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Elisa's POV

I walked into Marcel's apartment, him waiting patiently on the sofa. "Are you okay? I heard thunder and saw lightning strike the city?" He looked me up and down, making sure I wasn't hurt.

"I'm fine, Marcel. And don't worry, I had the lightning under control" I smiled innocently before sitting down next to him.

He looked at me in confusion. "Wait, that storm was you?"

I nodded my head. "Yep, just gave the Mikaelson's a preview of my power. Also, I ran into Kol, gave him a bit of a shock".

The door suddenly burst open and a guy entered. "Marcel, we've got a..." He stopped when he saw me.

"Josh, this is Elisa, Elisa this is Josh" Marcel introduced us.

"Nice to meet you" I said.

"Umm... Yeah. Marcel is that the girl Klaus is after?" He asked.

"Technically yes, but after what I saw tonight, I think she can handle herself".

I stood up and yawned. "Sorry but is it okay if I take a nap? I'm part witch so I still need my sleep".

Marcel smiled and went into a back room. He returned with a blanket which he placed on the sofa. "Here you go. I'll make sure to wake you if Klaus shows up".

I laid down but refused to sleep yet. Instead I shut my eyes and listened to Marcel and Josh's conversation.

"She does realise she just messed with a Mikaelson, right? Klaus isn't going to stop now until he has her" Josh whispered.

Marcel sighed and I could sense his eyes on me. "Look, she's scared. She came here to kill Kol and at the moment she's fuelling the fire. I'm gonna watch her for a while and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid, but honestly, she needs to see that revenge won't help anything and that if she chooses that path... She's basically battling death".

I didn't hear anything after that as I drifted off into a deep sleep


I ran through a forest, feeling something supernatural chasing me. My breathing was heavy and my heart was beating fast. Looking ahead, I saw fire in the distance, burning bright in the night.

Running towards it, I exited the forest, only to witness a village burning. The village me and my mother lived in.

"ELISA!!" I heard a female voice call. "MOTHER!!" I responded, entering the town in search of her.

I looked everywhere, unable to find her. Suddenly, I looked up into a building and saw her, scared and alone.

"MUM!! ILL GET YOU OUT!!" I shouted to her.

"ELISA!!! RUN!!!!!" Suddenly the room blew up, causing me to back away in fear. When I looked back, my mother was gone.

I was surrounded by fire, without any sign of an escape. Feeling a presence with me, I turned and was faced with a sight that petrified me.

Kol Mikaelson. His face was covered in blood and his fangs were bare. The veins around his eyes were popping out and any human features were gone.

Before I could run, he grabbed me and but my neck, causing me to let out a powerful scream.

I sat up off the couch holding my neck. My breathing was fast as I returned to reality. It was just a dream, I told myself, trying to calm my heartbeat and relax my body. I stood up and looked out the window of the apartment over into the city. During the nightmare I just had, I felt a connection with my mother, which I'd never experienced before. It was strong, like she was reaching out to me. Maybe it was because the ancestors had a strong link with the witches here?

Marcel came up behind me holding a blood bag. "You hungry?"

Without answering, I snatched the bag out of his hand and ripped it open, drinking all the blood in seconds.

"I'll take that as a yes then" he joked before heading into the kitchen. I put the bag into the bin and joined him. "Do you know anywhere in the city I can get things for a spell?" I asked.

"There's a few objects here and there, but Freya and Vincent have the majority of them" he responded.

I thought that through for a second. If my mother was reaching out to me, I had to reach back. I needed to talk to her.

"Thank you" I whispered. He looked at me puzzled. "What for?"

I stood next to him and smiled. "For looking after me. For letting me stay here. For giving me the information I needed".

He froze slightly, confused by my last comment. "Wait, what?"

Before he could react, I snapped his neck. His body fell to the floor beside me, lifeless.

Knowing I didn't have long before he woke up, I grabbed the keys to his car and grabbed all my things, running out the apartment and getting into the car.

I drove off and headed to the city. If Freya and Vincent owned all the dark objects in the city and everything I needed to cast this spell, then I guess I'd just have to borrow some without their consent.

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