You Get Hurt By Someone (Ethan)

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Y/n's POV

You were walking home from work one day because Ethan had to take the car to the store so he could get some stuff to film his new video. You didn't mind though, your house was only a block away from the Starbucks you worked at.

It was late, around 10:00 pm and the streets were mostly empty. You walked at a quick pace, wanting to get home quickly. As you walked, your phone beeped, signifying that someone had texted you. You pulled it out of your pocket and looked at the screen to see a text from Ethan.

E: hey I'm home from the store, do you want me to pick you up?

you: no that's okay, I'm almost there :)

E: okay, see you soon babe

you: <3

You slid your phone back into your pocket, and kept walking.

You decided to take a shorter route home, so you cut through a small alley way, but stopped when you heard a noise from behind you.

You looked around the street, but saw no one in sight. You kept walking. You had this strange feeling in the pit of your stomach, almost as if someone was watching you. You heard a noise again and this time when you turned around, you saw a man standing behind you, no more than 5 feet away. You jumped in surprise, making the man chuckle. You gave him a nervous smile back.

The man gave off a rather odd vibe. He looked to be in his mid to late thirties, and he had a dark look in his eyes.

"What's a beautiful young lady doing out here by all herself?" He asked with an unsettling smile.

"I could ask you the same thing," you threw back at him.

"Feisty are we?"

"You could say that," you shrugged. "But excuse me, I should be getting home." You turned around and started walking away fast, when suddenly you felt a strong grip on your wrist.

"C'mon, stay here for a little while with me baby," he winked.

"No, my boyfriend is waiting for me," you tried to yank your arm away, but he pulled you right back into him.

"Well, he can wait for a little longer," he hissed into your ear, making you flinch.

You tried to scream, hoping someone would hear you and come to your rescue, but no one was going to hear you from the alley way. The man placed his hand over your mouth, making the screaming noises muffled.

He pushed you back into the brick wall of a building behind you, making you hit your head forcefully, making everything go black.

* * * * * *

You opened your eyes and immediately closed them again. Everything was blurry, and your head was ridiculously hurting. When you tried opening your eyes again, you kept them open until everything cleared up. You jumped up in surprise. You were laying on the street in the alley that you had attempted to take to go home. That's when you remembered the strange man you encountered. You looked down at yourself and noticed that you jeans were unbuttoned and the zipper was pulled all the way down. There was a strange feeling down there, an almost sore one. That's when you realized what had happened. You'd been raped. You instantly started weeping. A complete stranger had taken your virginity.

You tried to swallow the lump in your throat as you noticed all sorts of cuts and bruises that were visible on your arms and legs. If felt like you had just gotten hit by a truck.

Immediately, you stood up and looked around for your purse to find it was gone, along with your phone and wallet. You ran the rest of the block home, not taking any chances of being stopped by someone again. You got to your door and hurriedly opened it, slamming it shut behind you and began sobbing.

"Y/n!" Ethan ran into the room. "Where have you been?  I was about to go look for you! Wh-" he stopped when he noticed you crying. "What the hell happened?!" He walked closer to you and threw his arms around your shaking body.

"T-this guy c-came from no where and s-stole my purse, my wallet, my phone, and...."

"Please tell me he didn't touch you," he breathed. You didn't answer, just cried into his chest in response.

"Y/n, what did he do to you?" He asked softly.

"H-he raped me Ethan," you sobbed loudly. You felt Ethan's grip tighten around you, as he breathed in harshly. He pressed his lips to your forehead.

"Fuck!" He yelled loudly causing you to jump.

"I knew I should've picked you up," you heard his voice crack.

"Ethan, no. Don't you dare blame yourself," you assured him. You didn't want him to feel responsible for what had happened. You were the one who told him to stay home.

"No, I will blame myself. It's my job to protect you and make sure that no one hurts you. And the worst possible thing happened tonight, I wasn't there to stop it," he cried lightly. "I couldn't save my baby."

His little speech just made you sob harder into his shirt. You didn't know what to say or how to feel at the moment. Your mind was filled of the events from the horrific night.

"Listen y/n."

You hiccuped as you looked up at him, and let him wipe away the tears from your cheeks.

"I am going to find out who did this to you, and I am going to beat the shit out of that bastard, then I'll make sure that he gets locked up for the rest of his pathetic life. No one gets away with hurting you."

You nodded and hiccuped, trying to calm yourself down. Ethan saw that you needed some rest, and lead you to your bedroom, and walked over to your bed with you. He helped you underneath the covers and laid down right beside you, pulling you into his embrace.

You quickly began to drift to sleep. As you did, you faintly heard Ethan speak.

"I'm never going to let anybody hurt you again, I'll protect you."

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