Graysons New Look

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Y/N's Pov

It was a beautiful summer morning, not a cloud in the sky which was odd for Seattle. You were sitting on the train, on the way home from visiting your parents in Northern California. You were exhausted from the trip and had just wanted to go home and see Grayson. You had missed him dearly over the past week, and had been texting and calling him multiple times a day since you left.

As you get to the train station, you immediately hop into your Uber that you had called for while on the train. You texted Grayson, letting him know that you were on the way back to the apartment. He texted you back quickly saying how he couldn't wait to see you. You sent hearts back to him.

The Uber driver made small talk with you, she was mid aged but very pretty. Some how you had managed to bring up Grayson into the conversation, and she begins to ask you questions about him.

"What's he look like?" She asks curiously.

You said no words and opened your photo gallery on your phone, scrolling to find your favorite picture of him. It was one you had taken of him on your trip to Hawaii. You caught him off guard, but he still looked amazing.

"That's him," you smile proudly as you show her the picture

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"That's him," you smile proudly as you show her the picture.

She lowers her glasses and her eyes widen.

"Well, he's a little young for me but he's definitely a looker. Does he have a brother?"

You giggle. "Yes actually, but it's his twin." You show her a picture of the two of them together.

She smiles. "Well that is a good looking set of twins." You nod in agreement.

The conversation continues and you end up talking about how you first met, to our first date, to how long we've been together. By the time your at your apartment, you swear she knows as much about Grayson as you do.

As you get out of the car, you put a extra tip on the passengers seat and wave to her as you walk towards the complex. You ran through the building towards the elevators, and dodged around other people so you could get to Grayson faster.

Finally as you reach the door, you smile and unlock it, walking in to the apartment. You drop all of your bags on the floor and run around the apartment looking for Grayson. He must've heard you, because you hear him call out your name from the bedroom. You go in there quickly, and the sight before you almost makes you drop to your knees.

There Grayson was standing in the doorway, a grin on his face as you take in his new appearance. You can barely breathe as you take him in. Blonde hair, a nose ring, and shaved marks into his eyebrow almost make him look like a completely different person.

"Gray- what, when did you-," you couldn't even finish your words. He laughed and pulled you in for a hug. You hugged him back tightly, gladly taking him in after being apart for a while.

"Do you like it baby?" He asks as he pulls away and looks into your eyes for any signs of dislike.

"I love it," you laugh and run your fingers through his freshly dyed hair. "You look amazing!"

"I just needed a change," he shrugs. "I was a little hesitant about the nose ring but I think it actually looks dope," he smiles as he looks into the mirror and investigates his new piercing.

"I guess you and Ethan aren't identical anymore," you joke as you hug him again.

"Guess not, but now at least one of us is good looking," he smirks. You smack his chest.

"Leave your brother alone," you try and say seriously but you can't help but smile. "You know your fans are going to go crazy right?"

"Agreed, I won't be hearing the end of it for a while," he laughs.

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