okay?" She asked innocently.

Before I could reply, Kelsey walked in and smiled. "Yes, little duck. He's going to be fine". Hope gave her a smile and giggled. "My aunt used to call me that before she died. She took me to feed some ducks one day and gave me the nickname because I loved watching them".

Kelsey laughed and went to the fridge. "Well your aunt sounds like a lovely person". She handed her a glass of milkshake, which the little girl gladly took. She then passed me a bloodbag, which I gladly accepted.

"So, why are the famous Mikaelson's back in town?" Kelsey curiously asked, leaning on the counter of the kitchen.

I also leaned forward, a tense look on my face. I didn't trust this person. It was too cliche that she just so happened to be there when we needed her.

"Why do you care so much? How much do you know about my family? And what kind of idiocy made you save us?" I challenged threateningly, causing her to smirk.

"There will come a time, Kol Mikaelson, that you will learn something about me. It will either break you or save you. Until that time, you need to learn to trust me. I'm offering my services to your family. Be a bit more grateful" Kelsey said before walking out the room.

What was she hiding? I knew she was a witch but what other possible secrets could she hold? I knew I'd have to find a way to become her ally, yet there was something about her that seemed... Different. Untrustworthy.

Opening the bloodbag, I placed it to my mouth and drank the sweet liquid. My hunger seemed to be under control suddenly, which made me relieved but also upset. It reminded me of Elisa's letter to me when she left 5 years ago.

I knew she was gone but I still felt hope. I knew, deep in my heart, that we'd be together again. 

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