He Feels Your Baby Kick - Grayson

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"Here you go," Grayson spoke as he handed you the cup of tea that he made you. You were sitting on the couch watching tv, with your very pregnant self. You felt like a giant watermelon walking around the apartment, it wasn't a good feeling.

"Thanks Gray," you said and began sipping it. You hadn't been feeling well at all that day, you threw up twice and your stomach was in bundles of nausea. You groaned as you leaned back, and placed your hands onto your stomach.

"You alright babe?" He asked and leaned next to you. You shook your head.

"No," you sighed. Ever since you got pregnant, you've felt sick.

"Lay back and rest your eyes, I'm right here if you need me," he gave you a reassuring kiss.

You nodded, deciding he was right and closed your eyes. Soon you drifted to sleep.


It was in the middle of a deep sleep when you jumped up in surprise. You had felt something. Is it what you thought it was? You looked to your side and saw that Grayson was sound asleep with the tv remote in his hand. You looked down at your stomach and waited for something to happen.

After minutes of waiting, you felt your stomach move again. You squealed in excitement which awoke Gray.

"What?" He asked sleepily. "You okay?"

You took the remote out of his hand and threw it on to the couch.

"What was that for-"

You placed his hand over your stomach, as it began to move again. Grayson stopped talking, and sat there for a second.

"Is that..." he began. You nodded and smiled at him.

His mouth dropped open in shock. This was the first time he had ever felt your baby move. He got down in front of the couch, and placed his hands over your stomach.

"Oh my gosh," he let out a shaky laugh. You couldn't believe that this was in fact happening.

"Hey there little guy," he spoke softly. "It's your daddy." Tears began welling up in your eyes. You didn't know if it was because you were just over emotional because you were pregnant, or because it was such a heart wrenching moment. He looked up at you.

"Me and your mom, we are so excited to see you in a few months," he sniffles. "We can't wait."

You knew that Grayson was going to make a wonderful father, and he was going to be able to raise your child to the best of his abilities. He was going to love your baby, as much as he loved you.

A/N: cute little imagine here ;) hope school/work is going well for everyone!

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