Car Accident Pt 1 (Grayson)

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Y/N Pov

"Babe pleaseeee come over," Grayson whined through the phone.

"Gray it's late and I'm tired."

"Then come over and be my cuddle buddy!"

He'd been asking you to come over to his apartment for the past hour, and seemed not to be taking no for an answer.

"Alright, fine!" You gave in. "I'll be over in 10."

"Yay!!" He cheered. "Your the best!"

"Yeah yeah, you owe me though," you laughed and hung up the phone.

You grabbed a few things like your phone, keys, and wallet before walking out the door of your house and towards your car. After waving to one of your neighbors you passed in the street, you got into your car and turned on the radio, humming along to the song that was playing and then turned onto the the main road.

You hated driving in the dark. It made you feel tired and made you slightly more nervous than you would be if you were driving during the day time.

"Damn it," you muttered as you just barely missed the green light. Your fingers impatiently tapped on the steering wheel as you waited for the light to turn green.

You were so excited to see Grayson, you hadn't seen him since the previous week because you had been busy with work and he was busy making videos. That didn't stop you guys from face timing every chance you got though.

Once the light finally turned, you began driving before you realized that some idiot in the opposite lane was driving too, and about to turn and collide right into your car. Your heart sped up as you realized that it was to late for you to move. They weren't paying attention to you, as you motioned for them to stop, waving your arms at them rapidly.

The last things you remembered were the screeching of their breaks, and your terrified screams before everything went black.

Grayson's Pov

A heavy pounding at the door awoke me from my deep sleep. I looked at the clock. 2am, wow Y/N was really late. I had fell asleep waiting for to come.

"Gray! Open the door!" I heard Ethan's voice yell from outside.

Why the hell is he here?

I quickly walked over to the door and open it, to see Ethan standing there, his eyes frantic, brimmed with tears, and he couldn't seem to stand still, shifting from foot to foot.

"Bro, what's wrong?" I worriedly asked.

"It's y/n, she was in an accident."

Those words alone were enough to stop me from breathing.

* * * *

Ethan, who was now driving me to the hospital to see y/n was doing his best to comfort me and was attempting to make me stop crying, but I made him tell me everything.

"I was on my way to my apartment and I recognized her car," Ethan started.

"How bad was it?" I asked, even though I wasn't sure I wanted to hear the answered. His silence answers my question, and multiple more tears begin streaming down my face.

This is all my fault.

"I tried to reach her, to go over to her car, but the police blocked off the road and wouldn't let me pass through."

I put my head down, and literally prayed to God that my baby would be okay. She had to be. I don't know what I would do without her.

The car ride seemed to go slow, even though Ethan had been practically speeding the whole time, but when we finally got there we both sprinted into the hospital. I went up to the front desk where a lady stood behind the counter typing away on her computer.

"Can you please tell me what room y/n is in?" I asked frantically. She looked up at me and typed some more on the computer before answering.

"She's in operation, so you can't see her right now. You can wait in the waiting room, until she's moved to recovery. Third floor."

My heart sank even further than it had already. Operation?

Me and Ethan got our passes from the lady and sprinted up the stairs to the third floor, scared that the elevator would take longer.

As we got to the third floor, we walked into a room filled with at least a hundred chairs, barely any of them filled with people.

"Who are you here to see?" A man with a clipboard asked, looking between me and Ethan.

"Y/n. Y/f/n. She's in operation right now."

He nodded. "I know. I'm her nurse."

I sucked in a breath of air.

"How is she?" Ethan asked for me.

The man looked between the both of us.

"I'm going to spare you the details and let the doctor tell you those. However, she's breathing, she's alive. That's the important thing."

I was relieved to her that, but for some reason his statement didn't make me feel much better.

"The doctor will come out to get you when she's out." He gives us a sympathetic smile and walks away.

Ethan leads me over to a seat. He rubs my back while he talks to me, but to be honest I don't hear a word he says. I can't focus on anything but y/n. I imagine her in that operation room, asleep and a whole bunch of wires connected to her, and I just about loose it.

* * * *

It seems like hours have gone by. Ethan is drifting off to sleep on my shoulder. The patient room cleared out except for us two. I can't help but check my phone every thirty seconds to see what time it is.

3:59 am.

I'm exhausted, but there's no way I'll be able to sleep until I know she's okay.

I tap my foot anxiously on the ground and time continues to tick away. 4:02 am.

The sound of my name being called snaps my eyes off my phone screen. I turn around and see a man standing in a lab coat.

"Your hear for Ms y/n?" He asks.

I nod eagerly. He looks down at the floor.

"Come with me."

A/n: this is the longest imagine that I've done in a while! I hope that you guys like the first part, I promise I won't keep you guys waiting too long for the second one!

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