He Finds Out Your Pregnant - Ethan

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You've been feeling nauseous all morning long and you didn't know why. You were gripping your stomach in pain, when suddenly you ran to the bathroom and starting throwing up. You heard footsteps from behind you, and the next thing you know you felt Ethan pulling your hair back as you emptied the remains from your stomach.

You leaned back against the bathroom wall and groaned.

"Babe are you okay?" Ethan asked worriedly.

"I don't know, I feel awful though," you said.

He stayed quiet for a second. "Aren't you supposed to start your period soon? Maybe it's because of  that."

"Yeah I-" you stopped talking and thought. Now that you thought about it, you were supposed to start last week. You hadn't. Your eyes widened as you remembered something.

"Ethan, remember that night about a couple weeks ago that we did it in your car?" You asked shyly.

"Yeah," he smirked. "Why?"

"Did we um.. Use protection?"

His face paled as I said those words. He bit his bottom trying to remember.

"I don't think we did," he whispered.

You put your hands on your head and tears began to fill your eyes. You were only 19, you couldn't be pregnant. Not yet.

"Hey hey hey," Ethan said sitting in front of you. "Don't cry, I'm going to run out to go grab you a test, okay?"

You nodded. He gave you a kiss and ran to the store to get you a test. He was back around 10 minutes later.

"Here you go babe, I got you a couple, just to be sure."

You thanked him and went into the bathroom to begin the test. You took a couple out and peed on them. You say there for a couple minutes, waiting for the results. This was the most anxious 3 minutes of your life. After the time was up, you walked over to the bathroom counter where you left them laying.

You smiled down at the results, tears of joy coming into your eyes. You placed your hands on your stomach.

You walked out of the bathroom, to see Ethan pacing the bedroom floor.

"Ethan," he stopped and looked up at you. "We are going to be parents," your voice cracked as you grinned at him.

His hands went up to his mouth and he walked over to you, hugging you in a tight embrace. His hand found its way to your stomach.

"I can't believe this," he laughed lightly. "I'm gonna be a dad! Your gonna be a mom."

You looked at him to see that he had tears in his eyes too. He grabbed your face and kissed you.

"Y/N, I will be here with you, to help take care of our baby. I am going to do the best that I possibly can, to be a great boyfriend and dad. I might not be great at it, but I'm gonna try."

"Ethan, you are going to be an amazing dad."

"I love you so much," he said kissing you again.

Y/N: Awee this would be so cute, and thank you guys for reading these, I hope they don't suck to much lol. I promise that the future updates will be longer, I have some stuff planned!

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