Car Accident Pt 3 (Grayson)

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A/N: a lot of you have been enjoying this car accident story, and honestly I have to admit that it's been really fun to write! Comment and let me know if you want to see any other imagines like this and I will gladly do them :) enjoy this last part my loves , and don't forget to vote, comment and share <3

Grayson's POV

"W-what?" I breathed. "No! No, there has to be something else that you can do!" I begin sobbing.

"I'm sorry," one of the doctors looked down. "We've done everything we could."

At that moment, my heart was shattered into a million pieces. It felt as if my own heart had stopped beating, as if it was ripped out of my chest. I couldn't breathe. All the air in my lungs seemed to be sucked right out of me, leaving me breathless. There was no way to describe the pain that had made its way into me.

"We'll leave you to say your goodbyes." And with that, the doctors piled out of the room, taking all of their equipment with them. For minutes, all I could do was just sit there silently, letting tears roll down my cheeks. I couldn't bring myself to speak. I stared at y/n's lifeless body, and took her hand into mine. It was still warm, still soft. I brought it up to my mouth to leave a quick kiss.

"I...." my voice seemed to betray me as the words I wanted to say wouldn't come out. "I'll never forgive myself for what happened." I begin crying harder.

"I-I don't k-know how I'm going to live w-without you." By this point I'm sobbing and my legs weaken as I fall to the floor and cry, my hands covering my face.

I sit there reminiscing all the moments I've had with her, from the day I first met her, to our last conversation.

Minutes must've gone by when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Ethan standing there.

"Gray." His voice is quiet.

"Gray are you okay?"

Why would he ask that? Of course I'm not okay!

I try to answer but for some reason I can't speak. My mouth is moving but the words don't come out.

"Y/n's gonna be okay." His voice gets quieter.

I look over to the bed to still see y/n and her lifeless body, more confused than ever.

What is he talking about? Can't he see her?

"Grayson," his voice is fading.

"Grayson wake up!"

* * * *

I shoot awake and frantically look around the room. Ethan is in front of me, giving me a concerned look. My cheeks are stained with tears and I am out of breath.

"Bro, are you okay? You were legit crying in your sleep."

"Because y/n-"

I look over to the hospital bed to see her still laying there, the small bear I had placed on her bed was still there, everything seemed the same. However the heart machine was beeping, signifying that she is alive.

It was just a dream.

Ethan raised his eyebrow, waiting for an explanation, but I just shook my head.

"Never mind."

"Okay anyways... I have good news."

I sit up in my chair and lean forward, being interested. I needed good news at this point in my life. The past 24 hours had been nothing but dread and misery, and I was hoping that maybe my luck would turn around.

"What is it?" I ask desperately.

"The doctor came in the room not that long ago, he said her brain swelling went down, and she'll probably be waking up soon."

* * * *

It's been hours since Ethan told me the news, and I had been so anxious for her to wake up so I could hug her and kiss her, and hold her in my arms. But unfortunately she hadn't woken up. To distract my mind I had wandered around for a bit. Ethan had left only minutes ago to go home and get some rest which left me here alone.

Currently I was walking back from the bathroom. The hallways of the hospital seemed gloomy and depressing making me sad, so I walked faster to y/n's room, nearly tripping over a chair in the hallway.

As I walked in, the sight in front of me nearly made me cry tears of joy. Y/n was awake, sitting up in bed with a small smile on her face as she notices me. I'm tempted to rub my eyes to see if I'm imagining this or not.

"I see you got me a present," she holds the bear in her hand and wiggles it from side to side.

"Y/n," my voice cracks as I run to her side.

As I get closer to her I notice that the slight color has made its way back to her face, the paleness gone. Her cuts and scratches seemed to have faded. However she looked drained. Several tubes still connected to her body made me cringe, but I was so grateful that she was okay. That's all that mattered.

My hand takes hers into mine and gives it a squeeze.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper and look to the floor, biting my quivering lip. She moves her hand to lift my chin up so that I'm looking straight into her eyes.

"It wasn't your fault. You didn't cause the accident, it was some stupid drunk driver. It could've happened in another way at another time, so don't blame your self okay? I'm okay, I'm alive."

Her words make me feel better, but a pang of guilt still remains in me.

* * * *

A week later, y/n was released to go home. I was pushing her in a wheelchair down the hallway of the hospital when suddenly the young boy I had encountered with emerged from his room.

"Hi Grayson!" He exclaims.

"Hey there," I smile and squat down to reach his height.

"Is this your girlfriend?" He asks and looks at y/n. "She's better?"

I nod. "Yes, she's much better. She really likes mr cuddles."

Y/n nods at the boy. "Yeah I do. He took good care of me!"

Ryan smiles. "Good."

"How is your mom?" I ask.

"Hard to tell, she's gonna be here for a while though."

Y/n moves her wheelchair towards the boy.

"You can take mr cuddles back, maybe he will make your mom better."

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes," she smiles. She hands the bear over to Ryan to which he hugs tightly.

"Thank you," he grins.

"Your welcome. Well I have to take y/n home now so she can rest okay?"

"Okay! Bye guys!" He waves and runs back into his room.

As we pass his room, I see him sitting on a chair next to a woman on the bed. She's asleep, but mr cuddles is tucked underneath her arm.

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