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Kol's POV

"KOL!!!" I heard Klaus shouting for me, causing me to get up from the sofa and walk to the dining room.

Freya, Hayley, Elijah and Rebekah were there already, Klaus pacing back and forth in rage.

"At last. Little brother you know how to take your time" Rebekah sarcastically said before sending me a fake smile.

"Klaus what urgent matter do you need to discuss?" Elijah asked.

Klaus stopped pacing and sat down at the head of the table. I leaned down on the chair opposite him, preparing for what he had to say.

"Turns out the girl who came here earlier paid a visit to the cemetery and met Vincent. Her name is Elisa and she's a witch..."

"That explains why I sensed power" Hayley interrupted in thought.

"Well in that case she shouldn't be a problem. Just a quick snap of the neck and bye bye witchy" Rebekah said.

Klaus shook his head slightly, almost as if he was stumbling on what to say next.

"There's more" I suddenly spoke, noticing Klaus had more to say. "What is it brother?"

Klaus paused for a second and looked at the table. "She ran away from Vincent quickly..." He looked up and faced me. "... As in "vampire" quickly".

The tension in the room thickened as we all processed this shocking revelation.

"That's impossible" Freya quietly mumbled. "When witches become vampires, they lose their powers. She can't be both".

I stepped away from the chair I was leaning, trying to think of how this was possible.

"Vincent is certain of this?" Elijah asked.

Klaus nodded his head before standing up and looking at each of us.

"We have to find her. She's an abomination of the vampire species and shouldn't exist. So we will search all of New Orleans and when we have her, we will rip out her heart and burn her to ash" he told us angrily.

There was a silence around the table until Freya stepped forward. "I'll try doing a locator spell, see if I can find her".

She left the table and headed towards a bedroom.

Hayley looked at Klaus almost in disgust. "And you wonder why your family have so many enemies. You kill everyone who you see as a threat". She approached him until they were face to face. "I'll be looking after Hope if anyone needs me" she stormed out of the room towards Hope's nursery.

Klaus turned to face me and Elijah in desperation. "Well brothers?"

I turned to face Elijah, who seemed conflicted as to whether this was a good idea. Always the noble one.

I stepped towards Klaus and sent him an evil grin. "Where do we start?"

He returned the smile as I stood next to him. We turned to Elijah who taped his fingers on the table. "Despite my curiosity about this girl I will help you find her. However I will not hurt her unless she attempts to hurt another member of this family" he explained before exiting the room.

I looked at Klaus and smiled. "Let's go get ourselves a vampire witch".

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