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Marcel's POV

I sat patiently, waiting for Elisa to wake up. I must admit I barely knew the girl, but she needed help. In a way she reminded me of Davina when I first met her, when she was out of control and was alone in the world. I felt like Elisa had spent these years searching for answers and something to live for, and she found the only thing she could latch onto was hate.

Suddenly, her eyes began flickering and slowly opened. She looked around slightly worried but then relaxed. "What happened?" She sounded tired, which must have been a side effect of overusing her magic.

"You destroyed your mother and Kol brought you back here after you fainted. Until we've got Klaus on a leash, we've decided it's best you stay with me so I can protect you" I walked towards my cabinet and poured us both a drink.

Handing Elisa hers, she seemed almost like a lost puppy. "Is Kol still here? I need to see him" she asked urgently. I didn't like invading people's privacy, but I heard what Kol had said to Elisa when she was asleep, and I could tell he really cared for her like he did for Davina.

Despite them being different, I could see similarities in them, therefore I felt sympathy towards Elisa and felt like she was my little sister.

"Kol left, and by the sounds of it, he doesn't want to see you" her expression changed from hopeful to hurt. "He's doing the right thing here, and if I know Kol he rarely does that" I tried to make her perk up, but I could see that she needed Kol right now. Her whole body looked fragile and she seemed heartbroken.

"Look, as much as I think it's a bad idea to let you out into the city, I wanted to show you around". Standing up, I offered my hand to her, which she hesitantly accepted.


I took her all round New Orleans, including the cemetery where we bumped into Vincent.

"You're not gonna attack me or anything right?" He asked cautiously. She shook her head and smiled. They both apologised for what had happened a few days ago and got to know each other.

If only it would be so easy to make amends with Klaus.

"He came to me asking about you. He wanted me to find a way to drain your magic or to destroy it completely so he could kill you" Vincent told us. Elisa didn't seem too phased by this, almost as if she felt no fear towards Klaus.

"There has to be a way to make him back off" I said, trying to think of a way to make Elisa safe.

"I'll hand myself over to him" Elisa whispered, looking down at the ground. I grabbed her cheeks forcefully and made her look at me in the eyes.

"No, you are not giving up. I let Davina down and I don't plan on making the same mistake with you. We stick to what we're doing and avoid Klaus as much as we can".

A tear ran down her cheek but she nodded her head, agreeing with me.

We headed back to my apartment, where Elisa began fixing us a drink.

"So I think we should stay here and not go into the city for a while,  let this whole Klaus thing cool down. If he's spoke to Vincent, then God knows how many people are looking for you" I told her, crashing onto the couch.

She turned around and passed me my glass, holding her own. "I think that's a good idea for now" she responded, deep in thought.

"What do you mean?" I curiously asked her.

She rolled her eyes and huffed. "Come on Marcel, we both know Klaus won't give up. He's probably got a bounty on my head".

I sat up and sat properly on the sofa, looking up at her. "Look, as long as I am breathing I will protect you, even if Klaus rips me apart".

She sighed and smiled. "Cheers" she raised her glass and I did the same, downing my drink in one.

Suddenly, my body felt like it was shutting down. My hands began shaking, causing me to drop my glass. Sweat dripped down my face and I looked up to see Elisa smiling. "What did you do?"

She bent down and looked into my eyes. "Sorry Marcel, but it's not me you should be watching out for" she smirked evilly before grabbing her jacket and walking out the apartment.

My eyes closed and everything went black.

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